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Population of homeless in rural dips in India


Dec 6, 2013
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The population of India's homeless has fallen both as a proportion of the total population and in absolute terms between 2001 and 2011, if the latest census data is to be believed. However, the data also shows that while there has been a sharp reduction of homeless people in rural India, their numbers in towns and cities have increased by almost 21%.

The fall in homelessness in rural areas is mirrored by an almost equal rise in urban areas. As the homeless declined by about 66,000 households in rural areas, it went up by about 69,000 households in urban areas, recording a growth rate of 20.5% as against a decline of 28.4% in rural areas.

Census defines homeless households as those which do not live in buildings or census houses but live in the open or roadside, on pavements, in hume-pipes, under flyovers and staircases, or in places of worship, mandaps, railway platforms, etc.


Among the larger states, Rajasthan has the highest proportion of homeless and has had the least success in reducing the proportion of homeless persons along with Haryana and West Bengal. Four states — Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh — account for about half the country's homeless population.

Chandigarh and Delhi record a high proportion of homeless in their population — 0.39% and 0.28% respectively. The lowest proportion is found in Mizoram (0.01%) and Andamans (0.02%). Meghalaya, Assam and Kerala, each have a proportion of 0.04%. The proportion of homeless children in the total child population has reduced, though only marginally in urban areas.

The fall in the overall absolute number of homeless children is driven by the sharp fall in the rural numbers. In urban areas, that number went up by about 4,400 to touch 1.12 lakh in 2011.

Interestingly, while the child sex ratio among the homeless (932) is much better than in the general population (919), between 2001 and 2011 even among the homeless there has been a fall in child sex ratio from 947 in 2001, in both rural and urban areas.

Literacy rate among the homeless has improved significantly from 27% in 2001 to 39% in 2011 though it is way below that of the general population (73%). However, the jump in literacy between 2001 and 2011 has been sharper among the homeless than in the general population where it went from 65% to 73% in the same period.

Predictably, the work participation rate (WPR) among the homeless (52%) is higher than the general population (40%). However, while the WPR has gone up marginally in the general population, in both urban and rural areas, it has gone down for the homeless.

It has fallen more for homeless women from 51% to 43% in rural areas and just marginally from 33% to 32% in urban areas.

just the onus transferred to cities from villages
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