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Proposals for Baluchistan

There is already precious stones being taken out, rekodiq ore being stolen.

Baloch Sardars are stealing as we speak.

In recent past many Baloch thieves had been granted mining rights!

Ever wonder why Zardari is granting mining rights quietly, only to anti Pakistan elements?????

Why media missed on sudden rise in mining companies owned by BLA patrons?
they are linguistically and religiously different from punjab. they need to secede. best solution

i knew yo uwill ask this.. they are shias

iam saying that BL has to secede because they are very different from punjabis and you guys dont want anyone who are not ike you in your country

unless you have filled BL with sunnis from punjab.
we are inclusive when we were formed... so we may fight but we are together.
you are exlusive when you wer formed... so you need to split people who are not like you.

i hear that soon chinese workers will out number locals in BL. is that true?

Matter of time.. punjab doesnt give sindh fair share of water,.

Son, you need to see a shrink...:coffee:
Solution to Balochistan Issue March 02, 2012 The decision to convene an APC on Balochistan was announced by Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani last week and he constituted a committee of ministers and PPP leaders to contact politicians, inside and outside parliament, to convince them to participate in the conference. The way out of this situation demands that we should learn from history. The Balochistan problem must no more be seen in the security perspective only. Focus must be shifted on its strong political and social elements. Let me add a few more recommendations for resolution of this simmering issue. First, there is a dire need to popularise education in the southern part of the Balochistan where the literacy rate is minimal as compared to the northern part that is predonimantly a pushtun area. According to an NGO working on education in Balochistan, more than 80 per cent children do not any get education because there are no schools for them in their locality. Those that exist here and there are in fact ghost schools. Education is regarded as a panacea for all ills because it brings tolerance and moderation in society. In order to bring enlightenment and moderation in Baloch-dominated areas, it is necessary for the government to invest in the education sector so that people may not be used by foreign players working against the integrity of Pakistan. Secondly, as the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline is going to start working soon, the government should ensure that all employment opportunities must go the Baloch people. By doing so, we can achieve two objectives one, the security of the pipeline that will pass through this province for almost 1000km; second, the employment to the Baloch people. It will help to bring peace and prosperity to the poor people of Balochistan, as well as help to contain the law and order situation that is getting worse day by day. Third, as the PML (N) has now agreed to allow the NFC award on the basis of economic backwardness and area, instead of the population only, Balochistan stands to gain much.
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