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Prince Harry 'kills innocent Afghans while he is drunk'


Jun 2, 2011
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Prince Harry “kills innocent Afghans while he is drunk”, while foreign forces in Afghanistan have failed, a controversial Mujahideen leader in the country has declared.

In an outspoken interview, former Afghan prime minister Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, founder and leader of the Hizb-i-Islamia Party in Afghanistan, accused Britain of being dragged into the war to please its American allies and said its role in the conflict would have no significance after 2014.

Hekmatyar, who was designated a terrorist by the US State Department in February 2003, told the Daily Telegraph: "Britain dragged herself into this unjustified, useless but cruel conflict to please the White House.

"The British did not gain anything, instead they lost blood and treasure.

"They never had a positive role in Afghan affairs and they will not have any significance after 2014.

"I don't understand how the British public accept their children being sent to certain death in order to please American generals."

Of Prince Harry, who spent Christmas in Afghanistan where he is currently serving as an Apache helicopter co-pilot gunner, he said: "The British prince comes to Afghanistan to kill innocent Afghans while he is drunk.

"He wants to hunt down Mujahideen with his helicopter's rockets, without any shame.

"During the Mujahideen's attack on the American base the prince saw that he was the one about to be hunted and was searching for a hole in which to hide himself."

The interview comes just weeks after David Cameron signalled that British troops could be withdrawn from Afghanistan even faster after better-than-expected progress by the country's own security forces.

The Prime Minister has announced that UK numbers would be nearly halved to 5,200 this year as part of the plan to end combat operations in 2014, but during a pre-Christmas visit to troops in Camp Bastion he indicated the process could be speeded up further.

But Hekmatyar said: "The fact is that the government has failed. The authorities have lost their credibility completely. They have fallen victims to severe internal disputes and seem hopeless and worried.

"The foreign forces have failed and the situation is worsening day by day. We might face a dreadful situation after 2014, which no one could have anticipated.

"All Afghan groups should agree on the complete withdrawal of all foreign troops by 2014.

"Then a free and fair election should be held.

"We will accept the government of whichever party is voted by the majority of the Afghan people."

The leader said education was as necessary for girls as for boys, but just that they are not taught together.

He added: "Before the withdrawal of invading forces the Mujahideen would like to witness with their own eyes a scene that will teach the invaders to never think of coming this way again.

"And also the others who have bad intentions and are waiting to invade Afghanistan."

A Ministry of Defence spokesman said: "The suggestion that any member of the UK armed forces deployed on operations operates under the influence of alcohol is simply absurd - not least because the consumption of alcohol by UK military personnel is not permitted under any circumstances while deployed in Afghanistan.

"UK troops are deployed and remain in Afghanistan to protect our national security by removing what was a safe haven for international terrorism.

"Now, it is Afghan forces that now have lead security responsibility for around 75% of the population in the country and lead up to 80% of conventional partnered operations.

"It is this sort of progress that has allowed almost 60% of UK bases in Helmand to be shut or handed over and will allow us to leave a stronger more secure Afghanistan when combat operations cease by the end of 2014."

Prince Harry 'kills innocent Afghans while he is drunk' - Home News - UK - The Independent

Afghan warlord brands Britain's Prince Harry as "jackal"

(Reuters) - An Afghan insurgent warlord branded Britain's Prince Harry on Wednesday as a shameless, drunken "jackal" out to kill innocent Afghans while on duty as an attack helicopter pilot for NATO forces in the country.

Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, a former Afghan prime minister who leads one of Afghanistan's main militant factions, told the Daily Telegraph in an interview that Queen Elizabeth's 28-year-old grandson was a relic of the colonial past.

"It seems that some British authorities still dream about the times of the 18th and 19th century and they want their ambassador to be treated like a viceroy and their prince to go out in uniform to hunt for human beings and play the Satanic role that they used to play in the past," Hekmatyar said in translated comments.

He said Britain had gained nothing by entering an "unjustified, useless but cruel conflict" to please its ally, the United States, speaking in a recorded video response to questions put by the paper.

"The British prince comes to Afghanistan to kill innocent Afghans while he is drunk. He wants to hunt down Mujahideen with his helicopter rockets without any shame.

"But he does not understand this simple fact that the hunting of Afghan lions and eagles is not that easy. Jackals cannot hunt lions," Hekmatyar added.

Britain's Ministry of Defence dismissed his remarks. "It is nonsense to suggest that any British pilot would be drunk in charge of their aircraft," a ministry spokesman said.

Hekmatyar made the recording in an undisclosed location, the Daily Telegraph said. He left Afghanistan in the mid-1990s and his whereabouts have been unclear since then.

The U.S. State Department lists Hekmatyar as a "terrorist" for supporting attacks by Islamist Taliban and al Qaeda insurgents, although he became a hero to many Afghans while leading mujahideen fighters against the Soviet occupation of the Central Asian country in the 1980s.

