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Proposal to American friends regarding North Korea


Aug 18, 2013
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United States
We make a secret agreement that you and South Korea force launch on attack on Kim's Regime from the South and we launch our attack from the North. We both station our troops in North Korea until the situation stabilized. When the situation stabilizes, you move your troops out of Korea Peninsula to Japan and agree not to install your Patriot air defense system in Korea while we retreat our troops back to our border. How's that? This way, we can avoid the crying mouth of South Korean friends and you can stop harassing us. Win-Win for both and avoid direct confrontation between our forces.

China draws 'red line' on North Korea, says won't allow war on peninsula

32 minutes ago

China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi gestures as he speaks during a news conference as part of the National …
BEIJING (Reuters) - China declared a "red line" on North Korea on Saturday, saying that China will not permit chaos or war on the Korean peninsula, and that peace can only come through denuclearization.

China is North Korea's most important diplomatic and economic supporter, though Beijing's patience with Pyongyang has been severely tested following three nuclear tests and numerous bouts of saber rattling, including missile launches.

"The Korean peninsula is right on China's doorstep. We have a red line, that is, we will not allow war or instability on the Korean peninsula," Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi told reporters on the sidelines of China's annual largely rubber-stamp parliament.

Wang called upon all parties to "exercise restraint", adding that "genuine and lasting peace" on the peninsula was only possible with denuclearization.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry visited China last month and said after talks in Beijing that China and the United States were discussing specific ways to press North Korea to give up its nuclear program.

Western countries and independent experts have accused China of failing to implement properly U.N. sanctions on North Korea, including punitive measures adopted after Pyongyang's third nuclear test in February last year.

North Korea has forged ahead with its nuclear development after declaring the so-called six-party talks dead in 2008, overturning its commitments made under a 2005 disarmament deal aimed at rewarding it with economic incentives.

Wang reiterated China's calls for a resumption of the talks between North Korea, South Korea, the United States, Japan, Russia and host China.

"Confrontation can only bring tension, and war can only cause disaster," Wang said. "Some dialogue is better than none, and better early than later."

U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay urged world powers last month to refer North Korea to the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court following a U.N. report documenting crimes against humanity comparable to Nazi-era atrocities.

China has rejected what it said was "unreasonable criticism" of Beijing in the U.N. report, but has not said directly whether it would veto any proceedings in the Security Council to bring Pyongyang to book.

The team also recommended targeted U.N. sanctions against civil officials and military commanders suspected of the worst crimes. North Korea is already subject to U.N. sanctions for refusing to give up its atomic bomb program.

(Reporting by Michael Martina and Ben Blanchard; Editing by Nick Macfie)

China draws 'red line' on North Korea, says won't allow war on peninsula - Yahoo News
How about instigate NK to invade SK and help NK win. That way there will not be that US dog called SK. win-win for China and NK. United NK can cause trouble for Japan and will have driven US troops out of SK
We make a secret agreement that you and South Korea force launch on attack on Kim's Regime from the South and we launch our attack from the North. We both station our troops in North Korea until the situation stabilized. When the situation stabilizes, you move your troops out of Korea Peninsula to Japan and agree not to install your Patriot air defense system in Korea while we retreat our troops back to our border. How's that? This way, we can avoid the crying mouth of South Korean friends and you can stop harassing us. Win-Win for both and avoid direct confrontation between our forces.

China draws 'red line' on North Korea, says won't allow war on peninsula

32 minutes ago

China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi gestures as he speaks during a news conference as part of the National …
BEIJING (Reuters) - China declared a "red line" on North Korea on Saturday, saying that China will not permit chaos or war on the Korean peninsula, and that peace can only come through denuclearization.

China is North Korea's most important diplomatic and economic supporter, though Beijing's patience with Pyongyang has been severely tested following three nuclear tests and numerous bouts of saber rattling, including missile launches.

"The Korean peninsula is right on China's doorstep. We have a red line, that is, we will not allow war or instability on the Korean peninsula," Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi told reporters on the sidelines of China's annual largely rubber-stamp parliament.

Wang called upon all parties to "exercise restraint", adding that "genuine and lasting peace" on the peninsula was only possible with denuclearization.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry visited China last month and said after talks in Beijing that China and the United States were discussing specific ways to press North Korea to give up its nuclear program.

Western countries and independent experts have accused China of failing to implement properly U.N. sanctions on North Korea, including punitive measures adopted after Pyongyang's third nuclear test in February last year.

