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poorly equipped algerian c28a corvette


Jan 31, 2017
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While this may seem paradoxical, there is much more to offer in the navy than in armored vehicles, tanks or fighter jets. Today, there are two or three factories that can deliver heavy tanks, three or four models of multi-role fighter on the market, but when it comes to choosing a corvette or a frigate, the possibilities are very large. and quite a few manufacturers.



Initially it is a small comparison between the gun of the corvette C28A used by the Algerian Navy and that of a corvette Type 054 of the PLAN to note the absence of manual fire control on the export version. The website showing the non-export version ironically about the poor quality and the low price of the export version of the PJ 26 gun, since it is him.

This observation pushed us to dare to compare with the version proposed to the Malaysian Navy by the Chinese manufacturer. Malaysians having had the time and the leisure to visit in depth the Algerian C28A during the stop of this one in Malaysia during the delivery.

This will give a version much more stealthy and more powerful than the Algerian version. A technological delay of ten years in just one year. The old copy of Crotale anti-aircraft missiles will be replaced by a vertical-launch version, the anti-aircraft gun by a modern missile system, and of course the model shows the non-export version of the PJ26 gun on the front of the C28M.

On the strength of the near-obsolescence of these devices, despite the presence of the excellent Smart-S radar, we have extended this observation to the other armaments of the C28A and again the C802 missile is pale. Subsonic and having repeatedly failed modern ships, it does not seem to be the best choice for the Algerian navy.

So what would have been the most relevant choice to replace the old corvette?

We compared on paper more than fifteen corvettes, Chinese, Western and Russian on key specifications such as radar range, weapons range, speed, range and the ability of the corvette to protect against missiles, others ships and bombers.

There too the doctrinal choice is necessary, take Russian or Western? to favor electronic platforms and NATO armaments and to risk seeing them compromised, or to adopt Russian platforms and risk confrontation with armies that have trained precisely to counter such systems?



The French is always bitter over losing any arm deal to China in Algeria. They believe Algeria is always their backyard. The French will do whatever it takes to smear rivals. China always customize weapon export according to customers financial needs.

Bangladesh buys second hand refurbished Type 035B Ming Sub, does that means that is the best China can export?
We export far better S-26 AIP sub to RTN and PN. It all depends how much customers are willing to paid. Calling it poor of the weapon is trying to twist facts of customer needs.

I remember there are a few french article claiming China invest in Africa is trying to exploit their resources with nothing benefit for African. Do remember who is the one who colonise African and Algeria. It is not the Chinese but the French. These so called self righteous French need to look into the mirror of their evil passed of murdering Algerian and colonize them for their own need before being thicked skinned and accuse China who use legal venue to invest in African unlike the French who butcher their way in Africa in the past.
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The French is always bitter over losing any arm deal to China in Algeria.

what deals ?
french refuse to sell fremm fregate to algeria
Calling it poor of the weapon is trying to twist facts of customer needs.

3000T ship without VLS and effective SAM export version of PJ 26 gun ... it;s just wast of money​
what deals ?
french refuse to sell fremm fregate to algeria

3000T ship without VLS and effective SAM export version of PJ 26 gun ... it;s just wast of money​
Waste of money is not your call. Sure F-22 raptor fighter is fantastic to have. How many countries can afford and maintain it? This aircraft needs aircon hangar and every few hours of flight needs USD 600000 to maintain it.

Fanboy sure loves the best and is always a must to have. But their forgot their budget and huge bills needed to maintain that kind of toys. Is Algeria as rich as USA, no. I hope it answer your question.

Are you denying French or European media never smear the Chinese or my accusation of French over Chinese is wrong? They even got the cheek to called Chinese investment colonised. LOL...

But their forgot their budget and huge bills needed to maintain that kind of toys. Is Algeria as rich as USA, no. I hope it answer your question.

Algerian navy bought meko-200 from germany and it cost more than x2 of C28A

Algerian navy bought meko-200 from germany and it cost more than x2 of C28A

Is the Meko 200 better equipped than C28A in terms of money paid or firepower ratio to money paid? Care to answer me? Algeria once bitten twice shy.

While this may seem paradoxical, there is much more to offer in the navy than in armored vehicles, tanks or fighter jets. Today, there are two or three factories that can deliver heavy tanks, three or four models of multi-role fighter on the market, but when it comes to choosing a corvette or a frigate, the possibilities are very large. and quite a few manufacturers.



Initially it is a small comparison between the gun of the corvette C28A used by the Algerian Navy and that of a corvette Type 054 of the PLAN to note the absence of manual fire control on the export version. The website showing the non-export version ironically about the poor quality and the low price of the export version of the PJ 26 gun, since it is him.

