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Possible new terror attack in London unfolding.

More coming in about the attackers....

One of the terror suspects was thrown out of a local mosque two years ago after shouting that voting in a General Election was 'un-Islamic', MailOnline can disclose.

The man had been attending the Jabir Bin Zayd mosque in Barking for some months when he aggressively interrupted a sermon in which the Imam was advising his community to vote.

'He started saying that voting was un-Islamic and we shouldn't do it,' the mosque manager, who declined to be named, told MailOnline.

'He got very angry. I called him aside and said, please calm down. He refused, so I removed him. Thank God he followed me.

'When we got outside the room, he said you don't have authority over me, only God has authority because this is a house of God. I said that might be true, but I am in charge.'

The suspect had long hair at the time, the manager said, and did not appear to know much about Islam.

'He had no special friends here. He would arrive, pray and then leave. He said hello to people but generally kept himself to himself,' the manager said.

'He seemed an uneducated person. He seemed to have no knowledge of religion.' After the outburst the suspect was banned from the mosque and has not been seen there since, he added.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...ackers-thrown-local-mosque.html#ixzz4j3SRABnz

London Bridge had been my stop for past 2 years and walked through this borough market daily to the firm. It's a heavily packed market in the evenings.

These kind of events are fueling a lot of hatred for Muslims in UK.
Theresa May has said:"It is time to say enough is enough."
Does it mean that they want to stand against Saudi Arabia or want to blame things on us again?
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More coming in about the attackers....

One of the terror suspects was thrown out of a local mosque two years ago after shouting that voting in a General Election was 'un-Islamic', MailOnline can disclose.

The man had been attending the Jabir Bin Zayd mosque in Barking for some months when he aggressively interrupted a sermon in which the Imam was advising his community to vote.

'He started saying that voting was un-Islamic and we shouldn't do it,' the mosque manager, who declined to be named, told MailOnline.

'He got very angry. I called him aside and said, please calm down. He refused, so I removed him. Thank God he followed me.

'When we got outside the room, he said you don't have authority over me, only God has authority because this is a house of God. I said that might be true, but I am in charge.'

The suspect had long hair at the time, the manager said, and did not appear to know much about Islam.

'He had no special friends here. He would arrive, pray and then leave. He said hello to people but generally kept himself to himself,' the manager said.

'He seemed an uneducated person. He seemed to have no knowledge of religion.' After the outburst the suspect was banned from the mosque and has not been seen there since, he added.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...ackers-thrown-local-mosque.html#ixzz4j3SRABnz

Was/were he/they Pakistani/s?

London Bridge had been my stop for past 2 years and walked through this borough market daily to the firm. It's a heavily packed market in the evenings.

These kind of events are fueling a lot of hatred for Muslims in UK.
Hatred is what the powers that be want...it fuels the dialectical Clash...

More coming in about the attackers....

One of the terror suspects was thrown out of a local mosque two years ago after shouting that voting in a General Election was 'un-Islamic', MailOnline can disclose.

The man had been attending the Jabir Bin Zayd mosque in Barking for some months when he aggressively interrupted a sermon in which the Imam was advising his community to vote.

'He started saying that voting was un-Islamic and we shouldn't do it,' the mosque manager, who declined to be named, told MailOnline.

'He got very angry. I called him aside and said, please calm down. He refused, so I removed him. Thank God he followed me.

'When we got outside the room, he said you don't have authority over me, only God has authority because this is a house of God. I said that might be true, but I am in charge.'

The suspect had long hair at the time, the manager said, and did not appear to know much about Islam.

'He had no special friends here. He would arrive, pray and then leave. He said hello to people but generally kept himself to himself,' the manager said.

'He seemed an uneducated person. He seemed to have no knowledge of religion.' After the outburst the suspect was banned from the mosque and has not been seen there since, he added.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...ackers-thrown-local-mosque.html#ixzz4j3SRABnz
So if a Muslim feels that voting in a Secular democracy is wrong, then ipso facto he is an "extremist" or "terrorist"? Or only if he shouts and interrupts sermons with his views.?

