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Princess Kate gives birth to royal heir


Jan 19, 2013
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The birth announcement, via a press release from Kensington Palace, said the boy was born at 4.24 p.m. weighing 8 pounds 6 ounces.

Prince William’s wife, Kate, has given birth to a boy, a child now third in line to the British throne.

The child was born on Monday, after many Britons woke up to the news that Princess Kate had gone into labour with the couple’s first child.

The birth announcement, via a press release from Kensington Palace, said the boy was born at 4.24 p.m. weighing 8 pounds 6 ounces.

The royal birth recalled that of the baby’s father, William, in 1982, at the same central London hospital. Many remember the moment when he was carried out in his mother Princess Diana’s arms with proud father Prince Charles at their side.

Prince William and Princess Kate’s son is expected to follow Prince Charles and Prince William to the throne.

No one can tell what political and personal changes the intervening years will bring, but the baby can be expected to become the head of state of 16 countries, including Britain, Australia and Canada, and possibly the head of the Commonwealth, which covers 54 nations.

The child will also eventually become Supreme Governor of the Church of England.

The baby represents a living link to Britain’s imperial history the infant is the great-great-great-great-great-grandchild of Queen Victoria, who ruled at the peak of British power.

Many Britons had hoped that Prince William and Princess Kate would start a family shortly after their gala 2011 wedding, which drew a global television audience in the hundreds of millions.

The couple waited, however, until Prince William was nearly finished with his military work as a search and rescue helicopter pilot based at an air base in a remote island off the coast of Wales.

That allowed Princess Kate to ease into royal life, and to become more comfortable in the spotlight, before becoming a parent. It also allowed her to play a supporting role during Queen Elizabeth II’s Diamond Jubilee celebrations last summer.

The first months of her pregnancy were not easy, and she was hospitalised in early December with acute morning sickness that left her weak and dehydrated.

She seemed to recover her stamina fairly quickly and made a series of public appearances until the final weeks before giving birth, drawing praise for her poise and good cheer.

The royal couple and their newborn are expected to spend much of their time in the coming years in renovated quarters at Kensington Palace, where Prince William and Prince Harry also spent much of their childhood.

Royal officials say Princess Kate and Prince William will try to give their child as normal an upbringing as possible which may be challenging in an age when the British royals are treated as major world celebrities.

It's a boy! Princess Kate gives birth to royal heir - The Hindu
The official statement of birth.

Baby Cambridge will be the 43rd monarch since William the Conqueror | UK news | The Guardian

Baby Cambridge will be the 43rd monarch since William the Conqueror obtained the English crown in 1066, but is also 41st in direct line of descent from Egbert, King of Wessex, who ruled from 802 to 839.

Through the paternal line, William and Kate's first born is destined to be the great-great-great-great-great-grandchild of Queen Victoria. And, once grandfather Prince Charles and William have served their time on the throne, he/she will become the eighth British monarch to descend from Victoria and Albert, whose descendants have populated many a European throne.

The Queen's longevity means it is the first time in nearly 120 years that a still-serving sovereign has met a great-grandchild born in direct succession to the crown. Edward VIII was born in 1894, seven years before the death of Victoria. The infant's royal lineage stretches back, on the throne of England, to the Anglo-Saxons through the Normans, Angevins, Plantagenets, Lancastrians, Yorkists and Tudors. Until 1603, English and Scottish crowns were separate, but following the accession of King James VI of Scotland (James I of England) to the English throne, a single monarch has reigned in the UK.

The newborn will be the 20th monarch to do so since James VI of Scotland and James I of England (reigned 1603-1625), the son of Mary, Queen of Scots.

James VI was the great-great grandson of Henry VII, and ushered in the Houses of Stuart and Orange on becoming king. Charles 1 (1625-1649), the second son of James I and Anne of Denmark, who became heir on the death of his brother, Prince Henry, was the second Stuart on the throne, until he was beheaded and the office of king formally abolished on 7 February 1649.

There followed, briefly, the Republic of England (1649 to 1660) – or the interregnum – during which Oliver Cromwell dissolved parliament and became lord protector, squabbled with the Commons then died in 1658. After the failure of his son Richard's protectorate, the army invited back the royal genes in the shape of Charles I's son, Charles II.

Charles II, (1661-1685) James II, (1685 – deposed 1688) joint monarchs William (1689-1702) and Mary (1689-1694) and then Anne (1702-1714) – all descended from Charles I through his marriage to Henrietta Maria of France – kept the throne warm, in that order.

As Charles II had no legitimate children (but reportedly at least 12 illegitimate offspring), his brother, James, succeeded, with his daughters Mary and Anne, both childless, following.

But it is through the House of Hanover that the new baby traces its direct lineage. When the Stuarts died out, the Hanovers came to power through James I's granddaughter, Sophia, who married Ernst Augustus Elector of Hanover, and gave birth to George I, who would rule from 1714 to 1727. Hanoverian succession was a pretty straightforward affair for a while. George II (1725-1760), eldest son of George I and Sophie of Celle, married Caroline of Ansbach. Their grandson, George III (1760-1820), married Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz .

Their eldest son George IV (1820-1830) married his cousin, Caroline of Brunswick, and succeeded the throne after serving as prince regent during his father's final mental illness

Theirs was a disastrous union, so much so he forbade her from attending his coronation and tried to divorce her. They were formally separated after the birth of their only child, Princess Charlotte. The dissolute king, however, is believed to have fathered several illegitimate children with his mistresses. Princess Charlottedied, aged 21, from post-partum complications in 1817 after delivering a stillborn son. As the second son of George III, Prince Frederick, had died in 1827, George IV was succeeded by another brother, who reigned as William IV (1830-37). At the time of his death, William had no legitimate children, however, he was survived by eight of the 10 illegitimate children he had had by the actor Dorothea Jordan, with whom he cohabited for 20 years.

It was his niece, Victoria (1837-1901), the daughter of his younger brother, Edward, Duke of Kent, to whom the crown fell. The house of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha was established with Victoria's marriage to Prince Albert. Their eldest son, Edward VII (1901-1910) succeeded and his marriage to Alexandra of Denmark produced five children. The eldest, Albert, Duke of Clarence, was expected to succeed, but shortly after his engagement to Princess Mary of Teck in 1891, he died during a flu pandemic. Instead his brother, George V, inherited both the crown and his fiancee and ruled from 1910 to 1936. It was George V who, given rife wartime anti-German sentiment, decided that Windsor was a preferable royal household name to Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. And so Edward VIII would be Edward Windsor, until he became Duke of Windsor on his abdication less than a year into his 1936 reign. That abdication, and the fact Edward had no children, led to the present Queen's father, George VI (1936-52), becoming monarch with Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon at his side. Their eldest daughter, Princess Elizabeth Alexandra Mary, became the present Queen on his premature death.
Congratz to the brits i guess.Happy day for royal family.:toast_sign:
Imran Khan may disagree with you strongly.

our politicians may disagree all they want .... but this is the feeling of the most of the sub-continent !!!
they screwed our countries and why the Fcuk would we jump for joy for a little turd of royal sh!t!!!!
our politicians may disagree all they want .... but this is the feeling of the most of the sub-continent !!!
they screwed our countries and why the Fcuk would we jump for joy for a little turd of royal sh!t!!!!

abey.. kitna rota hai... that happened long time ago.. go buy laddu for neibourhood.. beta hua hai bhai ko.. :P
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