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Power sector close to collapse under Rs513.37 billion debt

Shabaz Sharif

Nov 26, 2006
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ISLAMABAD: Amid the unprecedented power shortages of over 7,000MW, Pakistan’s power sector receivables have risen to a whopping Rs513.368 billion in the first 10 months of the current financial year 2013-14, threatening collapse of the entire system.

According to the latest documents on receivables as of April 2014 available with The News, the provinces are required to pay Rs87.256 billion that include Sindh’s Rs54.547 billion, KP Rs20.540 billion, Punjab Rs6.619 billion, Balochistan Rs5.550 billion and the AJK’s Rs36.693 billion.

The shocking fact is that the government has failed to collect electricity bills from private sector consumers as this sector has emerged as the biggest defaulter owing a mammoth Rs345.386 to the Pakistan Electric Power Company (Pepco).

The document also unveils that the domestic sector in Fata is required to pay Rs32 billion, which has also been included in the head of private sector consumers.

Finance Minister Ishaq Dar said that the government was going to implement a special plan next week to improve the recovery of electricity bills as the finance ministry had no money to clear the circular debt that had risen to over Rs300 billion.

The prime minister is worried and annoyed over the appalling situation of power sector and it is clear that the Ministry of Water and Power is bound to speedily recover these bills and clear the circular debt. However, the finance ministry will also depute a senior official to help the Ministry of Water and Power to recover the dues.

Dar said that he was going to soon pay more to the Ministry of Water and Power from the head of inter-tariff differential subsidy so that PSO’s imminent default could be averted.

Meanwhile, the IPPs have reduced their power generation by over 1,600MW despite the fact that they have the capacity to generate 8,500MW of electricity. They have reduced their generation just because of non-availability of the required liquidity. They have no money to pay the interest to banks on loans they have borrowed to purchase the fuel. The government owes Rs210 billion to the IPPs and if the situation continues unabated, then the IPPs may halt their operations exposing the country to more loadshedding, according to Adbullah Yousaf, the Chairman of Advisory Council of the IPPs.

Meanwhile, the Pakistan State Oil is on the verge of being declared a defaulter as one of its letters of credit (L/C) is going to expire on Friday, June 13.The dues of PSO have also swelled to Rs130 billion as of today that the power sector has to pay to the state-run entity.

“We have supplied furnace oil of Rs160 billion to the power sector by June 9, 2014 in the current financial year and in return PSO miserably lacks the liquidity as the power sector is not paying for the fuel it has used so far,” a senior official in PSO told The News.“This situation has exposed PSO with zero liquidity because of which it has no fiscal space to place more orders to import furnace oil for power generation.”

Power sector close to collapse under Rs513.37 billion debt - thenews.com.pk

AJK is small area, ytf their debt is Rs 36 billion?
The Sharifs were overly optimistic about the economic recovery. Some of the debt was needed, but they really overreached themselves, grabbing every penny they could get their hands on.
WTH man who gives electricity free....how can they not have collected and continued supplying? Khata khola wa hai? Pagal dhobi kahin kay cant run country based on experience gained from the local dhobi!

I mean if we dont pay the bills we wont get electricity no one waits a few months to realize opps we havent collected in billions!
WTH man who gives electricity free....how can they not have collected and continued supplying? Khata khola wa hai? Pagal dhobi kahin kay cant run country based on experience gained from the local dhobi!

I mean if we dont pay the bills we wont get electricity no one waits a few months to realize opps we havent collected in billions!

The government itself, and the military, are two of the biggest defaulters that are not paying for the electricity they consume.
The government itself, and the military, are two of the biggest defaulters that are not paying for the electricity they consume.
well govt at least needs to patrol the country (only offices and places directly linked with patrolling or directly linked with doing something) since we are having internal attacks....but the govt only sits on its bottoms (this includes free power to generals and their cantt area)
The government itself, and the military, are two of the biggest defaulters that are not paying for the electricity they consume.

Bills for government and military buildings will be paid off by the treasury anyway. So I don't see the point.
well govt at least needs to patrol the country (only offices and places directly linked with patrolling or directly linked with doing something) since we are having internal attacks....but the govt only sits on its bottoms (this includes free power to generals and their cantt area)

It does not matter what the electricity is used for - as long as it is paid for.

Bills for government and military buildings will be paid off by the treasury anyway. So I don't see the point.

The point is that the government pays very late and only partially. If it paid promptly and fully, it would not choke the power providers books with accounts receivable so that they can pay for the fuel on time.
It does not matter what the electricity is used for - as long as it is paid for.
I meant I do mind power being given off free to govt officials (homes/quarters whatever you wanna call them) offices and what not except on some cases like patrolling the country (logistics or threat alert + hospitals) rest all should not be allowed even 1cent of debt!
I meant I do mind power being given off free to govt officials (homes/quarters whatever you wanna call them) offices and what not except on some cases like patrolling the country (logistics or threat alert + hospitals) rest all should not be allowed even 1cent of debt!

There is no such thing as "free" power. Somebody has to pay for it.
There is no such thing as "free" power. Somebody has to pay for it.
obviously it would be paid for...I dont mean 100% free I meant like what they are doing now ...for them that is "free" since they cant even be bothered to pay how shameless!

Nothing is free on this planet!
obviously it would be paid for...I dont mean 100% free I meant like what they are doing now ...for them that is "free" since they cant even be bothered to pay how shameless!

Nothing is free on this planet!

Why pay for anything if you can get the gornamint to pick up the tab?
Why pay for anything if you can get the gornamint to pick up the tab?
How is that even pronounced :unsure:

Govt pick up tabs? well its high time they start sticking the same tabs on these lootayray's forehead!
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