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Prophet picture row in Bengal


Oct 7, 2007
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Prophet picture row in Bengal
3 Dec 2007, 0214 hrs IST,Swati Sengupta,TNN

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KOLKATA: With the West Bengal capital barely having recovered from the November 21 violence over dissident Bangladeshi writer Taslima Nasreen's visa — as also due to the firing in Nandigram — a fresh controversy is brewing in the state over a book, 'Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan', brought out by a New Delhi publisher. In the eye of a storm is a "picture", said to be of Prophet Muhammed, published in the book.

Written by G Parthasarthy and published six months ago by Delhi's publisher Vijay Goel and sold all over the country, the book appears to have created a controversy only in West Bengal, a state that is turning out to be rather sensitive to communal issues in recent times. State minister for minorities' development Abdus Sattar spoke to chief minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee telling him that publishing such a picture is "wrong and uncalled for" as there cannot be any "picture" of Muhammed.

Sattar also pointed out that different book shops in College Street are selling the book and this should be stopped forthwith and the book be proscribed if necessary, as it would hamper communal harmony. "A decision on the book is urgently required," Sattar wrote in his letter to the CM.

On Sunday, the minister said: "I have urged the CM that the book should not be sold in West Bengal, and the matter be taken up with the Centre since the book is being sold all over the country."

At a time when communal issues have rocked the CPM in West Bengal, the state government is expected to make a quick decision on the book and also inform the Centre about it.

Meanwhile, the book's publisher Vijay Goel, told TOI over phone: "We got the manuscript of the book from an agency, Book Matrix. However, if there's anything in the book that's against the sentiments of any group of people, we will not publish it, and are even ready to destroy the existing copies. But no government — the Centre or West Bengal — has approached us on this till date."

:hitwall::hitwall:If only the "hon'ble" minister spent more time developing his minorities rather than go around digging up pictures of the prophet...
Why don't these book publishers let us live in peace...

Hell - more violence anticipated, over a stupid little mistake by a **** publisher.
Dude Ferrari, the point is that if this minister hadn't made an issue out of it, no one would bother trying to find out who is publishing pictures of the prophet.

I don't see why people make a big fuss....if its against their beliefs then they shouldn't read the book...simple.

"honourable" minister here is just trying to ensure his votes in the next election.

Its like the RSS protesting the killing of cows. Its ridiculous ...this whole cow thing is being used by politicians to create public anger.
Why don't these book publishers let us live in peace...

Hell - more violence anticipated, over a stupid little mistake by a **** publisher.

Mistake ?????????????????? :) :) :)

i think educated people do know very well the sensitivities of thier misadvantures. such misadventures have been initiated time and again by Islam haters so much that now there is no room for word "mistake"

rather they do it deliberatly to stire emotions and get more people killed.\

indeed those who are blind by Islam-hate feelings will continue to sting no matter some times in guise of being our well-wishers quoting their venom with sugar.
i wish May God give such anti-Islam morrons some light to act humanly and in a civlized manner.
West Bengal is supposed to be Marxist, with total opposition to religion. I wonder what happened to their "ideals". They seem to be as sensitive to religious bigots than any other state in India.
Mistake ?????????????????? :) :) :)

i think educated people do know very well the sensitivities of thier misadvantures. such misadventures have been initiated time and again by Islam haters so much that now there is no room for word "mistake"

rather they do it deliberatly to stire emotions and get more people killed.\

indeed those who are blind by Islam-hate feelings will continue to sting no matter some times in guise of being our well-wishers quoting their venom with sugar.
i wish May God give such anti-Islam morrons some light to act humanly and in a civlized manner.

OH please...the only anti-Muslim moron here is the Minority Development Minister.

He should be more concerned about whether the minorities in his state are getting water to drink than whether some book is being published that no Muslim is gonna read anyway.
Dude Ferrari, the point is that if this minister hadn't made an issue out of it, no one would bother trying to find out who is publishing pictures of the prophet.

I don't see why people make a big fuss....if its against their beliefs then they shouldn't read the book...simple.

"honourable" minister here is just trying to ensure his votes in the next election.

Its like the RSS protesting the killing of cows. Its ridiculous ...this whole cow thing is being used by politicians to create public anger.

it is not making big fuss .
if today i make fun of Hindu gods and portray your gods in bad manner how will you feel.
If i make fun of ur god being monkies, elephent or rats how will you feel??

will you allow anyone to tornish the image of Hindu gods ???\

do u remember recently a western magazine protrayed hindu god with having wine in hands and in other objectionable gestures and how the entire hindu comunity abroad and in india was up in arms against it ???

And i do support the action of hindu community in that case as i believe you can not give free hand to anyone in the name of freedom of expression specially regarding tranishing your religion.
Dude Ferrari, the point is that if this minister hadn't made an issue out of it, no one would bother trying to find out who is publishing pictures of the prophet.

I don't see why people make a big fuss....if its against their beliefs then they shouldn't read the book...simple.

"honourable" minister here is just trying to ensure his votes in the next election.

Its like the RSS protesting the killing of cows. Its ridiculous ...this whole cow thing is being used by politicians to create public anger.

I agree with what you say. These petty politicians go to any length to cause disharmony in the country, so that their vote-bank is protected.

And I feel the publisher did this on purpose, so that this controversy would boost his book sales. Everyone knows you cannot portray the Prophet(pbuh) in any form.

