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PPP to write letters to foreign embassies to expose NAB ‘victimisation’

Typical beghairat traitors. Now begging foreign countries to interfere in internal issues. A case of treason should be lodged against ppp.
Idiotic rather a criminal step. Why wash your dirty linen in another person's yard. ???
Similarly, when they were in power they neither put forward a proposal nor tabled a resolution for NAB reforms or for south Punjab.
Now that they are entangled in theNAB tentacles in cases made since last 7 to 10 years and it has started to hurt them personally and politically, they have started dirty tactics on both NAB and on south Punjab.
Ghatiya log, corrupt to the core.... will do anything and go to any extent to save their a**
PPP and PML-N have always relied on outside support and intervention. Be it KSA or daddy America.

Shameless PPP begging to outsiders LOL
Happens in total war. Opposition will try to humiliate a government which is hell bent on destroying them. That will surely include some unpalatable steps.

They should have begged to Modi for help LOL

Sindhudesh and India are allies.
May Allah punish these filthy, entitled, scum ppp b@$tards. May all of them die a painful death. I wouldn't pray over their graves. Pathetic traitors, $wines!!!
They just keep exposing themselves and the world knows it. However, they have friends who brought him and Nawaz to power

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