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Prophethood: Root Cause of Islam-West Conflict


Sep 20, 2006
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United Arab Emirates
I am giving some excerpts from a lecture by Khurram Murad a noted leader of Jammat-e-ISlami Pakistan who also served in the Indian prison when arrested in Bangladesh during 1971 war.

Prophethood: Root Cause of Islam-West Conflict​
by Khurram Murad

Conflict over the Prophethood

Invectives against the Prophethood

Causes of Malice

West-Islam Controversy

The Conceptions of Realities

Today, the West is proclaiming clash of civilizations on the one hand, while on the other it is preparing itself for the self-predicted combat between Islam and the West. Beating the martial drums and rising up against Islam, it is foretelling the world community of an imminent clash.

In such a situation, Muslims must understand the root cause of any such threatening conflict. They must realize the core issue and the ground on which a decisive contest is about to be staged. The answer to this question is important. It is important because only then shall the Muslims be able to determine direction, formulate policies and adopt strategies to face the impending danger to Islam.
Conflict over the Prophethood

Undoubtedly the real issue – which unfortunately a few understand – is the status of testimony of the Prophethood of Muhammad (peace be upon him): Is Muhammad (pbuh) the Prophet of God? This has been disputed since the 1st day of the Prophet (pbuh)’s proclamation from the cave of Hera. It then continued to be the cause of collisions. The question of acceptance or rejection of Muhammad (pbuh) as the Prophet of God divided people into two distinct camps. The two groups exist today and are there to stay in future as well. Despite mankind’s veneration of the positive societal impact of system based on principle of affirmation of Prophethood, the element of denial stays on. Most alarmingly, the conflict on issue has now become a universal threat to peace.

No doubt, the West has its own economic, political and strategic interests to pursue. Arab oil and the vast petro-resource are important for it. Israel implant in heart of Muslim world thus becomes apprehensible. Intent to enslave Muslim rulers had firmly been established now when we see a vast network of Western army installations in the Middle East, which negotiate nothing besides weakening the Muslim countries in all respects. Moreover, the Western countries are tightening the noose around Muslim nations posing threat to their interests anywhere on globe.

Despite these material interests, the prime dispute between Muslims and the secularists is religious in nature. Ironically, conflict of interests exist between the U.S. and Europe and countries like Japan, China and Russia also, yet no symptom of eternal malice exists between them. None of these countries intends to exterminate the other.

No gainsaying the fact, the issue thus transcends conflict of material interests. The West means to confront those who believe in Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) – the people who do not defer laying down lives in defense of values preached by the Prophet. The West’s fathering the human rights, the emancipation of women and the like – slogans raised in the name of civility – seem malicious and reflect religious bigotry. Designs to frequently attack Islamic values, more often, portraying Islamic system in direct conflict with democracy, are venomous. The name of civilization is being used as weapon to destroy the teachings generated, the values spread and established within the domain of prophethood of Muhammad (pbuh).

Today Muslims stand no match to the Western political, economic and military prowess. The West despite realizing that even if Muslims establish their social and political system, empower penal system and enforce Islamic laws, observe hijab in their countries, do not possess muscle to pose sizable threat to the Western civilization, repeatedly harp that the Muslims revivalism – Fundamentalism – is the biggest threat to its brand of civilization. The answer to this preposition also hides beneath the core issue – the Prophethood of Muhammad (pbuh).

It is not surprising to find an ordinary Muslim unaware of the core civilization conflict issue, but it is painful to see banner-holders of Islamic revivalism not fully understanding it. It is because of this that the agenda of application of prophethood has reverted to the back stage. Despite fact that the Prophet (pbuh)’s love have always bonded Muslims, no attempt has since been made in this direction. A serious concern and zeal to do so is thus the prime need of the day.
Invectives against the Prophethood

The history of West’s enmity towards the prophethood of Muhammad (pbuh) is not recent. Ever since Islam and Christianity came face to face, the Christian world and especially Europe, have launched an ever lasting war against Islam, the target being the person of Muhammad (pbuh) and his prophethood.

