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Political reforms in Newly Merged Districts of FATA-News,Updated and discussions

Peshawar—Chief Jamiat Ulema Islam Maulana Fazlur Rehman has said that his party was not against merging Fata into the KP and would accept every decision acceptable to the majority population of the tribal areas. Talking to a delegation of JUIF here at Provincial Secretariat, he said that JUIF was not against any proposal of merger of Fata into KP, making it a separate province or its accession with the federation but would accept every decision which was accepted to the majority of the tribesmen.
There should be no delay in the implementation of Fata reform and instead the tribal people should be given all facilities of education and health under a comprehensive reforms package. All the decision in Fata should be taken with the consent of the respective people.
The JUIF leader maintained that party stance viz a viz Fata merger into KP was presented in a wrong way and added that his party’s close relations with the people of Fata could not be ended.
Maulana Fazlur Rehman said that all the political entities should be taken on board regarding Fata problems and the stakeholders should accept the view point and ideology on this crucial matter with open heart.—APP


If you look above, he vehemently rejected merger. This is how politicians will do U turn when govt approaches them.secretly offering them something. Fazlu was, is and always will be for sale.
that rascal fazlu is feeling pain because merging it with KP means no control over FATA by his pet dogs TTP. Game over for him. No power to deal with state.
PESHAWAR: Speakers at a seminar here on Thursday demanded abolition of Frontier Crimes Regulation, amendment to Article 247-A of the Constitution and merger of Fata with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to ensure provision of all basic rights to the people in Fata.

The seminar titled ‘Fata reforms, challenges and opportunities’ was held under auspices of Takra Qabaili Khwendi (brave tribal sisters), a women rights organisation, at local hotel.

MPA Syed Jaffar Shah, former MPA Shagufta Malik, former MNA Akhundzada Chattan, University of Peshawar Area Study Centre director Dr Sarfraz Khan, lawyer Latif Afridi, TQK’s Samina Afridi, Nousheen Fatima, Shahida Shah, Rehana Tabassum, Shaukat Aziz, journalist Shamim Shahid, Dr Ashraf Ali, and a large number of civil society activists and legal experts attended the event.

Lawyer Latif Afridi called for serious initiatives for the resolution of the issues facing tribal women, and the implementation of relevant laws to enable tribal women to raise voice to claim rights. He said the existence of Fata as a separate entity was impractical and unfeasible idea.

“Tribal people don’t know where the funds received by the government are spent. We, the people of Fata, will be able to know about our rights after our region is merged with KP,” he said. Dr Sarfraz Khan said Fata issues could be resolved through political movements.

He said the ‘rewaj’ system had been proposed in Fata reforms package, which was another shape of the FCR.

Dr Sarfraz said the issues couldn’t be resolved until the higher education institutions were set up in Fata.

Former MPA Shagufta Malik said unfortunately, religious parties had opposed a bill regarding violence against women, which she had moved in the provincial assembly. Other speakers, including Syed Jaffar Shah, Akhundzada Chattan, Dr Ashraf Ali, also highlighted tribal people’s problems.

They criticised the successive governments for not taking serious steps to mainstream Fata, and bring change in social fabric of tribal society.

The speakers said all decisions should be made in consultation with tribal people.

Later, the participants unanimously adopted a resolution demanding the immediate complete abolition of the FCR and Fata’s merger with KP to ensure that the people of tribal regions take part in the 2018 general elections and get representation in the KP Assembly.

Published in Dawn, October 28th, 2016

PESHAWAR: FATA Lawyers Forum (FLF) has demanded the unanimous endorsement of bill regarding merger of Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) into Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) Prvince, and urged the parliamentarians to support the legislation to mainstream tribal region.

Addressing a news conference at press club, FLF President Ejaz Khan Muhmand said that FATA Parliamentarians had drafted a bill, calling to abolish tribal areas, and merge them into KP, which presented in Parliament for its formal consent. He, however, said that the legislation is yet to endorse despite its presentation of a year ago.

