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Proof of US Involvement in Ukraine Protest & Regime Change

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Consider second clip in relation of first clip. The plot will be clear to you if you are not closing your eyes

WTF is the matter with you, dude ? I'm not going to sit there all night and look for your 'secret coded messages'. :rofl:
When Mr.Putin is well known for his full fledged disappointment for the dissolution of Soviet Union and his utter despondence in handing over Crimea to the Ukrainians by Khrushchev sixty years ago, there is no reason to believe that it was the West who conspired all to pull this country into EU block. This is just an extension of the great game and the cold war between two super powers.
A reader's comment from NYT

Chris Mexico 3 hours ago

"The US aggressively financed and used its diplomatic personnel to promote the overthrow of an admittedly corrupt but nonetheless democratically elected government in Kiev and its replacement by a government that now includes a party that all serious observers characterize as fascist and that is preparing to impose an IMF mandated austerity regime in exchange for a bailout. Does anybody seriously think for one minute that if the Russians did the same in Canada or Mexico, that the US would not intervene militarily?
I'm not defending the reign of Yanukovych or Russia's intervention in Ukrainian affairs. There are no good guys in this story and Russia's actions have been very clearly self-serving. Its just the righteous indignation on the part of Western leaders that is a little hard to take. They are no more interested in the welfare or the sovereignty of Ukraine than Putin and his cronies."
USAID, National Endowment for Democracy, Freedom House are all NGOs run by the CIA to destabilise countries.
Who DOES give money away totally 'without purpose' ? Russia ? China ?
Yes. Russians and Chinese literally cry themselves to sleep every night at the plight of the world's oppressed and poor. Russia and China routinely give money away without strings and conditions. In fact, the reason why the Soviet Union collapsed is because the Soviet citizenry so pressured the Kremlin to give money away. For China, the reason why so many Chinese is below the poverty line is because the Chinese citizenry pressured the Chinese government to give money away. You did not know this?
The world is killing themselves to get INTO the U.S. Can the same be said for russia or china ? When does Putin build the wall to keep the people in again ? HAHAHAHAHA !!!

After entering USA the people enter the big US **** industry and the ghettos.


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