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Poll: General Bajwa's Future

What do you think is the future of General Bajwa?

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As you all know that he's completing his service this month, what do you think is going to happen on 29th Nov?

There should be one more scenario for voting. Which is -- Will Bajwa turn into a Mega Swine from a Super Swine??
He will be another Musharraf. Although I rate Musharraf much higher. Bajwa will go in "self exile".
He will be another Musharraf. Although I rate Musharraf much higher. Bajwa will go in "self exile".
Musharraf is the sole reason PDM is thriving, he gave Zardari and Nawaz a state sanctioned NRO.
Musharraf should be brought home and hanged. By the very drip lines he is being kept alive with.
Mere say bauhaut baron baron nay koshish ki kuch karnay ki, and they were forcefully retired, sidelined to NDU, or simply not promoted in a few cases.

In short, jackshit.
A senior mod and a TTC on an “online” forum, emphasis on online.

But with your statement it seems even if you or I were civil servants or senior military officers in real life, it was a doomed cause.

Maybe one has to be God gifted corrupt to the core, possessing all the ulterior motives against country, greedy enough to sell anything for gains and power hungry to sacrifice all Pakistanis- to win the top decision making post, and even then has to modest enough to be on pay roll of US Congress to rule Pakistan.

Now is that impossible to accomplish ?
Maybe one has to be God gifted corrupt to the core, possessing all the ulterior motives against country, greedy enough to sell anything for gains and power hungry to sacrifice all Pakistanis- to win the top decision making post, and even then has to modest enough to be on pay roll of US Congress to rule Pakistan.

Dude, stop creating pointless strawmans.

It's the same line you repeat in every thread.
And he was discharged of his Duty as General in the middle of Battle of Yarmook, No doubt the finest General the world has ever produce but victory is never comes from one man, its always the collective effort of a whole Army/nation, That is exactly the point Omar Khattab RA wanted to make when he did that brilliant and daring decision. Putting the example in the matters of our Army who would like to compare themselves to those imaginably great people, a Leader appointment by the nation can't sack/appoint the General, that tells a lot about our current/past/future situation as a country/nation.

A man once come to Hazart Ali RA after the battle of Jamal, Ali RA was sad on the affairs of Muslim and that man said to him, why is that in your term as Khalifa are these strife and tribulations ? and not in the time times of Abu Bakr and Umar RA to both, he said when they were Khalifa they were ruling over man like me, and when I become Khalifa I am ruling over man like me... We are blessed that we had access to the lives of these great people and how they lead the Muslims from the far end of Europe to the Modern day Pakistan with Justice and Equality and yet we learn nothing from them.
However, no one called him names nor hated the entire muslim army. That aspect of throwing the baby out with the bathwater does no one good.

Everyone accepts massive reforms are needed within the military and its culture - as with the entire Pakistani system. But instead of really addressing why overseas influences can affect the lives of entire 240 million Pakistanis all they can do is parrot out “Bajra Bajra”
Could we imagine these kinds of comments about a serving Pakistan CoAS, the Chief Patriot of Pakistan?

Even talk about army in this way?
However, no one called him names nor hated the entire muslim army. That aspect of throwing the baby out with the bathwater does no one good.

Everyone accepts massive reforms are needed within the military and its culture - as with the entire Pakistani system. But instead of really addressing why overseas influences can affect the lives of entire 240 million Pakistanis all they can do is parrot out “Bajra Bajra”

True reforms are not easy. Parroting is so easy. What are Pakistanis supposed to do? :D
Bajwa and zardari are 2 sides of same coin. They both are hypocrite, coward and corrupt to the core and go to any extent to complete their agenda.

Bajwa did exactly to army what zardari did to PPP.
Yahya was not financially corrupt and certainly not as coward as Bajwa is.
For all his fault Yahya was definitely not a coward, a loyal colonial sepoy for sure who escaped twice from the German POW camps once in North Africa and then in Sicily. I can't expect the same from the coward traitors like Busharaf and Mir Bajwa.
enjoying his millions possibly bilions of $ in Belgium, probably a cushy role serving his gora masters in Europe if he chooses.

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