This observation pushed us to dare to compare with the version proposed to the Malaysian Navy by the Chinese manufacturer. Malaysians having had the time and the leisure to visit in depth the Algerian C28A during the stop of this one in Malaysia during the delivery.

This will give a version much more stealthy and more powerful than the Algerian version. A technological delay of ten years in just one year. The old copy of Crotale anti-aircraft missiles will be replaced by a vertical-launch version, the anti-aircraft gun by a modern missile system, and of course the model shows the non-export version of the PJ26 gun on the front of the C28M.

On the strength of the near-obsolescence of these devices, despite the presence of the excellent Smart-S radar, we have extended this observation to the other armaments of the C28A and again the C802 missile is pale. Subsonic and having repeatedly failed modern ships, it does not seem to be the best choice for the Algerian navy.

So what would have been the most relevant choice to replace the old corvette?

We compared on paper more than fifteen corvettes, Chinese, Western and Russian on key specifications such as radar range, weapons range, speed, range and the ability of the corvette to protect against missiles, others ships and bombers.

There too the doctrinal choice is necessary, take Russian or Western? to favor electronic platforms and NATO armaments and to risk seeing them compromised, or to adopt Russian platforms and risk confrontation with armies that have trained precisely to counter such systems?



The content is debatable, but even if it is true...they still best the Royal Navy...From past, it was seen that even an OSA at the mouth of Gibraltar gives the Whole Morocco the beri beri.
Is the Meko 200 better equipped than C28A in terms of money paid or firepower ratio to money paid? Care to answer me? Algeria once bitten twice shy.

Stop switching from topic to topic a country who have financial capabilities to buy Meko-200 dont buy shity export corvette like C28A
The content is debatable, but even if it is true...they still best the Royal Navy...From past, it was seen that even an OSA at the mouth of Gibraltar gives the Whole Morocco the beri beri.

what deals ?
french refuse to sell fremm fregate to algeria​
Sarkozy before your Fremm was offered to Morocco, 5 Fremm were proposed to Algiers, Rafales and even the two Russian Mistrals by Holland..Algeria refused , because of trust..
They chose the C28 A, the Meko 200 and Italian LHP...These system are all, individually better than anything that Morocco, Egypt or Any mena area NAVY...

[quote ]3000T ship without VLS and effective SAM export version of PJ 26 gun ... it;s just wast of money​
And what do you know? Everything that is sold to you by France, is I’ll equipped and spend a lot of time in the quai for lack of parts..In Navy domain..Morocco doesn’t register...just as Egypt’s ...In the south of the Med, there are two Navies that have teeth..Algeria and Israel...Turkey as a NATO country...doesn’t fit in
better than anything that Morocco, Egypt or Any mena area NAVY...

even old moroccan and egyptian opv are euipped with manual fire control and muzzle velocity radar :rofl::rofl::rofl: go back to algeria super custom made T-90 mbt and ur other jokes :rofl::rofl::rofl:
@Ceylal just ignor this idiot he is obsessed to Algeria i saw some of his post in arabic forum wellah ghir vrai hmar alqafila aljaza2ir tassir w lkilab tanbah

even old moroccan and egyptian opv are euipped with manual fire control and muzzle velocity radar :rofl::rofl::rofl: go back to algeria super custom made T-90 mbt and ur other jokes :rofl::rofl::rofl:
The Fremm, the best you have is no better than a sardine fishing boat , a little better than the ex Russian tug boat that France imposed on Egypt.

@Ceylal just ignor this idiot he is obsessed to Algeria i saw some of his post in arabic forum wellah ghir vrai hmar alqafila aljaza2ir tassir w lkilab tanbah
The poor is out work since Algeria built a wall to keep the Kingdom of the thousand one nuit for what it is...a immondice of rejects...

hmar howa babak ya dzayri khanaz​
Vraiment? Je connais le Maroc mieux que la majorité des Marocains, inclu le cafard a qui je réponds ...I cannot talk about Moroccans they have been under faggot’s rulers since the time it was carved by France for her own use..Donkey’s and wild boars enjoy better life than any Moroccan I have seen...so for you to compare someone to that, means you relish to have their life’s...Have you checked lately the Djeddah Nikah market? Your Moroccan sisters stocks raised since Moh VI la bousculade , severed the diplomatic ties with Iran..You keep it going , and the prince of death may put your lala Selma on their Currency..
hmar howa babak ya dzayri khanaz​
if you have a light weight of militery common sense and knowledge, and you wouldnt be making a total fool out of yourself on this thread``:lol:

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