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Prenups in India? Government Mulls Option

Tell this to this lady....

as i said...
it's another thing that 1800's indian corruption of islam ( deoband movement ) negates this socialistic aspect.

can you give any such tragic example from libyan jamahiriya, socialist afghanistan, syria, saddam's iraq etc??
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“Our office receives 30-35 inquiries about prenuptial agreements in a year,” says Shiv Kumar, senior advocate and founder-partner of Bangalore law firm Law & Options. “These are not idle enquiries, but queries from people who want to take the next step of drafting an agreement.”

But that next step mostly does not happen because of one crucial factor — prenuptial agreements have no legal sanctity in India.

Legally bound | Business Standard News
Stop dreaming about your Commahh.

commah is a good word, thanks. :D

and what i asked is a fair question... much of the indian muslim community does not practice true islam but only gives lip-service to it ( via obsessive prayer, dress code, quran recitation gatherings etc ), so they cannot be presented as example of islam but are to condemned for corruption of it.
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Prenups can be both good and bad. Nobody likes the idea of discussing how they should separate the belongings in case of a divorce just before marriages. However it is beneficial in the long run given the rising divorce rates (which is a sad affair) as it will help the people to decide on what belongs to them. It will make divorce comfortable but will also may motivate people to get divorce if things aren't working rather then making things work.
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Unfortunately thats true.
Responsibility of carrying a marriage lies on shoulders of both Man and Lady of the house and if we recall a time even say 10-15 years ago, we would see that while couple had their arguments and disagreements but they usually majority of them had wisdom to talk and sort it out. Then there were parents and elderly ones in family and only then the matter went taking legal route to wash dirty linen in public.
Today, these things of reconciliation are becoming increasingly rare and i get a feeling that with economic freedom is leading newer generation to develop a very casual attitude towards the institution of marriage (sorry for my choice of words but almost a Test Drive Sort of thing).
Last year one of young engineer working under me (aged 25) had a divorce just 15-16 months of his marriage on a silly account of girl not getting along with her mum-in-law. Nobody intervened from either family. There could be more instances of boy being equally stupid.
There was a time where one partner in marriage sacrificed his/her career for family (My late mother did) and kept welfare of family above all else.
I wish there were more people/groups/institutes to council couple before taking drastic step of separation.
Afaik couples are counceled before they proceed for divorce, I know atleast 2 such cases.

Look at the intolerance ... :o:
Your's or mine? 8-)

7 janam tak to waise bhi allowed hai :super:
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i must point out that islami wedding is a contract, with some economic safety for the bride guaranteed for situation of divorce... it's another thing that 1800's indian corruption of islam ( deoband movement ) negates this socialistic aspect.
Afaik Hindus don't believe in divorces.
Afaik couples are counceled before they proceed for divorce, I know atleast 2 such cases.
Even when the matter goes to court, the couple is asked to give some more thought and time (6-12 months typically). In most cases it is breakdown of communication to resolve whatever issues are present and gladly in several cases things have changed for good.
May God Bless the Lovely couple!
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and neither did christians ( as a matter inherent to belief ).

but in hindu marriages, though bjp government early this year prevented a progressive act ( Bill to make divorce easier may be dropped - The Hindu ), the supreme court has wisely taken a study for revision ( Supreme Court asks own: Are we being flexible with law in granting divorce? | The Indian Express ).

to aminroop's husband - sun raha hai na tu... :devil:
Btw do you believe hindu marriages are just about dowry, sati and everything bad ???
i read that in one of your posts.
Btw do you believe hindu marriages are just about dowry, sati and everything bad ???
i read that in one of your posts.

it would be incorrect of me to use the blanket term - "hindu marriages", because over the last seven decades, there have been many progressive hindus, whether the groom or his parents, or the bride and her parents, who have opposed dowry ( even when anti-dowry law was not codified ) and would have been flabbergasted if someone would have accused them of having sympathy for evils like sati... these progressive hindus, progressive to various degrees, number in the few million, and may have been part of the socialist movement or influenced by it, or may not have been ( such as yourself :) ) yet are progressive... they must be celebrated.

come on, there have been recent cases of hindu brides in rural areas refusing to continue in their new husbands' houses because those houses didn't have toilet... this is great change brought by spread of awareness of rights.

however, one must also consider a case i read ( and i keep mentioning it ) of a female police constable who was harassed by the family of her husband ( also a police constable ) for dowry... he being aware of ipc laws against dowry and she having easy access to the police station yet being harassed... there is more than one such case and portrays a chaotic and unjust culture... surely, the traditions and rituals are to blame and must be questioned, they have been challenged and acted against by progressive times in state institutions like the supreme court.

would you say this is fair?? :)
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Interesting introduction in the article. As with the usual feminist BS, it talks about how women currently have it so bad currently. All and all though, this will be better for men than it will be for women. It will make it more difficult for women to make a man her lifetime slave via alimony and divorce settlements. It will make it more difficult for women to act like the princess on top of the world and the man to be her doormat. In any case, if a man doesn't have a prenup and ends up turning into lifelong slave and utility tool for a woman after divorce, they always have the option of escaping to another country to avoid the state-sponsored misandry. But pre-nups give them one line of defence, so I am happy for this.

Of course most women will use the usual "it's not romantic" non-sense to get men to not ask for pre-nup, unless it's their money on the line. If its their money on the line, then watch them come up with a list of reasons to get prenup. Women are materialistic and manipulative to the highest order.

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