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Pompeo discusses Iran situation with Indian envoy

People might not realize it but multiple id rat aka super cruising started this thread just because people were laughing on India that Pompeo called everyone even Afghanistan but not Inddia

It is a cover up for that :lol:
India is as unwanted as a flat tire in a racing car..... india is not consulted about Afghanistan, Iran or anything related to the Middle East. They are worthless .
Pompeo is pumping India to stop iran to posses nuclear weapon. Pompeo is pumping india Chardbar port will get big dent during war.
Have to disagree with you there. So far, the US has not withdrawn its waiver even though the worst of the crisis has has passed. The fact is the US is by no means happy about Chabahar, but it needs India for its Indo-Pacific strategy more than vice versa. So the US will give India the concession of Chabahar among others. Michael Kugelman explained that pretty well recently.

in terms of economic value, commercial traffic through Chabahar has actually increased over the past fiscal. So it is viable despite sanctions.

Lol. Pakistanis and their insecurity. India has much more mature foreign policy than anything u-turn Imran can come up with. He skipped Malaysian summit that was highlighting Kashmir for gods sake. India would have never done that no matter how poor or dependent we are.
Pakistanis seem to confuse being used as a pawn in America's conflicts with actual strategic importance. If Pakistan actually mattered, the US would have let it know about Articel 370 removal before it happened.
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