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Mar 26, 2013
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Is the truth even relevant at this point? All I been hearing from American media is China is untrustworthy in terms of news. But are they trust worthy?

Is news anywhere just reporting the truth anymore? News people are suppose to be objective, but I guess the objectivity is non existent in China or America. No wonder everyone in China thinks America is done, while everyone in America is thinking China is Fascist police state.

Some idiot said China using the sun in an ad is saying more. Then what about all the ads and campaigns that included the sun during Chinese revolutionary years? There were close to no industry then. Sun is just a symbol of hope.

Westerners are so convinced China is a dystopian hellscape they’ll share anything that confirms it – Quartz

Westerners are so convinced China is a dystopian hellscape they’ll share anything that confirms it
By Gwynn Guilford @sinoceros January 20, 2014

ChinaFotoPress/Getty Images, via Tech in Asia
When it comes to China stories, people will believe almost anything. Take, for instance, the reports about pollution being so severe in Beijing that residents now watch radiant sunrises broadcast on a huge screen in Tiananmen Square.

So, that never happened. As Tech in Asia flags, the sunrise is a clip from a tourism ad for Shandong province, in China’s northeast; it’s on screen for maybe 10 seconds or so per loop.

But that didn’t prevent a slew of prominent media outlets—including Time, CBS News and the Huffington Post—from running the story, which originated in the UK-based Daily Mail, each taking their own liberties with the truth. The “glorious sunrise was broadcast as part of a patriotic video loop,” explained Time.

How do stories like this happen? One reason is shabby journalism, something for which the Daily Mail is renowned. As TIA points out, the originator, a writer named James Nye, is based in New York (as is this writer, for the record). Nye surveys a wide range of click-bait topics that fall between morbid and Kardashian. The discovery of that post-apocalyptic photo may have had something to do with the photo search for an article Nye had written earlier that day about severe turbulence in a flight bound for Beijing. The leap to making up news based on a photo isn’t hard, particularly when you crib a quote from an unrelated Associated Press story to round it out.

But more to the point: Western readers eat this stuff up. Based on Quartz’s experiences, Western audiences generally love Chinese “airpocalypse” stories. It’s not only on Quartz that they tend to attract readers; a friend and editor of a China-focused news site told me last summer that he’s equally baffled by the enduring popularity of air pollution stories. And by interweaving the themes of pollution and the government’s Orwellian-tinged attempts to control daily life, the Daily Mail offers a double-whammy of Western reader stereotypes about China.

But how do relatively respectable outfits like Time, HuffPo and CBS jump onboard with circulating fake stories? Simply by not checking, for one. You can be pretty sure if that really happened, there would be some report in Chinese about it (and while there are blog posts and Chinese translations of the Daily Mail story, there aren’t any original reports from Beijing).

What’s more unnerving, though, is that while several of the media outlets updated their posts already, none has changed the headline or noted that the story isn’t true. Does that mean that accuracy and accountability don’t matter for click-bait pieces about China that “feel” true? Unfortunately for readers, that seems to be the case.
i heard them are good at photographing or even psed.do i try to read more their news for proving it?must chinese be ugly,stupid,
insensitive in their eyes?
Nothing good for China, when they speak bad of someone it means they will attack it at one moment or another

JEW USA are very good to backstab people

The only solution for China is preparing sleep cells in Mexico, because they are making Al Qaeda sleep cells with Uighurs, or nationalist from Tibet & Vietnam
what are you talking about?
i just point some ones prejudice.They treat us unfairly,why we?
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