Emerging out from the deserts of Arabian Peninsula, the disciples of Muhammad (pbuh), within an unbelievably short span of time, conquered Syria, Palestine, Egypt, Libya, Tunis and Algeria – the nerve centers of Christianity. Significantly, not only the lands but the hearts and souls were also conquered; majority population of captured areas voluntarily embraced Islam. Moreover, Islam as an illuminating faith dominated the whole region and did not decline for at least one thousand years despite continuous Christian intrigues and conspiracies. There is not much theological difference between Islam and Christianity and this is the most lamentable fact. Instead of sorting the differences by cool analysis, the hatred caused by a handful of miscreants always led to long Islam – Christianity dual. The two religions were so similar that Islam seemed to be the revival of real Christianity. Christians were at a loss on how to explain their distorted theological stories and events in front of clear Islamic perception. Their main concern was thus to stop Christians from converting to Islam. They firmly believed root-cause of this calamity as the prophethood of Muhammad (pbuh). It was more than evident that the real source of Muslim strength and courage was their firm belief, commitment to and unprecedented love with the person of Muhammad (pbuh). Christians thus invested all their energies to prove that the claim of prophethood of Muhammad (pbuh) was (God forbid) false, based on unfounded stories and statements. They propagated that Muhammad (pbuh) wrote the Qur’an himself by pirating Christian and Jewish traditions and scripts and that the Qur’an’s subject and style is full of irrelevant statements. Thus, they tried to prove that the book is not credible enough to claim to be revealed.

However, this was not a serious and an informed campaign. Series of false allegations signifying bad taste were fabricated with evil design and then propagated against the life and character of the Prophet (pbuh). Be it the far dark ages, the medieval times or the present so-called enlightenment era, events of Prophet (pbuh)’s life have constantly been distorted. Qur’an was denounced to be ‘a self-created and unauthentic’ book. Islam was alleged to be spread through 'sword' and that the Prophet (pbuh) allured a group of obedient disciples by allowing them of piracy, physical and material enjoyment and temptation. And that he utilized this motivated band of army to conquer lands. Indecent and objectionable words were used to narrate such stories. In fact, the smut is hard to be quoted. However, for the sake of authenticity of our statement, a few examples will be mentioned but with high degree of uneasiness. It will only be done with the view that mentioning of evil is not an evil and that Qur’an has itself described the allegations of its opponents.

According to the book Encounters and Clashes: Islam and Christianity in History II, Rome, Saint John of Damascus (753 A.D), an high official of Ummayyad dynasty, before the time of Hazrat Umar Bin Abdul Aziz, said:

A false prophet named Muhammad had arisen from among Banu Ismail, who was a literate of the "the Torah and the Injeel" (The Gospel and the Bible). He had also been a student of a Christian saint. Based on his immature literal capability, he had put forth a modified version of Christianity. He had deceived people to believe him a pious man. Then he faked up the story that divine book was revealed to him. This book, comprising of absurd and ridiculous materials, he handed over to his disciples to obey and follow. Unlike Moses and Jesus, he was unable to provide evidence of receiving divine message. Neither was he able to show any miracle. How can a person be trusted who produced a divine revelation of his own choice only to marry the wife of Zaid?

Similarly, a member of Khalifa Mamoons cabinet, pen named Abdul Masiuh Al-Kindi, cooked an article in the name of Ar-risalah wherein he, to defame prophet Muhammad (pbuh), wrote:

How Muhammad could be a true prophet, whereas he killed people, pirated trade caravans, committed immorality and could not demonstrate any miracle in support of his claim of prophethood. As far as the Qur’an is concerned, it is a book composed of faked material collected from Christians and Jews. How can it be claimed to be divine?

Until the beginning of the present century, Saint Johns deliberations and Ar-risalah of Al-Kindi have continued to play a vital and decisive role in shaping the attitude and thought of Europe regarding Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). The Latin translation of Ar-risalah was published in Spain and then in Switzerland during 12th and 15th centuries, respectively. It became so important to the Europeans that in 19th century Sir William Moore found it essential to publish its English translation from London. During the whole span of one millennium, the Europeans in general and the Christian saints in particular had been repeating what Al-Kindi and Saint John had said about Qur’an and Muhammad (pbuh). The main focus had been:

· To prove Qur’an to be based on controversial and contradicting information obtained from the Jews and Christians

· To breed moral allegations against the person of Muhammad (pbuh), and

· To convince people that like any other politician or ruler, Muhammad (pbuh) was deceptive and his actions were deceitful (God forbid)