Flanked by the Secretary General FLF, Farhadullah Afridi, members Farooq Afridi, Shakirullah, and Taj Mehal Afridi, he explained that the draft bill calls for amendments to articles 246 and 247 of the Constitution to change the status of the tribal areas. He said that tribal people had deprived from all fundamental and constitutional rights, due to absence of judicial system in FATA.

For this purpose, he said FLF has initiated struggle for extension of jurisdiction of higher courts to tribal areas. He said the tribal elders had consulted about the status of the Federally Administered Tribal Areas. He said the resolutions passed during tribal grand 'jirgas', had also unanimously endorsed the merger of FATA into KP.

Commenting on the comprehensive report of Fata Reforms Committee (FRC), headed by PM's Advisor, Sartaj Aziz, he said they have reservations on some points of the report. He added the legislation was also under discussion in parliament in the light of all these recommendations.

KHAR: The Jamaat-i-Islami on Saturday expressed dismay over delay in implementation of the reforms package in the tribal area, and urged the federal government to expedite the process without delay.

The JI is concerned over unnecessary delay in implementation of the reforms package in the tribal areas, and we request the federal government to implement the package without delay so the people of tribal areas could get constitutional rights,” said JI provincial chief Mushtaq Ahmed Khan while addressing oath-taking ceremony of newly-elected office-bearers of the party’s Bajaur chapter.

He said the JI was determined to replace colonial Frontier Crime Regulation in Fata with the country’s regular laws as the FCR was the mother of all evils in the region.

He said repeal of FCR and extending constitutional rights to Fata was essential for durable peace and socioeconomic development of tribal areas. The JI has decided to step up its struggle to force the federal government to implement the reforms in Fata with immediate effect, he added.

Mr Khan rejected the government’s plan to merge Fata with KP in a 10-year period, and urged the centre to implement the merger plan immediately to end ‘sense of deprivation’ among tribal people. Majority of tribesmen and political parties in Fata are in favour of their region’s merger with KP without any delay, he claimed.

Without mentioning names, the JI leader expressed concern over some leaders of religious and nationalist parties for opposing reforms in the tribal area, branding them as enemies of tribal people.

The ceremony was also addressed by JI provincial deputy chief Sahibzada Haroon Rasheed, JI Fata chief Sardar Khan, local chapter emir Qari Abdul Majeed and Sirajuddin Khan.

They called upon the leaders of political and religious parties to show unity on the issue of reforms in Fata.

The speakers also urged the federal government to include Fata in the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor as tribal areas deserved the most in terms of development.

They said Fata was part of the country, but unfortunately it had been ignored in development process.

Published in Dawn, November 6th, 2016

LANDI KOTAL: Fata Students Organisation has demanded immediate merger of tribal areas with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa with separate seats for tribal women in Senate and National Assembly and provincial assembly.

Addressing a jirga of students from all the seven tribal agencies and six frontier regions, FSO president Shaukat Aziz said that people of Fata rejected the recommendations of reforms commission of Fata merger with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in different phases, spanning over five years time.

He demanded holding of local bodies’ elections in tribal areas and said that the process of merger of Fata with the province should be completed before the 2018 general elections.

Mr Aziz demanded of the federal government to establish industrial zones in different parts of Fata to generate employment opportunities for local educated youth and encourage tribal investors to invest in their own areas with the government declaring the region as a tax-free zone for at least 20 years.

The FSO president said that after destruction of hundreds of educational institutions in Fata during the last one decade of militancy, the federal and provincial governments should arrange for free education for the talented tribal students in reputed educational institutions of the country.

He demanded fulfilment of the promise made by authorities about establishment of cadet colleges, medical college and opening of branches of Islamia College in different tribal agencies.

Mr Aziz also called upon Fata Secretariat to repair and reconstruct all the government schools destroyed by militants along with introducing a strict monitoring system to check the regular attendance of teaching staff.

The FSO president said that a representative jirga of tribal students would soon meet the governor of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to apprise him of their legitimate demands.

Published in Dawn, November 11th, 2016

Power corrupts and tilts towards absolutism when it has no moral, political and legal checks. While absolutism is mostly a story of the past, in Pakistan’s tribal areas it still works with impunity – thanks to the draconian Frontier Crimes Regulation (FCR).