North Korea has forged ahead with its nuclear development after declaring the so-called six-party talks dead in 2008, overturning its commitments made under a 2005 disarmament deal aimed at rewarding it with economic incentives.

Wang reiterated China's calls for a resumption of the talks between North Korea, South Korea, the United States, Japan, Russia and host China.

"Confrontation can only bring tension, and war can only cause disaster," Wang said. "Some dialogue is better than none, and better early than later."

U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay urged world powers last month to refer North Korea to the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court following a U.N. report documenting crimes against humanity comparable to Nazi-era atrocities.

China has rejected what it said was "unreasonable criticism" of Beijing in the U.N. report, but has not said directly whether it would veto any proceedings in the Security Council to bring Pyongyang to book.

The team also recommended targeted U.N. sanctions against civil officials and military commanders suspected of the worst crimes. North Korea is already subject to U.N. sanctions for refusing to give up its atomic bomb program.

(Reporting by Michael Martina and Ben Blanchard; Editing by Nick Macfie)

China draws 'red line' on North Korea, says won't allow war on peninsula - Yahoo News

Ironically, should US/UN won the Korean war, this is exactly what US would do, as there are no reason to stay in Korea any more and then there are no reason to stay in Japan to overlook the Korean Problem.

However, since this is not the case, and there are literally no chance US/SK will invade a Nuclear states (That more or less suicide) NK problem is becoming Chinese problem. What SK and US would do is at most to defend the south, but they would not engage yet another invasion to North. Both because it is better this way and simply because, well, this is not their problem anymore.

How about instigate NK to invade SK and help NK win. That way there will not be that US dog called SK. win-win for China and NK. United NK can cause trouble for Japan and will have driven US troops out of SK

If the North cannot totally capture the south when they caught the south with their pants down,. what make you think the North and China have any chance facing a defender that's been ready for 60 or so years?
^ You are saying there are US troops in Japan and Korea only because of NK ? Are you serious ?
Ironically, should US/UN won the Korean war, this is exactly what US would do, as there are no reason to stay in Korea any more and then there are no reason to stay in Japan to overlook the Korean Problem.

However, since this is not the case, and there are literally no chance US/SK will invade a Nuclear states (That more or less suicide) NK problem is becoming Chinese problem. What SK and US would do is at most to defend the south, but they would not engage yet another invasion to North. Both because it is better this way and simply because, well, this is not their problem anymore.

If the North cannot totally capture the south when they caught the south with their pants down,. what make you think the North and China have any chance facing a defender that's been ready for 60 or so years?
Your view is very innocent to say the least. It was more complex than simply winning the Korean War and US retreated. Give me a break. It happened during the heart of cold war and no way the US will retreat when at the time there was the so called Soviet/China threat.

I don't believe North Korea has successfully test nuke and I even doubt they can deliver them to US soil. Yes most likely they can fire missile to South Korea and at us but we will intercept. With our force from the North and the US/SK on the South attack at the same time, destroying all North Korea nuclear vicinity and missile installation, we can lesson the damage to both.

No North Korea is both South Korea/China problem. It is a tumor that continue to grow its ability and will soon threaten instability. The only one who happy right now is Japan and perhaps the USA seeing the Korea Peninsula is divided and in constant threat. It gives the US justification to badmouth us in their media.

How about instigate NK to invade SK and help NK win. That way there will not be that US dog called SK. win-win for China and NK. United NK can cause trouble for Japan and will have driven US troops out of SK
The North is no longer the same North Korea that listen and follow our advice. In fact, the South Korea listens to us more now. They take our interest highly and avoid aggravating us. They show resistance to US's patriot missile defense system on their soil and have important trade with us. Pro-China South Korea's led reunification without USA's interference is our best strategy moving forward.
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^ You are saying there are US troops in Japan and Korea only because of NK ? Are you serious ?

No, what I was saying is back in 1950, South Korea needed the American to stay in South Korea, because the Northern Government did still exist

Had the South won, the unified Korea would have no point to ask the American to stay, and the American would leave.

Situation is different now, it's the same as had Philippine did not kick the American out, American base in Philippine would be use for something else than what it was use today, but since we cannot rewrite history, it is pointless to say anything

Today, China is the reason why American is still in South Korea, but why it was there in the first place is another story altogether
Even if there were no USSR the Americans would still be there simply to humiliate the people and rape their children
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