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Potential Frigate for Navy

What is Milgem doing? Requirement of up to 4 ships.

MİLGEM'e Kardeş Ortak
Pakistan, savaş gemisi üretimi için Türkiye ile işbirliğine hazır.
February 20, 2007


Tasarım ve entegrasyonu ile tamamen milli kaynaklarla hayata geçirilen milli gemi projesi MİLGEM, kardeş ülke Pakistan'ın gündeminde.
Kendi gemisini üretmek isteyen Pakistan, bu alanda Türkiye ile işbirliğine hazırlanıyor.

Türk Deniz Kuvvetleri, dünyadaki güçlü donanmalar arasında ilk sıralarda yer alıyor ancak envanterdeki savaş gemileri milli üretim değil.

MİLGEM projesi ise Türk Donanması'na, tamamıyla milli, üstelik sınıfının en gelişmiş savaş gemilerini kazandıracak.

Proje, Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri'nin Başkenti Abu-Dhabi'de düzenlenen IDEX-2007 Savunma Sanayii Fuarı'nda ilgi odağı oldu.

Kardeş ülke Pakistan da, Türkiye'nin Milli Gemi projesiyle yakından ilgileniyor.

En az 4 savaş gemisi üretmek isteyen Pakistan, ilk gemiyi Türkiye'de, diğerlerini ise Karaçi'de inşa etmeyi hedefliyor.

Türkiye Pakistan'a tasarım ve malzeme konusunda destek olacak.

Türkiye'nin bu ay içinde Pakistan'a bir teklif sunması, Pakistanlı yetkililerin ise Nisan ayında Türkiye'ye gelerek temaslarda bulunması bekleniyor.
AsSalam oAlaikum.
Mark as usual a well researched and analysed presentation. However, I have a problem with the time line of these various developments. regarding P22s we will start building our own sometime in 2009-10 for possible completion 2113. We then also have to upgrade our Augusta 90s with MESMA which I presume will take a couple of years. Milgem, i am assuming will be a project post 2010-11, as I am assuming they are still on the drawing board and will be inducted in the Turkish Navy around 2010. There is talk of 3 submarines possibly U214s being built locally,as soon as the contracts are finalized, presumably by the end of this yr/1st quarter of next year. Considering we have taken, 2-3 yrs building one Augusta 90, even with an optimistic start date of 2008-9, we will need 8-9 yrs to complete this project. On top of all of this there is the frigate project.
Now correct me if I am being a pessimist, but knowing our current prowesss in ship building, I cant see us taking on another project. Secondly, i am concerned that our type 21s will not last as long as that. As such I think there will be an intermediate buy to cover the 21s retirement. There has been talk of OHP doing the job, however currently none are available for the next 2 yrs at least. I am assuming, even if we do get our hands on them , there will be a lot of work required before they are sea worthy( my own hunch, given PNs previous experiences with the Americans).
So I think, there will be an intermediate buy by the PN and also, we are being optimistic about our chances of building the new frigates our selves. As you all know, I am a novice and have no Naval experience, therefore feel free to educate and correct me.
About the 4 frigate requirement (in addition to F-22P, corvettes, etc), the PN hopes to get at least 2 built at home - may not necessarily happen, and all could be built outside.
About the 4 frigate requirement (in addition to F-22P, corvettes, etc), the PN hopes to get at least 2 built at home - may not necessarily happen, and all could be built outside.

AsSalam O Alaikum,
Now that might make more sense. Does anybody have a clue about what PN is inclined towards as their second frigate----Type 54 or Meko A200? If we are going for the latter, it would be nice to have atleast one, if not two built locally for us to get the necessary expertise in designing and building Ships. I also feel that there should be a commercial project on going to keep the shipyard busy. We cant just rely on warship building as it has limited scope.
Chinese Type 054 class Frigates with the displacement of 4,000 to 4,500 tons, French FREMM multipurpose class frigates with the displacement of 5,600 tons, French Horizon class frigates with the displacement of 6,600 tons, French Formidable class frigates with the displacemnt of 3200 tons, German MEKO 200 class Frigates with the displacement of 3,400 tons, German F123 Brandenburg class with the displacement of 4900 tons are the better options for future Frigate for Pakistan Navy

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