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Prince Saud: Israel has no right to self-defense

I don't think so. Your collective racism shows the patter of the racial-profiling you're adapting in all of this.
We all are talking facts here, just straight facts.

And whats with the middle-eastern fetish for animal sex, I mean spare the rats ffs. :confused:

I never heard of any decent human being advocating for having sex with animals. Not even in Europe!
“Israel wants to destroy and kill an entire population so that it can steal more land,” he said. “Israel does not have the right to self defense as an occupier. There is no law, there is no international law, that says an occupier has a right to self defense,” said Prince Saud Al-Faisal.
This guy needs to see a shrink, pronto!! :dirol:
A guy bent on denigrating other people just half a dozen posts ago now whines about racism. :lol:

Only to counter-post. There is a big hack of a difference between collective racism, and having a counter-reactions to racism. Something that is 100% beyond your comprehension. :lol:

I just read news, and your beloved facts, they dont seem too nice when they hit you in the face do they?

Are you trying to make yourself look like a fool? :lol: Do you know who runs Beiruting news agency? :rofl:

And since when did "articles" become a hit on someone's face? I can pull articles all day long to prove my point, yet, nothing can alter the truth.

A guy bent on denigrating other people just half a dozen posts ago now whines about racism. :lol:

I just read news, and your beloved facts, they dont seem too nice when they hit you in the face do they?

Saudi Man Allegedly Died After Trying To Sodomize A Donkey
So racism in response to racism is perfecty fine , there we go with the famous arab logic.

1- It's called psychological reactance, you illiterate, being an X or Y race has nothing to do with it. Only inferior people would assert race into everything.

2- I'm not even a pure Arab, brat.

So racism in response to racism is perfecty fine , there we go with the famous arab logic.

No wonder the middle -east is well, middle east. :)

The ME is screwed up, just as much as your Europe when it comes to the current economic situation you're going through.
The thing is that your kin hasn't done a thing when it comes to the protection of your national security. If you recall, when the LeT attacked your country, your leaders managed to keep their mouths shut, and didn't fire a single bullet toward Pakistan - of whom you are accusing them of backing the LeT -

You didn't do much in Kashmir either, the Pakistanis slaughtered your soldiers like goats, we so nothing.

The Chinese had made several incursions unto your own territory, and you ended up running with your tail upward, embracing politics, despite the fact that you bought weapons for hundreds and hundreds of billions, where everybody expect you to stand up and defend your nation.

You practically are nothing. The only thing you are good at is defecting in public, raping women. Nothing more or less.
u dont follow news.
1) First about mumbai attack - we proved that militants was trained from Pakistan ISI in front of all world.
about going to war with pakistan is worst idea as we have too much too lose as compare with pakistan.
we r not desert country.
2) about Kashmir- Who is currently ruling Kashmir ? - did u saudi`s people ever help Pakistan to gain Kashmit ?-
u country dont even have power of Pakistan- (Militarily) so stop talking about power to us.
3) About China- its 100% true that border between India-China is dispute bcoz it was never mutually defined.
4) All world know how Saudi`s treat their women.
This moronic sentence has no effect and everybody will think "of course Israel has the right to defend"
The wahabit are just zionist helpers

Your right about the family of saud (I dont care about them ) but chin stop distorting the name of God .
Wahab is Gods name & i find it highly offensive you distorting it .

palestine doesnot hav tanks or an air force

the house of Saud can put those F15SA and Typhoons to some use rather than using dem as hanger queens for 30 yrs and den retiring dem

You mad man they want the Palestinians dead not alive
How on earth is this little retards post not getting deleted spewing this filth. Oh yeah, sowdis pay this sites moderators to post all the racist filth they like.

Ignorant backward Slaves. Is what you are yzd. Nothing more.

The thing is that your kin hasn't done a thing when it comes to the protection of your national security. If you recall, when the LeT attacked your country, your leaders managed to keep their mouths shut, and didn't fire a single bullet toward Pakistan - of whom you are accusing them of backing the LeT -

You didn't do much in Kashmir either, the Pakistanis slaughtered your soldiers like goats, we so nothing.

The Chinese had made several incursions unto your own territory, and you ended up running with your tail upward, embracing politics, despite the fact that you bought weapons for hundreds and hundreds of billions, where everybody expect you to stand up and defend your nation.

You practically are nothing. The only thing you are good at is defecting in public, raping women. Nothing more or less.

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