The purpose of mentioning above examples is to clarify the basic premise of the topic. The 20th century is almost over. A long time has elapsed. Today, the interaction between Islam and Christianity is more frequent and extensive. Everybody claims to possess scientific, informed and impartial attitude in his investigation of facts. Moreover, there are slogans of co-existence on the basis of sympathy and equitable justice for all. But unfortunately, we find no basic change in European attitude and thought. Even the scholars known for their liberal, broad-minded approach and civilized deliberations (e.g. Vatican, Montogomery Watt, Kenneth Cragg etc.), have done the same thing. They did change their styles but without changing the subject. They have polished their words to uphold the much-repeated allegations. The old scheme was pursued, only disguised in civilized manner. Words were sugarcoated, interpretation updated, but the theme was the same. Resultantly, the outcome of all such efforts was futile.

Medieval age is peculiar for most absurd propagation of invectives against Islam. The pattern of allegations and disinformation cooked during this period speaks itself of the non-Muslims’ bafflement. For example, it was said that:

· The Qur’an has come travelling on the horns of a bull

· The prophet Muhammad (pbuh) alleged a dove used to bring revelations to him

· He was epileptic

· He was a magician and thus hypnotized people

· He was under the spell of Jinn and Satan (devil)

· A rebel Christian monk taught him religion

Today these crude arguments have been bettered by fancy psychological, social and political interpretations to cater to modern apprehension. For example, Rodinson pshchologically erodes the status of prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and finds source of Qur’an following Freud's theory. Watt, using his sociological acumen, finds this source in:

· The nomadic life of Arabs in Arabian deserts

· Their Jahiliya customs

· The influence of feudal system of Makkah

· The Christian and Judaic teachings and traditions, and

· The necessity of a firm political system for the Arabs at that time.

Cragg raised the question of origin of prophethood and states that it lies:

· Under the apprehensions and efforts of Muhammad (pbuh) to unite Arabs, and

· In the conviction that Qur’an is by all means a divine book since only an Arab script could ensure unity and provide identity to the Arabs

Answering as to "How this idea and conviction matured?" Cragg adds that Muhammad (pbuh) conceived the view through keen observation of other people of the books viz. Christian and Jews. As a result, the concept of Qur’an started brimming in his (pbuh) mind (God forbid).

In addition to these efforts, an immense academic work was carried out to produce fiction based on fabricated stories to defame and denounce the Qur’an and the prophet (pbuh). These writings highlight and drive around blasphemous stories like:

· The Satanic Verses to prove exotic influence on the divine revelations (the Qur’an)

· The case of Nakhla to show materialistic notions and political maneuvering of prophet (pbuh)

· The case of killing of Banu Quraidah as an evidence that Muhammad (pbuh) was blood-thirsty

· The marriage with Hazrat Zainab (RA) as a case of moral corruption of the prophet (pbuh)

The nature of these invectives is malicious, but surprisingly they were not fabricated in prophet (pbuh)‘s lifetime. Even the Mushrikeen and the Kuffar refrained from raising such derogatory remarks on the person of the prophet (pbuh). Excepting this difference of attitude, Jahiliya of the 6th century Arabs are no different than Jahiliya of modern times. Today, the same old false allegations and futile objections are being repeated that the prophet (pbuh) was a poet, a story-teller, was under the influence of a Jinn, was a magician, was a claimant of divinity and that he was a man who raised himself on a big lie and that many people assisted him in this business.

Qur’an disproves the claim in this way, "And they say: "Tales of the ancients, which he has caused to be written, and they are dictated before him morning and evening,"" (Al-Furqaan: 5). Again in surah An-nahal: 103, Qur’an rebuts one of these allegations in this way, "We know indeed that they say, "It is a man that teaches him." The tongue of him they wickedly point to is notably foreign, while this is Arabic, pure and clear."

