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President Obama said to be considering "zero option" in Afghanistan


Jul 4, 2010
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Complete withdrawal

As the U.S.-Afghan relationship continues to deteriorate, President Obama is seriously considering a "zero option," speeding up the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan and bringing home all U.S. troops by the end of 2014, according to the New York Times (NYT, Pajhwok). American and European officials familiar with the situation say that a recent video teleconference between Obama and Afghan President Hamid Karzai ended badly, and that a military exit once seen as a worst-case scenario is being considered a possible alternative. There are currently 63,000 U.S. troops in Afghanistan, a number that is scheduled to go down to 34,000 by next February. The option now under consideration would withdraw the bulk of U.S. soldiers - if not all - by next summer, after the annual fighting season winds down.

With the start of Ramadan, a number of world leaders have called for peace and reflection in Afghanistan during the religious observation, while the Taliban has said it will continue tactical attacks. President Hamid Karzai called on the Taliban "to begin a journey of peace and compassion," asking them to return home and live peacefully (Pajhwok). President Barack Obama called the religious observation a time for thoughtful reflection and an opportunity to "celebrate the principles that bind people of different faiths - a commitment to peace, justice, equality, and compassion towards our fellow human beings". And Jan Kubis, the head of the U.N. Assistance Mission in Afghanistan, asked all parties involved in the conflict "to respect the sanctity of this month and allow Afghan families to worship and celebrate in peace".

Less than one month after opening their office in Doha, Qatar, the Afghan Taliban have shuttered their doors - at least temporarily - to protest the removal of a plaque reading "Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan" that they had affixed to the building (AP). A diplomat in the region and a Taliban official familiar with the talks told the Associated Press on Tuesday that the Taliban have not left their homes in Doha or used the office for political meetings since the Qatar government removed the plaque and the movement's white flag at the request of the Afghan government.

President Obama said to be considering "zero option" in Afghanistan - Jennifer Rowland and Bailey Cahall | The AfPak Channel
It will be good for United states to completely withdraw its forces from Afghanistan and don't listen to the crying of Karzai a-hole
If Americans go out, Taliban moves in the next day! :astagh:
Don't leave Afghanistan... Keep ur base here for 10 more years. (may be minimal forces)..

If Afghan will fall again to Taliban it will send wrong message, It will encourage jihadis from Japan to Alaska..

Being a Hindu I am afraid of my existence in shadow of Taliban mentality...
terrorist will rip apart India.. Mr Obama you can save your country but what happen to India?? who will save us from wrath of Jihadis??
Don't leave Afghanistan... Keep ur base here for 10 more years. (may be minimal forces)..

If Afghan will fall again to Taliban it will send wrong message, It will encourage jihadis from Japan to Alaska..

Being a Hindu I am afraid of my existence in shadow of Taliban mentality...
terrorist will rip apart India.. Mr Obama you can save your country but what happen to India?? who will save us from wrath of Jihadis??

Afghanistan is as about as relevant as Somalia. Even if it becomes a terror cesspit - who cares? You only need to tighten border controls and the US needs to block any migration from Afghanistan. War on terror is best fought by border control and strict control over movement into and out of the country.
Start preparing yourself for the fight. Radicals will get an impetus and there will be attacks. By Indian 'seculars' on Indian soil. So get enrolled in some Territorial Army to get in shape, or at least just stay informed. It is not a question of if but when.
Don't leave Afghanistan... Keep ur base here for 10 more years. (may be minimal forces)..

If Afghan will fall again to Taliban it will send wrong message, It will encourage jihadis from Japan to Alaska..

Being a Hindu I am afraid of my existence in shadow of Taliban mentality...
terrorist will rip apart India.. Mr Obama you can save your country but what happen to India?? who will save us from wrath of Jihadis??
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