His Hizb-i-Islami group, which means Islamic Party, shares some of the Afghan Taliban's anti-foreigner, anti-government aims, and seeks to oust international coalition forces.

The prince, a serving British Army helicopter pilot, has worked hard to distance himself from his youthful playboy image, undertaking charity work and formal royal visits.

But those efforts were undermined when he was photographed cavorting naked with a nude young woman at a Las Vegas hotel in August, prompting headlines around the world shortly before he returned for a four-month tour of duty in Afghanistan.

After his deployment the Taliban said they would do all they could to kill or kidnap the prince. He was present but unharmed when Taliban insurgents attacked the Camp Bastion military base in Helmand province in September, killing two U.S. marines.

Britain is due to withdraw nearly all its 9,000 soldiers from Afghanistan when the NATO mission finishes in late 2014.

(Reporting by Tim Castle; Editing by Mark Heinrich)

Afghan warlord brands Britain's Prince Harry as "jackal"

(Reuters) - An Afghan insurgent warlord branded Britain's Prince Harry on Wednesday as a shameless, drunken "jackal" out to kill innocent Afghans while on duty as an attack helicopter pilot for NATO forces in the country.

Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, a former Afghan prime minister who leads one of Afghanistan's main militant factions, told the Daily Telegraph in an interview that Queen Elizabeth's 28-year-old grandson was a relic of the colonial past.

"It seems that some British authorities still dream about the times of the 18th and 19th century and they want their ambassador to be treated like a viceroy and their prince to go out in uniform to hunt for human beings and play the Satanic role that they used to play in the past," Hekmatyar said in translated comments.

He said Britain had gained nothing by entering an "unjustified, useless but cruel conflict" to please its ally, the United States, speaking in a recorded video response to questions put by the paper.

"The British prince comes to Afghanistan to kill innocent Afghans while he is drunk. He wants to hunt down Mujahideen with his helicopter rockets without any shame.

"But he does not understand this simple fact that the hunting of Afghan lions and eagles is not that easy. Jackals cannot hunt lions," Hekmatyar added.

Britain's Ministry of Defence dismissed his remarks. "It is nonsense to suggest that any British pilot would be drunk in charge of their aircraft," a ministry spokesman said.

Hekmatyar made the recording in an undisclosed location, the Daily Telegraph said. He left Afghanistan in the mid-1990s and his whereabouts have been unclear since then.

The U.S. State Department lists Hekmatyar as a "terrorist" for supporting attacks by Islamist Taliban and al Qaeda insurgents, although he became a hero to many Afghans while leading mujahideen fighters against the Soviet occupation of the Central Asian country in the 1980s.

His Hizb-i-Islami group, which means Islamic Party, shares some of the Afghan Taliban's anti-foreigner, anti-government aims, and seeks to oust international coalition forces.

The prince, a serving British Army helicopter pilot, has worked hard to distance himself from his youthful playboy image, undertaking charity work and formal royal visits.

But those efforts were undermined when he was photographed cavorting naked with a nude young woman at a Las Vegas hotel in August, prompting headlines around the world shortly before he returned for a four-month tour of duty in Afghanistan.

After his deployment the Taliban said they would do all they could to kill or kidnap the prince. He was present but unharmed when Taliban insurgents attacked the Camp Bastion military base in Helmand province in September, killing two U.S. marines.

Britain is due to withdraw nearly all its 9,000 soldiers from Afghanistan when the NATO mission finishes in late 2014.

(Reporting by Tim Castle; Editing by Mark Heinrich)

Afghan warlord brands Britain's Prince Harry as jackal | Reuters
Yes we should listen to Taliban to ascertain the character of people now.

Kindly read the article, He is Gulbudin Hikmatyar of Hizb-e-Islami his party is 10s of times better than Taliban; his party's supporters are doctors, teachers, government officials, engineers and bright people. Today his party has over 40% of representation in Parliament. His fighters made some mistakes which resulted in destruction of Kabul but over all his party can play a key role in up coming elections!

@ topic, he is right that white dude is a jackal but any how it's difficult to say he was drunk on mission!
Kindly read the article, He is Gulbudin Hikmatyar of Hizb-e-Islami his party is 10s of times better than Taliban; his party's supporters are doctors, teachers, government officials, engineers and bright people. Today his party has over 40% of representation in Parliament. His fighters made some mistakes which resulted in destruction of Kabul but over all his party can play a key role in up coming elections!

@ topic, he is right that white dude is a jackal but any how it's difficult to say he was drunk on mission!

Aren't they all allies ?
Prince Harray was not an uninvited guest.... it hardly makes any difference..... how, when and who kill pashtoons in Afghanistan.

Uzbeks of northern alliance are even more fierce enemies of pashtoons and Pakistanis.
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