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Pompeo to Latin America: 'We love you,' China doesn't

It is embarrassingly juvenile in the international arena. Language like this should belong to kindergarten or elementary at best. With this crop of politicians of such questionable quality, US world dominance might have just passed the tipping point.
Well, it is true that both Russia and China have a hand in funding insanely corrupt Maduro regime in Venezeula - under the pretext of national interests, or for profiteering.

But this is certainly 'Pot calling the kettle black' situation.

Yes Pompeo is right there. And to prove that US can bring historic evidence of supporting right wing dictators and mass murdering militias. Now nothing proves love like a bit of genocide of the people you claim to love.
Yea we love you so much we detained children in cages and separated them from their parents and for some we can't unite them coz the dog ate the paperwork of whose child was kept where?

Lots of love America
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