Any book is proof-read many times before publishing. So, this was deliberate. I hope the media does not take this controversy to the national scale, or there may be more violence.
it is not making big fuss .
if today i make fun of Hindu gods and portray your gods in bad manner how will you feel.
If i make fun of ur god being monkies, elephent or rats how will you feel??

will you allow anyone to tornish the image of Hindu gods ???\

do u remember recently a western magazine protrayed hindu god with having wine in hands and in other objectionable gestures and how the entire hindu comunity abroad and in india was up in arms against it ???

And i do support the action of hindu community in that case as i believe you can not give free hand to anyone in the name of freedom of expression specially regarding tranishing your religion.

Yes, we should have mutual respect for each other's religious beliefs. I strongly believe in that. No one has any right to disrespect any religion.

I have a lot of fights on DigitalPoint (DP) forum on this issues everyday. Mods there do not act, and thats why some members on DP cross all limits of civility.

I am sure this is a different forum, and religions of all people are respected.
it is not making big fuss .
if today i make fun of Hindu gods and portray your gods in bad manner how will you feel.
If i make fun of ur god being monkies, elephent or rats how will you feel??

?? People do it all the time. Haven't you watched countless documentaries on Nat Geo and Discovery gleefully describing the "weird primitive hindus"?

The point isn't insulting anyone's god, since all gods are ridiculous anyway.

The point is that politicians are stirring people up over the wrong thing. I wonder why the minister doesn't speak out against the pathetic roads and infrastructure in his state, and the complete lack of education reform among the minorities.

will you allow anyone to tornish the image of Hindu gods ???\

Sure....why don't you check Titanium's posts giving the various colorful details of immoral sexual exploits of hindu gods?

do u remember recently a western magazine protrayed hindu god with having wine in hands and in other objectionable gestures and how the entire hindu comunity abroad and in india was up in arms against it ???

Yeah, and what was the result? I didn't see any hindus murdering the magazine writers or calling for their death.

Do you watch MTV India? They make fun of Hindu gods all the time.

And i do support the action of hindu community in that case as i believe you can not give free hand to anyone in the name of freedom of expression specially regarding tranishing your religion.

All the hindu community did was file a court case against the magazine. How can you even compare that with the riots happening in Bengal?
In a secular state, people's gods are gonna get insulted some time or another. Either live with it or trash secularism for good.
?? People do it all the time. Haven't you watched countless documentaries on Nat Geo and Discovery gleefully describing the "weird primitive hindus"?

The point isn't insulting anyone's god, since all gods are ridiculous anyway.

The point is that politicians are stirring people up over the wrong thing. I wonder why the minister doesn't speak out against the pathetic roads and infrastructure in his state, and the complete lack of education reform among the minorities.

Sure....why don't you check Titanium's posts giving the various colorful details of immoral sexual exploits of hindu gods?

Yeah, and what was the result? I didn't see any hindus murdering the magazine writers or calling for their death.

Do you watch MTV India? They make fun of Hindu gods all the time.

All the hindu community did was file a court case against the magazine. How can you even compare that with the riots happening in Bengal?

My friend, you sound like an Atheist... Why? Don't you believe in God?
Ah ferrari io was about to say that as Stealth's own faith is different so he can say and make fun of hindu as well as anyone's gods but with due appology stealth may be

for many hindus their gods may be something to make fun of but for us Muslim we do not make fun of our faith as we have strong faith.

its not question of secular or non-secular its the way one takes his/her religion for respect..

a hindu community site has send me pics of hinud gods who's dieties after Dosehra are bulldozed on Gunga site and the gods were lying in Garbage and heaps of *****.
it was realy sad even im a Muslim but i could not approve of such an irresponsible behaviour.
but anyway if thats the way their faith is no one has the right to question.
Ah ferrari io was about to say that as Stealth's own faith is different so he can say and make fun of hindu as well as anyone's gods but with due appology stealth may be

for many hindus their gods may be something to make fun of but for us Muslim we do not make fun of our faith as we have strong faith.

The question isn't about strong faith...its about tolerance and having a sense of humour.

I don't see how the faith of muslims is under attack if some hindu publishes a picture of muhammed. Is the Hindu supposed to adhere to muslim laws?

its not question of secular or non-secular its the way one takes his/her religion for respect..

I've seen several Persian and Arabic paintings of Muhammad. I wonder why no muslims protested then.

Its just an excuse to polarize the muslims and win votes to "defend the faith". Faith isn't defended by rioting in the streets, its defended by personally adhering to the rules. Not by forcing everyone around you to follow your rules.

a hindu community site has send me pics of hinud gods who's dieties after Dosehra are bulldozed on Gunga site and the gods were lying in Garbage and heaps of *****.
it was realy sad even im a Muslim but i could not approve of such an irresponsible behaviour.

There is nothing sad about it. The idols aren't considered sacred after the ritual is over. simple.

but anyway if thats the way their faith is no one has the right to question.

Who is questioning their faith?
Did anyone force the muslims to look at the picture of muhammad?
Did anyone ask muslims to read that book?

If hindus want to look at photos of muhammed, I don't see why the muslims should have a problem with it as long as they aren't being forced to do the same.

If a hindu wants to worship lord Krishna, the other Shiva worshiping hindu has no problems with it. I don't see why Muslims can't adopt this philosophy of "mind your own business".
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