One would readily visualize the reflection of these allegations, and of course, the intentions behind them, posed by Europe on Muhammad (pbuh) for over a thousand years, in the following verses of the Qur’an: "Similarly, no messenger came to the peoples before them, but they said (of him) in like manner, "a sorcerer, or one possessed"! Is this the legacy they have transmitted, one to another? Nay, they are themselves a people transgressing beyond bounds." (Azzariat: 52-53)

In his book, Islam and the West, the Making of an Image, Norman Daniel, dealt with the matter in this way: "While looking at the works of even impartial writers, we should never overlook the historically antagonistic behavior and attitude of Christianity towards Islam and Muhammad (pbuh). That's because the similar attitude has been and still today remains as a pro-dominant and essential component of thoughts of every Western scholars who speaks on the subject."
Causes of Malice​

What are the reasons of such a severe enmity of Christianity in general, and the Europeans in particular, towards Muhammad (pbuh), his prophethood and the book (The Qur’an) revealed on him?

Besides the historical, political and psychological accounts given above, more are needed to understand the matter. The catastrophic set back Christianity faced due to the unbelievable victories of Islam was embedded in the unshakable faith of Muslims in and a strong affiliation with the personality of Muhammad (pbuh). To combat such a situation they found no other way except to destroy the root-source of strength and vitality of Islam. To do so, they adopted the easiest option and that is to defame Muhammad (pbuh) by:

· Propagating that he was a false prophet (May Allah save us)

· Suggesting that Qur’an was his own creation, and

· Degrading his moral character.

In these efforts, they did not care telling lies or breaking norms of civility.

Even though the West today is not declaring all out war against Islam but there are vivid confessions and symptoms of it, in its hidden nefarious attitude. The weekly Economist of London reports that as a leading civilization in this world, the only potential rival to the West is Islam. The West can come face to face and collide with Islam. It is because Islam is the only kind of an idea in the present world, which claims to be based on the existence of an absolute truth beyond human experience and vision. It also claims to be the truth revealed on Muhammad (pbuh) fourteen centuries ago, still intact in the form of Qur’an. There is no parallel to such faith in truth required to move and subdue the existing civilization. That’s why Europe is afraid of Islam and the Muslims. There is presumption of another cold war that may not remain cold for long.

Obviously, the prophethood of Muhammad (pbuh) still remains the main target. No opportunity is wasted to attack the good name of the prophet (pbuh), though, by a willfully changed strategy, the task today is assigned to the Salman Rushdis and Taslima Nasreens.

Now there are people who claim to accept Muhammad (pbuh) to be a prophet but with the only attributes the Israelis vested on their prophets of Torah; the prophets whose life and teachings they themselves had distorted. There are some who advocate changes in the basic essence and attributes of the divine revelation in the name of moderation and dialogue. Some feel the necessity of a reformer – Saint Paul prototype – who would relieve them from the injunctions of Islamic Shari’ah. Some desires categorization of the Qur’anic Ayah into two distinct types – those related to beliefs and morality to be accepted as revealed from God, whereas those related to the socio-economic political code of life be declared inventions of prophet Muhammad (pbuh), thus making them subject to change and modification.

There is also a group, which, instead of indulging in such a debate, adopts a different strategy. Under the lucrative so-called slogans of human rights, status of women and democratic governance, etc., this group is injecting sugarcoated poison in peoples’ minds and thus trying to re-shape the life-style of the Ummah. In course of time, they believe, unshakable Muslim faith on the absolute truth and the prophethood shall gradually and automatically terminate this way.
West-Islam Controversy

The Economist had rightly said: "Today, the only and the biggest threat to Western civilization is the faith and commitment of the Muslims to their prophet Muhammad (pbuh), which is the source of unlimited strength for them." Lest us now briefly examine how?:

1. The theoretical basis of Western civilization and the so-called modernism is that mankind has now attained intellectual maturity. It is no more dependent on any metaphysical being for knowledge and guidance. It is self-sufficient and independent of any divine source and concept, which it adopted in early days for its inner contentment.

On the contrary, the lead support of prophethood is the absolute knowledge and faith that the existence of the Creator is the true and undeniable fact. The true knowledge and even the life itself are the creation of Allah, the very Entity Who is the only Creator, the sole Sustainer and the Healer. All authority and sovereign powers belong to Him and Him only. He is the one Who guides people and provides them with the code of life. Mankind, by all means, is dependent on Him and exists under His domain as His servant creature.

