Bunk. Whatever 'slow speed' means...
First...There is no such thing as 'slow' or 'fast'. Everything is relativistic. Ten km/hr is merely a figure. When relative to five km/hr, it is
FASTER. When relative to twenty km/hr, it is
Now...What is Mach at sea level?
Speed of Sound at different altitudes (km/h, mph, knots)
The American Ground Launch Cruise Missile (GLCM) speed is 550-600 mph or 880-900 km/h. This speed was carefully calculated to give the vehicle ample time to execute terrain avoidance/following maneuvers at sea level altitude.
Is it possible to go that low? Absolutely. Here is a Chinese example...
PLA Cruise Missiles / PLA Air - Surface Missiles
Tactically speaking, as in real world conditions, the phrase 'sea level' is casually used to includes literally surface (0) to up to 1000 meters altitude. Mach figure difference is only 20 km/h. Tactically and statistically insignificant.
Tactical response time is measured by 'horizon break', as in the moment a cruise missile appears on one horizon and disappears over the other horizon. The higher the view, visually or radar, the longer this time span, and the longer the response time. So put either the man or the radar on a tower. The taller the tower, the further the man or radar can see.
If the response mechanism, not viewer which is either man or radar, is at ground level, it have less than one second to do whatever it is supposed to do. Ground air defense is exactly that -- ground -- and it includes the viewer -- radar. So now both viewer and mechanism is at ground level.
Visual distance at ground level, as in from horizon to horizon, is about 25 km at best.
Here is the calculator for that...
Horizon calculator - radar and visual
If h1 and h2 are at 5 meters, visual and radar horizons are less than 20 km distance. Now the cruise missile is traveling at over 800 km/h to cover at best 25 km distance.
The cruise missile is 'dead meat' once detected?