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Poll-only for Iranians. Why did Pakistan down our drone?

Why did Pakistan down our drone?

  • Because of their anger about Sardar bagheri's quote : strikes against terrorists within Pakistan

    Votes: 11 55.0%
  • Support for UAE-KSA funded militants on Iran-Pak border, Jundullah-Al Forqan-Jeyish ul eslam

    Votes: 9 45.0%

  • Total voters
Thanks to your post, everybody also now knows that Iran has its fair share of authentic morons

Iranian drone??
Who confirmed that?
That is not Iranian drone.
There is not any evidence for that.
Probably American spy drone as usual.
Pakistan air space is American drone and helicopter background.
Everybody know that.
Yes...why did we shoot down Iranian "Halaal" drone
while it was "intruding" our air space :lol:
Because the Iranians cant think they can blatantly violate our airspace with impunity. Respect the damned border.
Pakistan downed Irani drone because it was Pakistani territory the drone was flying on. Pakistan has no agreement with Iran of flying military aircraft over each others air space. Plus drone in unmanned and shooting down a drone is less diplomatic issue than a piloted plane. Thirdly Pakistan wanted to show off as Israel was unable to shoot down a similar drone over golan heights with three missile and Pakistan did it in a first attempt so Pakistani air defenses are better.
You know, first they announced it was 45 Km then officially , if i remember , said that it was 4 Km. I don't think that it was violation of air space for a neighboring country :-)
Obviously the fighter was waiting for the appearance of drone and tracked it when it was still in Iran's airspace. That was quick and emotional act from Pakistani army. It was claimed only on Pakistani medias to be Pakistan's air space. There was nothing considerable on Iranian medias and all of them were reporting the texture of Dawn.com. There is something that our military is hiding from public, i guess the drone was downed inside Iran's space. I myself cannot choose between two options, that was why i asked my countrymen to vote for it.
Why even create this thread??

Pakistanis get Bombed and Killed by American Drones Invading their "Air Space" on a weekly Basis, Baby Please. No balls to do anything there, and pakistan shoots down some drone, could just been a large kite from India for what its worth now huffin and puffin as they are some big shot big deal, hallal meal. Airspace, go on, you guys have no airspace or sovriginty, hell did you do when Uncle Sam came right in your land and aparently grabbed some clown pretending to be osama just few years ago, Nothing.. Go blow up american drones then come talk to us.

Stupid thread.
Drone is not such a big problem.
Problem is the presence of Terrorists on the Pakistani Land.
If there will again an attack from these Terrorists, then again there will be retaliation from Iranian side. It is same when Jihadies attack Pakistani soldiers after coming from Afghanistan, and Pakistan army attacked them in the Afghan land.

I don't want any conflict between Iran/Pakistan, but I wish only one thing and that is these Jihadies must be killed. They are the real evil here.
Please only Iranian users reply or vote for the question of this thread.
Next time send a small drone like scaneagle or switchblade on suicide mission when needed .

You see problem easily solved.
mohamad jan ye khorde vaghe bin pash post ha va thread hayi ke mizani jazab nistan
zemnan lotfan enghad az felestin o omate vahede harf nazan hich irani be ina ahmiat nemide khodetam khob midoni
ba in threadet tanha pakstane 16 saat bi bargh ro vasamon shakh mikoni...
Iranian drone??
Who confirmed that?
That is not Iranian drone.
There is not any evidence for that.
Probably American spy drone as usual.
Pakistan air space is American drone and helicopter background.
Everybody know that.
lolzzxxx so if that was not an Iranian drone then why you need to open a thread and blubber? and btw who is this sardar begherit?
Drone is not such a big problem.
Problem is the presence of Terrorists on the Pakistani Land.
If there will again an attack from these Terrorists, then again there will be retaliation from Iranian side. It is same when Jihadies attack Pakistani soldiers after coming from Afghanistan, and Pakistan army attacked them in the Afghan land.

I don't want any conflict between Iran/Pakistan, but I wish only one thing and that is these Jihadies must be killed. They are the real evil here.
If you read my previous quotes, i have always said that those Jihadists are a mutual threat. Some of them have already sweared allegiance to ISIS. A great potent danger for Pakistan which should be considered.
just open more useless threads and I will put you in my ignore list ....
See Majority Irani Members Crying About Drone
1 it was in Pakistani Air Space , So Pakistan had every-right ,
2 Crying about US Drones , Officially or unofficially , Pakistani gov and Pakistani Armed Forces had a understanding with Uncle sam , So Iran or any other country is no position to B..... about it , all countries do back channel dealings 3 45 KM or 4 Km it Doesnt matter when its other countries air space
4 For Past Some Time Pakistan armed forces hasnt taken Hard stance against Iran ,even after there involvement with terrorism in Pakistan , Supporting of Indian spies working in Pakistan , supporting sectarianism, shelling local villages . and one time Pakistan did you guys are crying

For the Better Future of both countries it is Iran who has to understand that ad do bit more than Pakistan.
But If these 2 countries support each other and help instead threatening and backstabbing it will Help the region , as Since iran is closer to india it can help in back channel talks peace talks of India and Pakistan which will bring price and prosperity in the region , these countries if come 2 common terms , they have huge resources , huge manpower which can change the region in few decades
lolzzxxx so if that was not an Iranian drone then why you need to open a thread and blubber? and btw who is this sardar begherit?
This chooza in middle at front with glasses, commander of Inqallabai (revolutionary) guards..

You know, first they announced it was 45 Km then officially , if i remember , said that it was 4 Km. I don't think that it was violation of air space for a neighboring country :-)
Obviously the fighter was waiting for the appearance of drone and tracked it when it was still in Iran's airspace. That was quick and emotional act from Pakistani army. It was claimed only on Pakistani medias to be Pakistan's air space. There was nothing considerable on Iranian medias and all of them were reporting the texture of Dawn.com. There is something that our military is hiding from public, i guess the drone was downed inside Iran's space. I myself cannot choose between two options, that was why i asked my countrymen to vote for it.
Even 1 KM is violation ..4KM is enough...You need to know you can't cross pakistani airspace or border at your will..It was not friendly to send drones ..Iran would have done the same had Paksitan was in Iran place ...or might have paraded it in the streets as a trophy..:partay:
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