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"Pre-Conditions" of Taliban & our coward leadership


Jan 25, 2014
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English Translation of the important points is also posted below:


Taliban appointment of Mullah Fazalullah of Swat already shows clearly if Taliban are serious in negotiations or they are only playing with us. Just look at their preconditions for coming to the negotiation table.

1. First condition is this that all of Taliban terrorists should be released.
Please remember our Pak Army and security forces gave a lot of sacrifices for arresting these Talibani killers, who murdered thousands of innocent Pakistanies.

2. The second condition is this that Pak Army immediately pulled out of the tribal areas.
Remember, our leadership made the same mistake before in name of Swat Peace Deal and pulled the Army out of Swat. But this never resulted in talks with Taliban, but it resulted in killing of thousands of more tribal Pakistanies as after pulling out of Army, Taliban got golden chance to come and occupy whole Swat at gun point. They closed girl schools and collages and girl's education was banned. They killed all their opponents in Swat. And lastly started exporting the war towards Bonair and Islamabad.
Lastly, Pak Army was once again asked to do the operation and make Swat free of Taliban. But this time it costed 10 times more and thousands of more innocents died and 1 million people became IDPs.
Therefore, if this time our leaders pull Army out of Tribal Area, it will mean that Taliban will immediately occupy whole area and they will start killing all those tribal men who are loyal to Pakistan and who made Amn Lashkars against Taliban.

3. Their third condition is this that Pakistani State stops the war one sided, while Taliban still get the right to attack while Pakistani State is not sincere in negotiations.

Our leadership must have come forward and they should have told it clearly that these preconditions could never be accepted. And if Taliban still does any bomb attack then it will be considered as invitation towards negotiations, but it will be an act of war.

If we accept these preconditions, then nothing is going to be left to negotiate later as Taliban have already got all that what they need. So Taliban will be needing no more negotiations after these preconditions are fulfilled.

Unfortunately, none of our leaders got the courage to openly deny these preconditions of Taliban. The biggest stupidity came from Imran Khan where he gave a statement (published on 25th Jan, 2014: Dunya News) that if he were the prime minister, he would have pulled out the Army from whole tribal belt within one week, and only after that he would have invited Taliban for talks.
This is stupid. Release prisoners? Leave tribal areas? :crazy:

Our only condition should be: come to the table or face annihilation.
Before any 'negotiations' commence the PA should inflict such crushing blows upon the Taliban that they should seek peace at any terms.

If not, then shall continue to talk from a position of strength.
Comment by style guru:

TTP behaves as if by sitting for talks, it's doing some sort of favor on the Govt. & people of the country.

What guarantee is there that if all the animals are released prior to talks, then TTP won't abandon talks midway and resort to violence again?
The day d last tree died, d last river poisond & d last fish caught,we'll realize we can't eat money
Reminds me of how the Americans negotiated with Afghan warlords to get their support back in 2001:

US negotiator: We can offer you one million dollars to join our side.
Warlord: I want two million dollars.

US negotiator calls in precision airstrikes at a predesignated target in the near distance.

US negotiator: As we were saying, we will offer you half a million dollars to join our side...
Reminds me of how the Americans negotiated with Afghan warlords to get their support back in 2001:

US negotiator: We can offer you one million dollars to join our side.
Warlord: I want two million dollars.

US negotiator calls in precision airstrikes at a predesignated target in the near distance.

US negotiator: As we were saying, we will offer you half a million dollars to join our side...


A man must be spoken to in language he understands.
Reminds me of how the Americans negotiated with Afghan warlords to get their support back in 2001:

US negotiator: We can offer you one million dollars to join our side.
Warlord: I want two million dollars.

US negotiator calls in precision airstrikes at a predesignated target in the near distance.

US negotiator: As we were saying, we will offer you half a million dollars to join our side...

Give them no other option. Throw your weight around.. Squish them if needed.
Now if only our politicians can understand this.
This negotiation drama should end, there is no one to negotiate.
We are told, there are 100 groups, and than we want to negotiate with which one?
Who will negotiate with BLA? or Sindhi nationalists parties?
This BS is initiated by Zardari and ImRAWn Khan just to legitimize some criminals, who cannot even spell logistics.
Yet they managed to annex SAWAT, using PPP....... exactly following Indian military books.
They managed to change the name of NWFP on linguistic basis, even more the airport name is changed to the nameof traitor and ImRAWn Khan accepts it.
Stop this drama of making people fool, capture few of those rats alive and make them talk.
This is stupid. Release prisoners? Leave tribal areas? :crazy:

Our only condition should be: come to the table or face annihilation.

Our only condition should be bend over and KI$$ your A$$ good bye!!!!!!!!!!!!.
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