2. According to the Western epistemology, the source of true knowledge is only human sense perception, its reasoning, observation, experience and the scientific investigation. Obviously the knowledge based on these sources is always hypothetical. Any statement or fact, which is proved to be true today, may be proved false tomorrow. Moreover, if any statement is unquestionable, this method considers it no knowledge, rather a belief or faith. No such knowledge in this world can be said to be certain and ultimate, let alone taken as yards stick for truth on which people may rely and follow for salvation.

On the contrary, the prophethood of Muhammad (pbuh) develops and creates insight and conscience that there is an ultimate truth and the only source of it is the Divine Revelation and, in turns the prophethood of Muhammad (pbuh) is proved. Nobody can be succumbed to the truth. Whoever accepts it should surrender wholeheartedly and unconditionally before it. In the domain of his life, he should adopt it and obey its implications. The West has completely abandoned the concept of truth and false. Even the use of such terminology to them is outmoded and uncivil. But, to the followers of the prophet Muhammad (pbuh), these terms are full of meaning.

3. The Western view is that truth and false are relative terms. Nothing can be right or wrong in its own right. Thus, be it the moral values, social rules, regulations or laws, good or bad, useful or harmful, halal or haram, everything is determined by individual's own views and choice about it. Every concerned individual is his own arbiter.

But, to the followers of Muhammad (pbuh), things and matters which have been qualified (to be true or false; allowed or disallowed) through Divine Verdict can not be changed by a person’s will, choice, experience, argument or logic.

4. The Western civilization does not entertain metaphysical knowledge and its source in its theory of life. Neither does it own the concepts of Allah, the Angels, the Revelation and the life Hereafter.

On the contrary, the followers of Muhammad (pbuh) believe that the significance and purpose of human entity can only be gathered through non-perceivable Revealed source. To them, the facts, which have been revealed via the prophethood of Muhammad (pbuh), are the truth.

5. The world and the worldly life is equally important and of deep interest to both the Westerners and the followers of Muhammad (pbuh). The difference lies in the sought objectives. While the main target of a Westerner is to seek happiness, comfort, enjoyment and the better quality life, the interest of a Muslim lies in the human welfare for earning salvation in the Hereafter. The later perception brings in its fold a humble yet most peaceful human society.
The Conceptions of Realities

Everyone who desires dominance of Islam and those who are striving for the cause, should realize the importance of the prophethood of Muhammad (pbuh) and the decisive role it has to play in today’s civilization conflict. They should address the issue by re-determining priorities and strategies. Following factors should be kept in mind while evaluating the situation:

The perception of eternal finality: We must understand the present social milieu in which we are striving for the practice and dominance of Islam. It is definitely different and 1400 years away from the prophet’s time despite fact that the efforts being made are continuation and a part and parcel of the same prophetic mission. Muslims must understand that Muhammad (pbuh) was not appointed prophet (by Allah) for any particular nation or era. Rather, he was sent for whole humanity irrespective of time and space. No other prophet shall follow Muhammad (pbuh) till the Day of Judgment. From the 6th century till the 21st and even beyond, Muhammad (pbuh) shall remain as the only prophet. The whole mankind today is his disciple and belongs to his Ummah. This statement, although simple, has far reaching connotations. It is obligatory then that Muhammad (pbuh)’s message be continuously delivered in the manner done in his time.

The perception of immortal message: We should concede that Muhammad (pbuh) is still present, in his own right, amongst us as the prophet and messenger of Allah. It is so, because the Divine Book he brought is still intact, his life as model is preserved with minutest details, his deen (the Divine way of life) is omnipresent and most significantly his followers throng the world. Consequently, it is incumbent on Muslims to continue with the mission launched and executed by him, considering it as the prophetic duty, one bestowed by Allah.

The true perception of prophethood: Muslims must recognize that to combat the Jahiliya during the prophet era, the demand for commitment towards his prophethood was of prime importance. Although the faith to Allah comes first and is the essence of Islamic way of life, yet faith in the prophet is prime and decisive. Belief in God is the basic premise of all prophets and cradles the purpose of prophethood, yet it is only by admitting a prophet that one can yield to the concept of Allah. This way, only that belief and concept of Allah is acceptable which is based on the declaration and description provided by the prophet Muhammad (pbuh). As Qur’an is without any reservation, the Revealed Words of Allah, the prophethood of Muhammad (pbuh) is also beyond any doubt. These have to be taken as granted, otherwise, there will be no rationale and sound interpretation behind the concepts of halal and haram, wajibaat and manijat and azzab and thawab. About all these matters, it is only the prophetic version, which counts. Practically then, faith and obedience to the prophet is equivalent to the obedience of Allah and is only source to seek pleasure and proximity before God.

