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Propaganda | Pakistani 'The News' paper 'planted' disinformation about IGFC's interview.


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Rebuttal of “The News” Editorial (Their last, best hope) published on 24 January 2014

admin Jan 29th, 2014 30 Comments

At this critical juncture once our country is facing number of challenges, the worst role that can be played is to scandalize and undermine security forces which are performing their duties at the cost of their lives. It so happens once one newspaper presents a picture of a meeting, which strangely was missed by dozen of other media representatives, to grind its ax for unknown reasons. Such was the case reported in the editorial titled “Their Last, Best Hope” published in ‘The News’ of 24 January. It was startling to read the statements attributed to IGFC Balochistan, to have been made during meeting of Senate Standing Committee for Interior and Narcotics Control. To put the record right, correct version of what was stated by IGFC is as follows.

First; in response to a query IGFC proffered before the Committee that Mr Shahzain Bugti and his caravan’s personnel have every right to come to Dera Bugti, however to reduce chances of tribal feud, some administrative steps like prevention of entry of arms and registration of people coming to the area were suggested to Provincial Government, and at no stage the words like ‘his caravan was filled with terrorists’ were said. Secondly; it was no less than blatant misinformation that FC views only the sub nationalists as terrorists and those involved in sectarian killings are nowhere in sight of FC.

It may be pertinent to mention that exclusive security umbrella of FC, at Hazara Community residential areas in Quetta, escorting the Zaireen to and from Iran, and various operations even recently conducted against religious extremists nullify the assertion. Third; IGFC while stating the prevailing condition in schools actually stated the root cause of subversion and the complacent neglect of concerned authorities.

Fourth; it is an absolutely prejudiced stance where a contempt notice, which has already been withdrawn after due legal process is referred to and all other appearances of IGFC before the Honorable Supreme Court have been overlooked. Last but not the least, it would be appreciated if sub-judice cases are not commented upon, as is the case in civilized societies. In the end it is not reactive, proactive or aggressive approach rather prudent and active Supreme Court which is a “Hope for Us All”.

Rebuttal of “The NEWS” editorial (Their last, best hope) published on 24 January 2014. Their last, best hope - thenews.com.pk

Public Relations Officer |
For Inspector General Frontier Corps Balochistan
(Khan Wasseh)

Wonder if the military is in fact such a powerful and bloodthirsty monster then how are these "journalists" still able to publish garbage such as this?
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