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Prominent American Islamic Scholar Calls ‘Horrific’ Antisemitism Rampant Among Muslims -

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Below comment comes to you before I get banned for absolutely no reason by the mods here, the moment I make any comment. First time in 8 months I have been allowed to express my views without an instant ban. Oddly, they give no reason or even cite any post they felt deserved a ban. My honesty is a bit of a thorn to the propagandist here :lol:

Not unlike everyone else who acts like they been taught, they are a product of what is taught to them i.e. Muslims are not born anti-semitic, anti-other religion rather they are taught and groomed to act so by 90% of local mullahs at Friday sermons.

They also hide behind this facade of hating Isreal but not Jews, which is bull puckery, and we all know it. How many Jews have they embraced and allowed in their countries, how many Christians and other non-muslims have they given equal rights to their Islamic countries? Isreal is Jewish land and Jews are Isreal excluding a small percentage of dissenters worldwide. Saying you have no problem with Jews but hate Isreal is like someone saying I have a problem with Islam but not Muslims.

You know , never hit or abused 1 jew
But yep Israel now that is just a ...fff up country, they take messed up to whole new level only ISIS have ever surpased their achievement in recent times

I really really doubt I would ever be interested in that group of people (Israel specific crazy Superbads)

Normal people don't demolish other people's homes while making their own community :o:

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Nope, it's all antisemitic lies, pushed at political, social, and educational levels. Because when you subscribe to a lie - even by omission - to trash the Jews, that's antisemitism, and in Pakistan objecting to anti-Israel lies is labeled by the establishment as "challenges to the ideology and priniciples of Pakistan" to be "forestalled" - i.e., met with more lies.
Now you are getting emotional. Which leads me to think that you have nothing constructive to come up with now to support what you believe or what you want to say.
It's an ugly animal that sometimes dozes and at other times is prodded to rabid rampage. The people doing the poking know the animal can turn on them - but in the meantime they are free to rob the house, eat in the kitchen, and throw parties, as long as there is no revolt from within or police willing to intervene.

What you have said applies to all major organized religions, sadly.
What you have said applies to all major organized religions, sadly.
It's a difference of degree, and it's degree that makes the difference. The rabbis say it was baseless hatred that brought about the Diaspora in Roman times. I think that's one of the reasons Zionists sought a secular state with democratic freedoms rather than one ruled by a religious hierarchy.

Now you are getting emotional. Which leads me to think that you have nothing constructive to come up with now to support what you believe or what you want to say.
I think you can't contest my arguments, hence you resort to a personal attack rather than take the logical and ethical step: change your mind.
I think you can't contest my arguments, hence you resort to a personal attack rather than take the logical and ethical step: change your mind.
You have not presented any argument in the post which I replied. Secondly, I dont have to personally attack you to expose you, your mirror must be more offensive for your person then all of the post which you may read from my side.
Solomon2 in your opinion can Israel do any wrong?
Solomon2 in your opinion can Israel do any wrong?
Any nation anywhere can "do wrong". How does that possibility justify telling lies against a nation to vilify it?

You have not presented any argument in the post which I replied -
People can read the thread and judge for themselves, rather than go on your word or mine.
It's a difference of degree, and it's degree that makes the difference. The rabbis say it was baseless hatred that brought about the Diaspora in Roman times. I think that's one of the reasons Zionists sought a secular state with democratic freedoms rather than one ruled by a religious hierarchy.

Irrational hatred is precisely that, and a claim of lesser or greater degrees does not absolve anyone of the crime.
Irrational hatred is precisely that, and a claim of lesser or greater degrees does not absolve anyone of the crime.
I think Muslims today acknowledge this in theory rather than application. In diplomatic circles Muslim representatives argue on procedural grounds: because Israel is accused first (regardless of evidence or context or reality, of course) it is Israel who must be punished first before Muslims can be touched: human rights emptied of high principles and reduced to the cudgel of jew-bashing. So as long as Zionism exists Muslims are absolved of everything.
No, it's about hating Israel for crimes antisemites PRETEND Israel has committed.
Yep it's the evil Palestinians who're bombing the hell out of the poor innocent israelis it's Palestinians who're destroying the homes of innocent israelis to build their own homes man these Palestinians are evil only israelis are the most innocent oppressed people in this entire world.
Normal people don't demolish other people's homes while making their own community
Normal people also don't attack their neighbors with the goals of murder and robbery, then run away and throw themselves upon the charity of others rather than face the music. Like a child who murders his parents yet demands consideration because he's now an orphan.

The questions of justice that Muslims are avoiding are these: can Israel morally justify its actions towards the Arab refugees in '48 and '67 and today? And if it can (since it can, really) doesn't that mean the Muslims of the world who are anti-Zionist are on the side of injustice? Evil? Against the will of Allah? And a Muslim who reaches such questions, what should he or she do about it?
I think Muslims today acknowledge this in theory rather than application. In diplomatic circles Muslim representatives argue on procedural grounds: because Israel is accused first (regardless of evidence or context or reality, of course) it is Israel who must be punished first before Muslims can be touched: human rights emptied of high principles and reduced to the cudgel of jew-bashing. So as long as Zionism exists Muslims are absolved of everything.

What you are describing here is mere political circus, by both sides. Basic theological differences are quite another matter in this context.
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