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POLL: Which will be more effective, "SAARC" or "Brother Nation" idea.

Which will be more effective, "SAARC" or "Brother Nation" idea.

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Sep 6, 2009
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POLL: Which will be more effective, "SAARC" or "Brother Nation" idea.

I want to ask Bangladeshi and Pakistani people that which will be more effective idea in aspect of recent situation.

The idea of ''SAARC'' was well and it was done for the improvement and peace in this south Asian reason. But now the situation has changed and the small countries need power.

I think power can bring the actual peace now. If we have power then big countries like India can not harm, pressure or thread us and then the actual peace will remain.

I believe, "Brother Nation'' theory will make power among small countries and then the balance and peace will remain.

Where India will definitely not agree to give transit from Bangladesh to China, Nepal, Bhutan or Pakistan via India. Then there is not need to have ''SAARC''.

So, I think, the new concept is ''Brother Nation", which is a individual relation between two or three countries for peace and development.

So I do believe that the concept of "SAARC" is no more effective.
And now I do believe that we have to make individual relation like " BROTHER NATION" to make real intimate friendship and power but with some criteria.

As I said in earlier, the concept of "BROTHER NATION" is just my opinion to show an example to the world.

I know some people will like it and some will not, however, my intention is to build a very intimate relation between Bangladesh and Pakistan.

I have no intention to re-unification or merge these two country.
And I want to give a name to this relation or idea as "Brother Nation".
This idea can make more unity, power and strength for both country.

Other countries can also follow this concept.

And there must have some criteria or agreements between two country to be a "Brother Nation" to each other.


((((.....If two country become BROTHER NATION or declared as BROTHER NATION, then the peoples of both countries can access or travel between two countries without visa, help each other in difficulties.

Then the peoples of both country can feel them self as like their own country.
..There may have same currency like euro.
...Or currency swap aggrement.
....There may have free trade zone.
.....There may have the strong unity and exchange of technologies.
......But remember, the both country is different.
........But the world will say them as "BROTHER NATION".

The "BROTHER NATION" concept or idea can be modified by others opinions in later. This just an initial thinking of me.

In the 'Brother Nation' concept there should be some criteria like visa free access (like between the USA and Canada) , same currency like euro...etc.... ))))

The People or members of this forum can make a group or page in Facebook to judge the popularity of this concept by inviting the peoples of Bangladesh and Pakistan.
There, in that group or page, the intention of this idea will be clearly defined.
Where people of both countries can give their opinions that either they want to consider Bangladesh or Pakistan as their "Brother Nation" or not.

I believe one day other countries will follow us if we can declare or establish the idea of "BROTHER NATION" between Bangladesh and Pakistan.

China is Brother Country of us.
But we will be "Brother Nation" with some agreements.
I think you all are clear about my idea "BROTHER NATION" as an alternative to be same country again.

There can be a triangle " Brother Nations " between Bangladesh, Pakistan and China.


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I like your enthusiasm and perhaps this only will be possible when every one of us think and feel like you. Keep pushing for it brother. I am with you on this one. Insh'allah it will be done soon or later...:cheers:
remove India from saarc and we can call brother nations other wise saarc because brother never help terrorists theft water and sport insurgences in brother country's
I think I know that well:

Most of Bangladeshi dislike India.
Most of Bangladeshi like Pakistan but now the situation is different.
And the reality is that, I was talking to a Bangladeshi who also liked Pakistan but now he dose not like.
Because he said, Pakistan is no more any country, it's an industry which produce terrorist".
And, in fact, I do believe, this is a matter of great shame to Pakistan where woman or girls education is restricted.
Pakistan must need to be liberal enough, they should not give fever to the Talibans.
Pakistan has really a bad image towards the world for failure to stop the extremist like Taliban.

But, I think, their Kashmir strategy is okay.
The Kashmir problem must have to be solve.
Kashmir people should follow the 1971 to get rid of India.
Kashmiri people are not terrorist but the Talibans are really terrorist.

Your friend has been watching too much India TV news.

Pakistani army got rid of Taliban in just 3 months in Swat. The government, the military, and the people of Pakistan are fighting against terrorists who call themselves Tehrik-i-Taliban.

Girls are given education in Pakistan. More women attend schools, colleges, and universities in Pakistan than in Bangladesh.

