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political wisedom gifted by MQM to Pakistani nation


Oct 4, 2010
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United Kingdom
1) clearly defined Pakistan cannot go ahead with 2% ruling elite, and talked about the oppressed 98% population of Pakistan and introduced terms like middle class representation in parliament

2) unified the urdu speakers under one platform urdu speaking Sindis and mohajir terms were introduced by MQM and fought for their rights

3) formed the most organised political party who's head didn't run for any election from counselor to PM

4) introduced terms like merit based system and was the first party to speak against quota system

5) the only party who was given birth by students

6) only party who fought the state terrorism for ten years and stayed rock solid

7) openly spoken against the feudal system and the land reforms

8) the party who introduced merit based party candidates where the candidate who allowed to spend one ruppee from his pocket and all the expenditure enroute to the parliament assembly was provided by the party so that the candidate solely work for the masses and not for his own benefit

9) was the first party to openly start talking about women empowerment and women rights

10) it is the only party whose heads have all come from their grooming environment of student organisation APMSO

11) the only party who is talking about religious harmony and anti sectarianism

12) the only party which has shown practical example of good governance in local government and has no stain

13) only party which speaks against extremism and doesn't do political point scoring on popular views and even swims against the tide to stand firm on its ideology despite public sentiments
and the only mainstream party to call for the dismemberment of Pakistan.....:angry:
When there was no target killer, terror group or extortion in Karachi, MQM was the ruler of the crime world of Karachi.

MQM is the only party which introduced boree as a sign of revenge. It killed Rangers and police officers and thier bodies were found iin boree. All the police officers who took part in 1996 police operation were target killed by MQM. Then in Karachi, there was no gang war and no taliban, just MQM
When there was no target killer, terror group or extortion in Karachi, MQM was the ruler of the crime world of Karachi.

MQM is the only party which introduced boree as a sign of revenge. It killed Rangers and police officers and thier bodies were found iin boree. All the police officers who took part in 1996 police operation were target killed by MQM. Then in Karachi, there was no gang war and no taliban, just MQM

Kindly refer with evidence of bold part from your post ................
Jokers from mqm are making stories now.... the reality wont change, mqm is a terrorist organization and should be included in banned outfits like ttp/lej/etc
Jokers from mqm are making stories now.... the reality wont change, mqm is a terrorist organization and should be included in banned outfits like ttp/lej/etc
This thread belongs in stupid and funny thread:enjoy:
Jokers from mqm are making stories now.... the reality wont change, mqm is a terrorist organization and should be included in banned outfits like ttp/lej/etc

I think bold part is just you delusion :lol:
Jokers from mqm are making stories now.... the reality wont change, mqm is a terrorist organization and should be included in banned outfits like ttp/lej/etc

taasubi PTI punjabi racist, delusioned is too much dreaming, seems like that the punjabis are kicking PTI butt right left and centre, PTI the wadera, feudal party is losing all the support it had fro the common people

chanted slogans for youths and gave tickets to the elite, electables and those with bradari vote bank

huge fraud in intra party election

no wonder PTI will cry because its time is over much before it actually started?
what the hell.. this is defence.pk... not pigs.pk kindly donot post and talk about demoncratic pigs and political workers ... instead of talking about political parties just post pigs pics ... thank u :p:
what the hell.. this is defence.pk... not pigs.pk kindly donot post and talk about demoncratic pigs and political workers ... instead of talking about political parties just post pigs pics ... thank u :p:

yeah its not, i don't know why pigs like you come here

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