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PSLV-C46 Satellite carrying RISAT-2B - live stream

It was from lessons learned from string of failures. Though, PSLV was always a workhorse, GSLV mark 2 and 3 are pretty much validated platforms as of now.
It also helps that ISRO is the most apolitical institution in India and is largely free of the bureaucracy and corruption endemic within the Central Gov.
It also helps that ISRO is the most apolitical institution in India and is largely free of the bureaucracy and corruption endemic within the Central Gov.

No one brought up any of that when ISRO was blowing up launch vehicles on Christmas day. Even several DRDO labs are going in the same route.
Congratulations! ISRO has been having a string of success lunches. Looking forward to the successful Chandrayaan-2 mission in July.

There is lot of launches coming up this year (relatively speaking to the average). Stay tuned!

A speaker after the launch also made an interesting point....the solid motor production will be doubled soon as another line is coming into operation soon...this will help in launch availability rate for PSLV in the coming years.
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