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President Pranab Mukherjee talks tough, says state-sponsored ..


Sep 12, 2013
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President Pranab Mukherjee talks
tough, says state-sponsored
terrorism cannot be accepted
PTI | Oct 4, 2013, 01.16PM IST
Mukherjee, who is on a four-day
state visit to Belgium, dismissed
Pakistan's contention that "non-state
actors" were behind the terror acts
in India.
BRUSSELS: India wants peace with
Pakistan but there can be no
compromise with its own territorial
integrity, President Pranab
Mukherjee has said while asserting
that state-sponsored terrorism from
across the border cannot be
He also dismissed Pakistan's
contention that "non-state actors"
were behind the terror acts in India,
saying they are not coming from
heaven, but from territory under the
control of the neighbouring country.
Mukherjee, who is on a four-day
state visit to Belgium, reiterated that
the terror infrastructure in Pakistan
needs to be brought down.
"Terrorist activities must be curbed.
And state-sponsored terrorism can
never be accepted. Therefore,
repeatedly we are saying, please
dismantle the terrorist outfits which
are located in your area," he said in
an interview to Euronews.
Mukherjee said non-state actors who
perpetrate terrorism was a word
used by Pakistan.
"It may not be. But non-state actors,
that is the phrase they used, then I
responded by saying that non-state
actors are not coming from heaven.
Non-state actors are coming from
territory under your control.
"And not now, in 2004 Pakistan
agreed that their territories will not
be allowed to be used by forces
inimical to India," he said when he
was asked to comment that India
says that this is state-sponsored
terrorism and Pakistan says it is not
state-sponsored terrorism.
He said India does not have any
territorial ambitions and wants
peace with its neighbours while
maintaining its own territorial
"In 1971, when Indira Gandhi was
Prime Minister and Zulfikar Ali
Bhutto was Prime Minister of
Pakistan, India entered into an
agreement which is known as Shimla
Agreement...ninety-one thousand
imprisoned soldiers, prisoners of war,
were returned," he said.
"This was just to show the goodwill
that in our basic foreign policy we
do not have any territorial ambition,
we do not have any ambition to
export our ideology to any country or
we do not have any commercial
interests," Mukherjee said.
The President stressed that no
country can, however, compromise on
its territorial integrity.
"We want to have good relations
with our neighbours. When I was
Foreign Minister, more than often I
used to say that I can change my
friends if I like but I cannot change
my neighbours if I like. I shall have
to accept the neighbour the way he

--------------------------------------source. timesofindia.com
Usual boring cry baby rant. :sarcastic: Talk is cheap. Actions speak louder then words. Do something instead of empty talk.
Usual boring cry baby rant. :sarcastic: Talk is cheap. Actions speak louder then words. Do something instead of empty talk.
All hail the Gandhi clan, rise in terrorist activity in India. You have to vote us in again and your mulah's can preach all hate they want. Gandhikhori has sold us Indians out to butchers.

We need another Nathu LaL.
Usual boring cry baby rant. :sarcastic: Talk is cheap. Actions speak louder then words. Do something instead of empty talk.

well so far he has not dissappointed me, and i must say he is not just talk, as the president he fast tracked the execution of kasab and afzal guru , shot down an ordinance to protect corrupt netas and most importantly has been vocal on several key issues, what he is saying about pakistan is also correct to a large extent , there can't be a knee-jerk reaction to the acts of a country like pakistan , we must always remember we have more to lose in a war and pakistan is our neighbour. He is 1000 times better than the previous one , pratibha patil who was the worst president we even had.
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