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President Xi's article in Russian press: Persistently move forward to joint development of China and Russia


Jan 5, 2015
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Persistently move forward to new prospects of friendship, cooperation and joint development of China and Russia
Chinese President Xi Jinping (author's article for the Russian media)

At the invitation of President Vladimir Putin, I will pay a state visit to the Russian Federation. 10 years ago, my first foreign visit after being elected to the post of President of the People's Republic of China was made precisely to Russia. Within 10 years I have already visited Russia 8 times. Thanks to these trips, which always give great pleasure and results, President V.V. Putin opened a new chapter in the annals of Sino-Russian relations.

China and Russia are the largest neighbors, strategic partners of comprehensive cooperation, leading world powers and permanent members of the UN Security Council. Both countries pursue an independent and independent foreign policy, and consider relations between China and Russia as one of the main priorities in diplomacy.

Sino-Russian relations are developing according to a clear historical logic and on a powerful internal driver. For 10 years, bilateral cooperation has been developing dynamically in all azimuths and is entering a new era with confident steps.

Contacts at the highest and highest levels play an important role and are of enduring strategic importance.
Perfect mechanisms for exchanges and contacts at a high and top level, an extensive structure of multifaceted cooperation serve as an important systematic and institutional support for the development of bilateral relations. Over the years, President V.V. We maintain close working ties with Putin. During more than 40 meetings at bilateral and international venues, we prioritize practical cooperation in all areas, timely synchronize watches on topical international and regional issues of mutual interest, and set the tone for the sustainable development of bilateral relations.

The parties are continuously strengthening political mutual trust, creating a new paradigm of relations between major powers.
China and Russia adhere to the concept of eternal friendship and mutually beneficial cooperation. Bilateral relations are based on the principles of non-alignment, non-confrontation and non-direction against third parties. The two countries firmly support each other in following the path of development according to national realities, in the implementation of development and revival. Mature and stable bilateral ties are constantly gaining new strength and serve as a benchmark for a new type of interstate relations characterized by mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and mutually beneficial cooperation.

My upcoming visit to Russia is aimed at strengthening friendship, cooperation and peace. I am ready, together with President Vladimir Putin, to outline new plans and measures in the name of opening up new prospects for China-Russia relations of comprehensive partnership and strategic cooperation.
The parties form the architecture of comprehensive and multi-vector cooperation.
Thanks to joint efforts, trade turnover in 2022 amounted to a record $190 billion and increased by 116 percent compared to 10 years ago.

For 13 consecutive years, China has positioned itself as Russia's largest trading partner. The volume of mutual investments between the two countries continues to grow. A number of strategically significant cooperation projects in the field of energy, space, aviation and transport connectivity are being successfully implemented.

Interaction in such new industries as scientific and technological innovation and cross-border e-commerce maintains high dynamics. Interregional cooperation is rapidly gaining momentum. All this not only brings real benefits to ordinary people, but also gives an inexhaustible impetus to the development of both countries.

The parties are implementing the concept of friendship passed down from generation to generation, and traditional friendship is growing day by day.
On the eve of the 20th anniversary of the Treaty of Good Neighborliness, Friendship and Cooperation between China and Russia, President V.V. Putin decided to extend and fill the agreement with new content, taking into account the new realities of the time. The successful holding of 8 thematic cross years brings friendship and cooperation to new heights. The peoples of our countries provided material and moral support to each other in the fight against the coronavirus, which was another evidence of how "friends in trouble are known."

The parties closely cooperate in the international arena and bear great responsibility as great powers.
China and Russia firmly uphold the UN-centric international system and the world order based on international law, as well as the fundamental norms and principles of international relations based on the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, carry out close coordination and interaction within the UN, SCO, BRICS, G20 and others international platforms, make joint efforts to promote multipolarity and democratization of international relations.

The parties are taking effective steps to implement true multipolarity, develop universal human values and stand for the formation of international relations of a new type and a community of common destiny for mankind.

For more than 70 years, Sino-Russian relations have come a very difficult path. Looking back at the past, we deeply realize that the current level of Sino-Russian relations was not easy, and the unfading friendship between China and Russia should be carefully maintained.

History and practice show that in the context of global turbulence, Chinese-Russian relations have stood the test of strength due to the fact that we have embarked on the right path of establishing interstate ties.

My upcoming visit to Russia is aimed at strengthening friendship, cooperation and peace. I am ready, together with President Vladimir Putin, to outline new plans and measures to open up new prospects for China-Russia relations of comprehensive partnership and strategic cooperation.

