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Position of Pakistan in changing world Order



New Recruit

Aug 4, 2008
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If you take a look at the international affairs, especially that of Russia, China and Pakistan then you will note that world order is realigning now. Russia's tone is changing now. Relations between Russia and China are becoming stronger and stronger due to which Pakistan is also becoming a part Via China. If Russia, China and Pakistan becomes a group then it can considerably change the world order. The same old history can be repeated. Only difference will be that was against Russia and this new strategy will be against U.S.A. Secondly when China is included in this act, there will be no chance for Russia to gain undue advantages afterward.
A recent sign towards this change was Pakistan's recent stand against U.S raids. We have seen that Pakistan has cut the U.S supply lines for one day which was a warning sign itself. Even if Pakistan don't retaliate and just cut off supply lines of U.S Army, U.S army will not be able to survive since without food an ammunition. As i am sure if Pakistan will cut the supply line, Russia will never allow its route too.
As far as war act is concerned, This is missile age, although air force still has its own advantages but missiles now play key role. Pakistan is already self sufficient in missiles and is capable of diminishing each and every U.S base in this area.
On the other hand, if you see Russia's new statement to launch a preemptive strike on Poland in case U.S plants missile shield there, you will see a note a clear change of voice. What do you say about these recent signs of changing of world order. Please comment :pakistan:
More than agreed with you. There is another thread with the name "Pakistan should come closer to Russia" you will find the comments of the members there.

With EU have some differences with US, although not much stronger but even then you can see different blocks. Its time there should be another block composed of Russia, China, Pakistan and Iran.

You can have support of Cuba, Vanezvla like countries too.
No doubt U.S.A wants to spread this war into Pakistan now. Pakistan must change its foreign policy now and there is no other option. You are right, Iran should also be included in this block so this will make 4 large countries, China, Russia, Pakistan and Iran. These four countries can survive even if some how U.S.A imposes sections on them although it is not possible since main oil supply to Europe goes via Venezuela and if they impose sanctions on these four countries, Russia can simply cut of European oil supply and this will result in much more disaster for Europe than sanctions imposed on these four countries. So i don't think U.S can get sanctions approved. This is a turning point, only if our govt shows some courage and set aside current internal issues to concentrate on national integrity.
More than agreed with you. There is another thread with the name "Pakistan should come closer to Russia" you will find the comments of the members there.

With EU have some differences with US, although not much stronger but even then you can see different blocks. Its time there should be another block composed of Russia, China, Pakistan and Iran.

You can have support of Cuba, Vanezvla like countries too.

Dear jana, mam
i guss, the thread is good and its the differnt 1 from the one inthe world affairs ,but i guss it should be in a different section.
thread above is more open, it just not russia , its about the emerging world including russia.
i beg you a appology, if i mistaknly wrote any thing wrong.
hope you will allow my crap to flow.:enjoy:

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