Please stop watching indian media and just search "colleges universities in Pakistan" and look at the pictures you will see many girls/women attending colleges and universities in Pakistan.
SAARC exists in reality, it is slow moving but it is moving forwards. China is already has observer status there.

SAARC countries share a geography and cultural climate that makes it easier to do business. For example compare the number of people who know Hindi/Urdu and/or Bengali in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India. Even laypeople who are not very educated can do business and understand cultural norms. Now compare this with the number of people who know Mandarin in SAARC countries or Chinese culture and vice versa in China the number who know Hindi/Urdu or Bengali.

If SAARC countries want to go on the fast track path to becoming developed countries, then they should take advantage of this. "Brother Nation" is a noble concept, but reality is its mutual interests that make or break relationships on the internation level.
brother nation?! Thank you, for giving me the opportunity to have some laugh in this cold, ugly, cruel world. Bangladesh and Pakistan were the same country...does that ring any bell?...so technically, we were the same people then...that did not work out and now you are asking for brother nation?!

Most Bangladeshis like Pakistan? Only some retarded Bangladeshis do and they are too few and far between. We call them Bangladeshi Taliban and they are actually worse than the real ones;)
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More women attend schools, colleges, and universities in Pakistan than in Bangladesh.
And from where did you pull that out?! Nadia Khan show???!!:D lol :pakistan: Please read what you are writing.

Oh and listening to your advice, I tried searching girls and women in pakistan uni and things that I had to see in youtube is complete denial of Islamic culture and beliefs and wallah, I am ashamed to see that kind of shameless downfall among "muslim" girls in Pakistan. You guys have "progressed" so much! As a muslim I feel bad that all these are happening in a country that starts with the words "Islamic republic..." :disagree:
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And from where did you pull that out?! Nadia Khan show???!!:D lol :pakistan:

We have a much larger population than Bangladesh and you can do some research on this, girls are not denied education in Pakistan. Girls go to school, colleges, and universities in Pakistan. There maybe some who dont, as in Bangladesh also, but most girls in Pakistan attend schools, colleges, and universities.

BTW, I dont think SAARC will work out, its another dream of some indians who want a union with all South Asian nations (another form of "akhand bharat dream"). Pakistan and Bangladesh are better off as independent sovereign nations. We can work to be independent sovereign brotherly nations as well:)
India may not be a good neighbour but Bangladeshis are lucky that they do not have Pakistan as their neighbour. Alhamdulillah.
I agree otherwise Pakistan would be full of illegal Bangladeshi Immigrants like India currently is.Not that we dont have any illegal banglais here already.Karachi have many thousands of illegal Banglais.
I agree otherwise Pakistan would be full of illegal Bangladeshi Immigrants like India currently is.Not that we dont have any illegal banglais here already.Karachi have many thousands of illegal Banglais.

Well, at least we did not invade India or Pakistan and left them there on their own, stranded. Dhaka has hundreds of thousands of illegal Pakistanis in Geneva camps.
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Well, at least we did not invade India or Pakistan and left them there on their own, stranded. Dhaka has hundred of thousands of illegal Pakistanis in UN camps.
Technically, they're all Bangladeshis..They migrated to then East Pakistan after 47..You so called Islamic Person can't give nationality to those mohajris...its only Bangle bigots who did not give them nationality.I wish we could give them nationality as they sided with Pakistan in 71 but due to ethnic differences it is hard for us.We did not air lift them to BD they came to bd after 47.
I agree otherwise Pakistan would be full of illegal Bangladeshi Immigrants like India currently is.Not that we dont have any illegal banglais here already.Karachi have many thousands of illegal Banglais.

Boss Bangladeshis may be immigrants but one thing is there in Bangladeshis that they are really really hard workers. I mean I have seen them personally working the hell out for their families. This is one spirit which would drive the Bangladesh in future. They are just short of resources as of now.... But hard to find such hard workers.....
Well, at least we did not invade India or Pakistan and left them there on their own, stranded. Dhaka has hundreds of thousands of illegal Pakistanis in UN camps.

If you mean Biharis then you should take a geographical lesson. They are from Bihar, India.

They are not our responsibility especially the ones who were not even born before 1971.

P.S. Even you guys were Pakistanis before 1971.
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