On November 1, Pakistan Army Major Imran was martyred during a search operation in Wana’s Rustum Bazaar, South Waziristan. The dharna-obsessed politicos and ratings-oriented media failed to notice it. Shehryar Mehsud group of the TTP accepted responsibility for it. Since these militants are operating from unknown locations within Pakistan and Afghanistan, no action was taken against the real perpetrators of the attack.

However, the political administration starved hundreds of families financially by dynamiting a two-storey market that housed 130 shops.

The market belonged to the late Haji Mirza Alam, a respected elder who, along with his son, nephew and two brothers, was gun downed by militants on July 22, 2005. It is a well-respected family and has contributed significantly to the peace and stability of Waziristan.

Mirza Alam’s son, Ali Wazir, was the runner up candidate from NA-41 in the last election. Standing at the debris of his market, he had one question; “Explosions occur in the length and breadth of the country, but no market has been dynamited as a punishment. Why has my family been punished financially for a crime committed by someone who does not belong to my family or even my tribe?

The punishment of the Wazir tribe for the crime of someone from the Mehsud tribe is indeed an inhuman and immoral act but it has a legal cover under the black law of the FCR.

The notorious FCR was introduced by the British government of India in 1901 to calm down the resistance of the tribes along the Durand Line. The collective responsibility clause of the FCR empowers the political administration to punish a whole tribe for the crime of a single person. It is being exercised with impunity since its introduction in the region. In the last days of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, in 1976, a whole bazaar in Wana was levelled to the ground by the political administration.

Recently a shocking video went viral on social media, reportedly filmed in the Mohmand Agency, in which the political administration is bulldozing a house while children are crying and begging the authorities to stop it.

This is a daily exercise in Fata but nothing comes out from the mysterious empire of the political administration. Besides other factors, the unchecked absolutism of the administration is indeed responsible for the current mess in Fata which the army is desperately clearing at the cost of officers like Major Imran.

Due to the fear of the political administration, no one can dare protest or report this inhuman treatment. Article 247 of the constitution has also barred parliament and judiciary from addressing the unjust treatment of these people.

In the rest of Pakistan, such ill treatment is beyond imagination. The media, the opposition and the Supreme Court would never let anyone punish innocent people so unjustly. Even in the oldest tribal society and backward province of Balochistan, no one can be punished for someone else’s crime. For instance, Javed Mengal, a Baloch, is fighting against Pakistan but Akhthar Jan Mengal is part of the political mainstream of the country. Similarly, Hyrbyair Marri is committing treason against Pakistan but his brother Changez Marri is a PML-N leader. Brahamdagh Bugti is not only fighting against Pakistan but also seeking Indian help and asylum, but no one from the Bugti tribe can be punished for his crime.

Fata has great potential and talent, which needs to be harnessed and mainstreamed. Despite all adversity, many people from the Wana sub-division of the South Waziristan Agency have served the nation in various capacities. For instance, ex-ambassador Ayaz Wazir has become a dominant voice on the national media. Saeed Khan Wazir is a daring police officer who serves the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government as DIG Hazara. Similarly, Ajmal Wazir promotes the PML-Q’s cause, while Ahmad Noor Waziri recently joined the civil bureaucracy and serves the Gilgit-Baltistan government in the Ministry of Kashmir Affairs. These are just a few of the names; there are hundreds of such talented people who are part of the mainstream political system.

Unfortunately, some of the political elites are becoming a great hurdle in the political mainstreaming of Fata. For their vested interests, they want to keep the region caged in the name of preserving tribal identity and tradition. What is the point of traditions and identity that deny us equal rights and a prosperous life?

To mainstream the region, the prime minister constituted a Fata reform committee under the chairmanship of Sartaj Aziz. The committee submitted a comprehensive report suggesting Fata be merged with KP. It also pointed out that a separate provincial status for Fata was not a feasible option. Most of the political parties – PTI, ANP, PPP and JI – support the idea. Fata parliamentarians and a majority of the tribal peoples also want the same. The army also has no objection.