The parties should focus on integrated planning with a focus on national development objectives, an innovative approach to open up new opportunities and cultivate new drivers. It is important to strengthen mutual trust and unleash potentials in order to maintain the stable dynamics of Sino-Russian relations at a high level.

The international community is well aware that no country in the world is superior to all others. There is no universal model of government and there is no world order where the decisive word belongs to an individual country
It is necessary to promote the parallel expansion of the volume and quality of investment and trade and economic cooperation, strengthen political coordination, create more favorable conditions for the high-quality development of investment cooperation, increase the scale of bilateral trade, expand common interests and seek new growth points, form a development structure that is complementary and compatible traditional trade and new forms of cooperation, to continue joint work on pairing the Belt and Road Initiative and the EAEU for institutional support of bilateral cooperation and regional integration.

It is necessary to deepen cultural and humanitarian ties, organize the Years of Cooperation in the field of physical culture and sports at a high level, unlock the potential of the mechanism of interregional cooperation, intensify contacts between sister provinces, regions and cities, encourage human exchanges, restore tourism cooperation between the two countries, hold such events, as a summer camp, a joint educational institution in the interests of the continuous strengthening of friendship and mutual understanding between peoples, primarily through the youth.

Profound changes are taking place in the modern world. Peace, development, cooperation and win-win is an unstoppable historical trend. Multipolarity, economic globalization and democratization of international relations are an irreversible trend.

At the same time, both traditional and non-traditional security challenges are rapidly growing. Actions of hegemony, despotism and persecution cause serious harm to the world. There is a very long way to go to restore the global economy. The international community is sounding great alarm, more than ever they need ways out of the crisis.

In March 2013, I spoke at MGIMO and mentioned that "the interconnection and interdependence of all countries has reached an unprecedented high level. Humanity lives in one global village, becoming a close community of a single destiny."

The Belt and Road Initiative, the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative, and the Global Civilizations Initiative that I later put forward became a useful filling of the essence of the concept of a community with a common destiny for mankind and the means of its implementation, which served as the Chinese version of an adequate response to the changes in the world, era and history.

China and Russia are the largest neighbors, strategic partners of comprehensive cooperation, leading world powers and permanent members of the UN Security Council. Both countries pursue an independent and independent foreign policy, consider relations between China and Russia as one of the main priorities in diplomacy.
For 10 years, universal human values such as peace, development, equality, justice, democracy and freedom have been deeply rooted in the hearts of people. More and more countries are united by a common desire to build a clean and beautiful world, where lasting peace, universal security, common prosperity, openness and tolerance will reign. The international community is well aware that no country in the world is superior to all others. There is no universal model of government and there is no world order where the decisive word belongs to an individual country. Solidarity and peace on the planet without splits and upheavals meet the common interests of all mankind.

Since the beginning of last year, there has been a total aggravation of the Ukrainian crisis. On the basis of the essence of what is happening, China has always taken an objective and impartial position, and has made active efforts to promote reconciliation and peace negotiations.

The set of visions I have voiced serve as a fundamental principle of China in the Ukrainian settlement. This, in particular, is about the need to comply with the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, respect the reasonable concerns of all states in the field of security, support all efforts aimed at a peaceful resolution of the Ukrainian crisis, and ensure the stability of global production and supply chains.

The recently published China's Position on the Political Settlement of the Ukrainian Crisis, taking into account the rational concerns of all parties, reflects to the maximum the unity of the world community's views on overcoming the Ukrainian crisis.

The document serves as a constructive factor in neutralizing the consequences of the crisis and promoting a political settlement. Complex problems do not have simple solutions.

We are convinced that a rational way out of the Ukrainian crisis and a path to lasting peace and universal security in the world will be found if everyone is guided by the concept of common, comprehensive, joint and sustainable security, and continue dialogue and consultations in an equal, prudent and pragmatic manner.

Before solving global problems, you need to settle your own affairs. The Communist Party of China, rallying and leading the Chinese people, comprehensively strives for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation through Chinese modernization, which is distinguished by the coverage of a huge population, the achievement of universal prosperity, the coordinated development of material and spiritual culture, the harmonious coexistence of man and nature, following the path peaceful development.

These distinctive features of China are formed on the basis of many years of practice and deep generalization of international experience. We will resolutely promote the cause of Chinese modernization, make efforts to realize high-quality development, and steadily expand external opening up. I am convinced that this will provide new opportunities for all countries of the world, including Russia.

The year starts with spring, and success starts with deeds. There is every reason to believe that China and Russia, as fellow travelers in development and revival, will make a greater contribution to the progress of human civilization.
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