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Provinces united, working as a team in CPEC management: Ahsan


Aug 3, 2008
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Provinces united, working as a team in CPEC management: Ahsan Iqbal

Federal Minister for Interior and Planning, Development & Reform, Ahsan Iqbal has said that the broad consensus amongst the federating units has provided an opportunity to expedite China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) projects and ensure its successful completion.

Fakhir Rizvi / Business / News / Fri 26th January 2018 | 10:24 PM

ISLAMABAD, (Pakistan Point News - 26th Jan, 2018): Federal Minister for Interior and Planning, Development & Reform, Ahsan Iqbal has said that the broad consensus amongst the federating units has provided an opportunity to expedite China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) projects and ensure its successful completion. While responding to CPEC Special Committee reports in Senate of Pakistan on Friday, Ahsan Iqbal said that all the provinces are fully onboard and eager to pluck the fruits of CPEC. He said that the provincial leadership’s is fully contributing in the decision making process since launch of this multi-billion initiative, irrespective of their political affiliation.

“Chief Ministers and their teams have ensured their full participation in Joint Working Groups and Joint Cooperation Committee of CPEC, a manifestation of government’s will to guarantee transparency, inclusiveness, national cohesion and sense of equality”. The Federal Minister said that CPEC, a project of inclusive development in Pakistan, undoubtedly, offers huge dividends for the provinces and regions of Pakistan, opening new avenues of opportunities for the people of the country, particularly, under developed regions. The transport infrastructure projects of CPEC will give a boost to economic activities in far flung areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Balochistan and Sindh thus would help in emergence of new urban and economic centers, he added.

“Economic activities at smaller level starts cropping up in the form of huts, hotels and new markets on roadside to cater the needs of traffic on completed links of the Western Route from Quetta to Gwadar-a glimpse of a bright future when the region would be "center of focus" of local and foreign investors to benefit from the economic potential of these areas” Ahsan Iqbal highlighted. He underlined that Western Route project, approved by All Parties Conference held on 28th May, 2015, is under execution as decided by the national leadership.

Ahsan Iqbal said that a number of provincial infrastructure projects, Mirpur Mansehra Road, Nokundi Mashkhel Panjgur Road and Gilgit Chitral Chakdara as well as development of Keti Bandar Port have been included in CPEC which would further enhance connectivity in the province.

He further said that under CPEC, circular railway projects are being implemented in all the four capitals. The Minister said that CPEC’s Special Economic Zones in the provinces would enable to attract investment different sectors thus would boost the overall economic status of the provinces. SEZs would help in creation of thousands of jobs for local youth, he added. “Government is planning two to three road shows in China to attract investors to ensure early population of these SEZs, he told the Senate. This cooperation would be completed from 2020 to 2025 and it is open for all investors, Minister informed.

Ahsan Iqbal highlighted that the 820 km long fiber optic that passes through GB and KP to connect Rawalpindi and Khunjrab is planned to be completed this year. “The project will not only turn the trade corridor into a digital corridor and would bring boom to IT related industry in this region along the route”. The Minister further stated that under CPEC, government was able to attract US $ 5 billion to explore Thar Coal resources for the first time in the history of Pakistan. China has proved as a trust worthy friend of Pakistan by investing and completing mega energy projects in the country that helped in overcoming energy crisis. “All the power plants meet international environmental standards as it is based on new and super critical technology power plants”, he highlighted
This is good news, this needs to continue. Harmony within Pakistani state is really important for CPEC to progress. The coherence should exist , if Pakistan wants timely completion of CPEC projects.
Only talk and no action.
If only these people know what unity is.
Pmln leaders in baluchistan, due to neglect of their leadership has left the party, they are not loyal to the party of course , as the independent candidates they always joined the winning party.
Now what ever happened, I can see it coming, it was a political move then a military one.
Pm and his cronies were not ready to meet new CM Balochistan.
Is this unity??
They are blaming it on army, that army is behind the regime change . This is to create more hate torwards the army among people .
Army that has literally running these zones for the government.
Why don't government do capacity building, and have proper policing and governance mechanism, so that army can go back happily.
I mean the more you perform, the more back steps army would take.
You don't want to perform and fail miserably, so you don't want army to perform too ...
For if they do perform better then you, Jhomoriyat is in danger..
Jhomoriyat zindabad, awam murdabad
This is good news, this needs to continue. Harmony within Pakistani state is really important for CPEC to progress. The coherence should exist , if Pakistan wants timely completion of CPEC projects.
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Only talk and no action.
If only these people know what unity is.
Pmln leaders on baluchistan, due to neglect left the party, they are not loyal to party of course as is the case, joined the winning party.
Now what ever happened, I can see it coming, it was a political move then a military one.
Pm and his cronies were not ready to meet new CM Balochistan.
Is this unity??
They are blaming it on army , to create more hate forwards tge army among people .
Army that has literally running these zones for the government.
Why don't they do capacity building, and have proper police and divergence mechanism then army can go back happily.
I mean the more you perform, tge more back step army would take.
You don't wBt to perform, you don't want army to perform too. For if they do perform better then you Jhomoriyat is in danger..
Jhomoriyat zindabad, awam murdabad
This happens in every country. Its about people, there is no dictatorship in Pakistan.
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