This is what I take is the underlying message of the above article?? It seems to me, that if a Muslim does not vote, he should be looked as a potential terrorist??
Hatred is what the powers that be want...it fuels the dialectical Clash...

So if a Muslim feels that voting in a Secular democracy is wrong, then ipso facto he is an "extremist" or "terrorist"? Or only if he shouts and interrupts sermons with his views.?

This is what I take is the underlying message of the above article?? It seems to me, that if a Muslim does not vote, he should be looked as a potential terrorist??
no, if he shouts in a Masjid that something is un Islamic, he should be labeled an extremist at least
First learn the difference between an freedom fighter and terrorists u ignorant hick, fighting an occupation force is not terrorism, killing civilians is, which indian army does so well in kashmir, hence by classical defination indian army are the terrorists in kashmir...
"Well, if crime fighters fight crime and fire fighters fight fire, what do freedom fighters fight? They never mention that part to us, do they?"
George Carlin - Jammin In New York
Was/were he/they Pakistani/s?

One of them is of Pakistani background. Although there are no confirmed reports, but the evidence does point in this direction.

Hatred is what the powers that be want...it fuels the dialectical Clash...

So if a Muslim feels that voting in a Secular democracy is wrong, then ipso facto he is an "extremist" or "terrorist"? Or only if he shouts and interrupts sermons with his views.?

This is what I take is the underlying message of the above article?? It seems to me, that if a Muslim does not vote, he should be looked as a potential terrorist??

No it's the way he was doing things. Also from experience these nuts who start hurling abuse during Kutbahs are usually deranged, and it's also a start of a downward spiral.
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Bloody cowards!! @waz Trust you and the loved ones are unharmed mate.. Thoughts are with the British people.. I guess this is something you guys might have to live with now, Uncertainty
1 Canadian citizen has died. My prayers to the family and people of Canada who are our brothers and sisters in culture and nationhood.


Bloody cowards!! @waz Trust you and the loved ones are unharmed mate.. Thoughts are with the British people.. I guess this is something you guys might have to live with now, Uncertainty

Yes bro all is ok. Thank you for your kind words. 2 Aussies were hurt but are recovering. Australia stands with us as well.

no, if he shouts in a Masjid that something is un Islamic, he should be labeled an extremist at least[/QUOTOK

One of them is of Pakistani background. Although there are no confirmed reports, but the evidence does point in this direction.

No it's the way he was doing things. Also from experience these nuts who start hurling abuse during Kutbahs are usually deranged, and it's also a start of downward spiral.
One of them is of Pakistani background. Although there are no confirmed reports, but the evidence does point in this direction.

No it's the way he was doing things. Also from experience these nuts who start hurling abuse during Kutbahs are usually deranged, and it's also a start of downward spiral.

Fair enough. However I must say that IMHO, the perception that they want the reader to go away with is not look out for Muslims who shout and interrupt sermons but rather those who do not vote as they consider it un islamic.
The sad incidents have been happening in Pakistan and many other Muslim countries due to wrong policies of West/USA and now consequences are being felt in West. It all should be stopped by reconciliation instead of hatred.
The majority of terrorist acts done by persons who are natives of these countries by birth. You can't stop extremism by hatred or killing people but by dialogue.
@Sher Shah Awan @Kaptaan @mike2000 is back

Time for a crackdown on extremists and those preaching hate. You must not hesitate to close mosques that are deemed radicals and where what not activities are conducted. And of course deporting or jailing the hate preachers imams and the extremists that are brainwashing entire generations with their nauseabond ideologies and teachings.
Britain is a country that prides itself with its freedom of speech and freedom of religion,but this tolerance has been abused so much times by those kind of people.

@Providence Hope you are allright.

My thoughts exactly. But will our government/institutions feel the same way? I can't say. They have continuously tolerated these delinquents for over two decades now. Even the Libyan terrorist who carried out the attack in Manchester was the son of a well known Islamist fighter who fought against Gaddafi in the 90s and then was given refuge here.

The radicals were/are reported many times but when will the government grow a spine? I don't know.

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