Importance of the belief in Prophethood: Belief in the prophethood should be given due importance and priority in all our efforts of dawah and jihad (striving for the supremacy of Allah’s injunctions). Otherwise, mere belief in Allah would become meaningless let alone points of agreement on some petty social values like democracy and human rights etc. Jews believed in one God, Christians too claimed to be the believers of one God, and Qur’an itself has praised the excellence of their ibadah (worship) and akhlaq (moral dignity), yet they incurred Allah’s wrath simply because denied belief in the prophethood.

Belief in Prophethood solicits Allah’s help: The belief in prophethood is decisive in the perspective that promise of Allah’s help, salvation and victory is with the Prophets and with those who truly believe in the prophethood, sincerely follow prophetic teachings and become the helpers in his mission and struggle for establishing Allah’s Deen (code of life). Qur’an says, "Our Word has already been passed before (this) to Our Servants sent (by Us), that they would certainly be assisted, and that Our forces _ they surely must conquer." (al-Saffat: 171-173)

The Message of Love and Peace: The eternal struggle of the prophetic mission against the mischief, which now has taken the shape of a civilizational conflict between Islam and the West, is, in fact, a struggle for winning over the heart and mind of people. The winning of hearts would result in the supremacy and dominance of Deen. Force can conquer land, acquire money and goods, seize political power but it cannot win people’s minds and hearts. Similarly, argument can earn support but it can never secure commitment, devotion and readiness to brace sacrifices in life. There is only one way to win over the hearts: firm belief in the prophethood of Muhammad (pbuh), full devotion to and for his mission, love and reverence for him and full obedience and commitment to follow him in all aspects of life. This is how people’s hearts and civilization wars always been won in the past and would be won in future.

We should certainly strive to prove that Islam is the true and supreme religion and presents a complete code of life, should warn people about the curse of interest/usury and dangers of un-Islamic economic systems, should highlight the beauties of Islamic social, political, economic and family systems. But we should never forget that the purpose of all these pursuits is to create favorable conditions and conducive environment for upholding the cause of Truth. If people admit all Islamic values but refuse to believe in the prophethood of Muhammad (pbuh), the way of success in the civilization war will remain obstructed. There are many people who praise Islam, eulogize Islamic arts and architecture, applaud Islamic spiritualism and mysticism but, still, are not ready to follow the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) as they do not believe in his prophethood. Such people, therefore, can never be regarded as aides and supporters of the prophetic mission.

Similarly, even if we supply ample proof, which we should always do, that Islam approves democracy, that it ensures human rights more than any other ideology, that it not only upholds women’s rights but has given them a status which even the West has never thought of, and that the penal code of Islam is not cruel but rather sympathetic and compassionate to the people and society. Surely, we should do all this, but it would not enhance the prospects of winning over people’s hearts. Arguments of logic and intellect cannot serve the purpose. What is needed is a firm and unshakable belief in the prophethood of Muhammad (pbuh) and a pure flow of love for him more than anything else.

Thus, the biggest objective before us should be to give top priority to the dawah towards the prophethood of Muhammad (pbuh). It does not mean that we start saying and writing, in or out of place, that Muhammad (pbuh) is the true prophet of Allah and, therefore, should believe in him else they would be considered as infidels or transgressors.
One can understand the conspiracies which are being brought up now and then in many forms against Islam and Prophet(PBUH) of Islam whether its the Cartoon episode, Label of terrorist against the beloved Prophet(PBUH) by Jerry Falwell or Salman Rushdie episode by the west, as he/she goes through the thoughts expressed in above article.
Salman Rushdie became famouse cuz of muslims, not cuz of west.
If the rest of the world accepted Mohammad as a Prophet then what differentiates them from Muslims ?

So in effect the author is complaining about the West not converting and instead holding on to their beliefs and fighting for it! Who wouldn't ?

The West for their part can also say Mohammad and his false claims of Prophethood are the root cause of all the trouble!
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