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Pompeo warns Turkey not to render S-400 ‘operational’ or face ‘more sanctions’


Dec 3, 2013
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New Zealand
The US has advised Turkey not to deploy Russian S-400 systems under the threat of more sanctions, even though the White House has been cautious about punishing its NATO ally which could respond by closing its bases to US troops.

“There could be more sanctions to follow but frankly what we’d really like is for the S-400 not to become operational,” Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said in an interview with Bloomberg. The US has been pressuring Turkey to back out of the arms deal with Russia for months, threatening to punish its ally for disobedience under the Countering America's Adversaries through Sanctions Act.

In response to the first deliveries of Russian hardware, the US has formally expelled Turkey from the F-35 program, in which Ankara invested around $1.25 billion, and it remains an open question whether any of it will be reimbursed. At the same time, despite all talk of crippling sanctions, the White House has been reluctant to adopt a full-blown response. “There is no timetable [for new sanctions],” the State Department stressed as President Donald Trump seeks more “flexibility” in his response.

Turkey is meanwhile drafting counter-sanctions plans, which in the worst case scenario could see US forces expelled from Turkish air force bases that Washington depends on to project its influence in the region, especially in Iraq and Syria. “We are currently running the process, whether it’s Incirlik, Kurecik or other issues,” Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said.

“If America has very negative steps toward us, if there are sanctions or further steps, we will have answers to America”.
Interesting first we couldn't buy s-400 because of the F-35, now they expelled us from that program. Now they say that we can not make them operational. Usa are the biggest clown on the earth. Funny they dont understand that they are loosing allies more every time they open their mouth. Hope next draw from Turkish side will be to kick them out from our soil.
If Turkey purchase S-400 bla bla bla...
If Turkey makes it operational bla bla bla...
Ok... If Turkey hit something with it bla bla bla...
Well, we bet Turkey can't hit a second target with it bla bla bla...
If Turkey changes flatten tyres of S-400 chasis bla bla bla...
If Turkey
It's been exactly 100 years since the Turkish war for independence first broke out on the shores of Europe.

Making sense of who you are, what you represent and where your interests lie can be a complicated process.
They should have used the option "If you operationalize S-400, you'll be kicked out of F-35 program"....But US kicked Turkey out already and are now threatening even more sanctions if Turks operationalize the system for which they lost F-35s.

Does that make any sense to any sane person? So according to Pompeo, Turks should lose F-35s as well as S-400s since they can not operationalize and use it.

Wtf? Disgusting behavior by the U.S against a very reliable, historical, and important ally. Who behaves like this?
Israel's puppet. check out the attitude. wow!

The US doesn't want Turkey to be a covert radar station for the Russian military. It's more about the radar than the missiles.

Like this one in Taiwan where they say "they" are not sharing any data with the US...but we (and the Chinese) know better.

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That proposition would make sense if they wouldn't exclude Turkey out of the F-35 program but it's pretty pointless as of now.
The end of the American empire is near. The empire is losing control in all areas. Internally they are in complete chaos and geopolitically they are failing everywhere. Their desperation to sanction everyone from enemies to allies is because they can no longer get what they want. They are angry and frustrated at losing their power and influence around the world.

They failed in Afghanistan where they are now begging the Taliban for talks. The same Taliban they said they wiped out.

They failed in Iraq where the Iraqi government is allying with Iran and buying weapons from China and Russia and giving infrastructure contracts to China.

They failed in Libya where the pro-US leader is now in trouble from General Haftar.

They failed to topple Assad in Syria despite trying everything including fully funding and arming ISIS terrorists.

They failed in Georgia and Russia broke up Georgia.

They failed to stop Russia taking Crimea.

They failed to stop China building islands in the South China Sea and then failed even worse when China stationed military assets on those islands.

They have failed to denuclearise North Korea. North Korea are defiantly still firing missiles and laughing at America.

They have lost Philippines as an ally with Duterte in charge. Philippines is no longer interested in countering China like America hopes it would. Philippines is moving towards China’s orbit.

They failed to stop Germany from buying Russian gas through the Nord Stream 2 pipeline.

They failed to stop Turkey from buying S-400. Turkey will move further away from the US now that they are no longer part of the F-35 program.

They failed to get their allies to break the Iran Nuclear Deal.

They failed to topple Maduro in Venezuela despite trying everything including recognising Guido. Maduro is still in charge.

They failed in Cuba and the Castro’s are still in charge.

They failed to stop their allies from allowing Huawei to install 5G networks. Huawei revenue is up 30% since sanctions were applied.

They failed to get many of their allies to stop joining China’s Belt and Road Initiative.

China destroyed the CIA spy network in China.

Iran arrested American sailors in a humiliating way and America did nothing.

Iran shot down an American drone and they did absolutely nothing. A humiliating retreat for a so-called superpower getting pushed around by Iran.

They failed to stop India from buying the S-400. Now they’ve angered India over the Kashmir issue.

They’ve lost Pakistan as an ally. Pakistan is now closely allied with China.

EU is looking to dump NATO and start their own EU Army.

They have angered everyone by putting tariffs on goods including on their allies.

They are powerless to stop the migration from Mexico and Central America. Nobody respects American laws anymore.

Their population is being destroyed through opioid addiction.

Poverty is increasing.

Their debt levels are skyrocketing.

Infrastructure is crumbling.

They have lost their manufacturing base and the crucial supply chains.

The Democrats and Republicans are so divided it is destroying their national unity. The internal disintegration is obvious to see.

America now has problems with many of the big powers in the world including Russia, China, Iran, Turkey, India.

America’s popularity is falling worldwide even amongst its allies.

These are the events of an empire in rapid decline and losing power and influence. The nightmare scenario for the American empire is here.
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If not operational, what did Pompeo expect Turkey will do with S-400 once they buy?
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