Only Maulana Fazlur Rehman and Mahmood Khan Achakzai oppose it without any concrete reasons.
The prime minister has also pushed the committee report to cold storage. Maybe he’s waiting for the day the people of Fata give a dharna in Islamabad for salvation from the medieval despotism of the FCR.

The dismissive attitude of the government shows that Fata is not on their priority list. It is clear from the fact that the finance minister is just not ready not to spend a few billions in Fata to help heal wounds.

Ignoring the genuine concerns and basic problems of the people of Fata is a strategic blunder. We have reached a ‘now or never’ stage and the ball is in the prime minister’s court. He should implement the committee report and let the people of Fata become part of KP and the mainstream political system.

The writer works for Geo TV.

Email: saleem.safi@janggroup.com.pk

This was in the the news.

A good write up that highlights the horror of FCR and how the inside political establishment and tribal elders themselves are fighting against the abolition of FCR and merger with kpk.

The political establishment of the country is busy in their rubbish and are ignoring the issue of FATA when it is painfully obvious that the only way zarb e azb will be completely successful is through FATA reforms and development and this was made clear before the operation began. Yet nawaz is not interested it seems neither is Imran khan. He should do a dharma about this.

Couldn't give gilgit provincial status, can't get fata reforms outside the discussion table and can't get the 5000 demonetized.

@WAJsal @haviZsultan @Zibago @Well.wisher @Khan_21 @Khan_patriot

@Hyperion @pakistani342
Only Maulana Fazlur Rehman and Mahmood Khan Achakzai oppose it without any concrete reasons. The prime minister has also pushed the committee report to cold storage. Maybe he’s waiting for the day the people of Fata give a dharna in Islamabad for salvation from the medieval despotism of the FCR.

Why Achakzai is against it? I though he was in support of merging even Balochistan pakhtun areas in to KPK.
KHAR: Most participants of a session with Fata parliamentarians here on Friday favoured the proposed merger of the tribal region with KP and appreciated the Fata Research Centre for exploring public opinion regarding the region’s reforms.

The event titled the ‘future of governance reforms in tribal areas’ was attended by the representatives of all major political parties of KP and Fata, including Afrasiab Khattak of ANP, Farhatullah Babar of PPP, Shah Jee Gul Afridi, Sajid Turi, Mukhtar Bacha of NP, Sahibzada Haroon Rasheed of JI, Mohammad Jamaluddin of JUI-F, Akhunzada Chattan of PPP, Sheryar Afridi and Salman Afridi of PTI and Ajmal Wazir of PML-Q, and representatives of research institutes.

All participants except Jamaluddin of JUI-F welcomed the merger of Fata with KP.

Farhatullah Babar appreciated the idea of Fata-KP merger declaring it the most feasible option under the current circumstances.

He however criticised various aspects of the report of the prime minister’s commission on Fata mainstreaming, including the provision of Riwaj Act and distribution of development funds allocated for Fata through a bureaucratic office.

Afrasiab Khattak favored the merger of Fata with KP along geographic and ethnic lines. He however said the merger should be happen through parliament.

“A census should be conducted prior to the Fata-KP merger in order to ensure the proper representation of Fata in the provincial assembly. There should be a special share in the provincial cabinet for Fata for at least 20 years to please tribesmen,” he said.

The ANP leader said an fully-empowered local government system for better governance should introduced in Fata.

Shah Jee Gul Afridi said Fata parliamentarians were going to present a resolution on Fata’s merger with KP in the National Assembly on Nov 21.

He said the chief executive proposed to be appointed to Fata should be an elected representative instead of a civil servant.

Mr. Afridi demanded 10 percent share in the NFC Award for Fata.

While favoring the Fata-KP merger, Sheryar Afridi said the German and Hong Kong unifications highlighted the importance of that option. He called for better peace and development efforts in the tribal region.

The PTI leader said his party’s government in KP welcomed the idea of Fata’s merger with the province.

However, Jamaluddin of JUI-opposed the proposed merger and demanded a separate province for Fata.

While referring to Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah, he said the founder of the nation had called for giving importance to the opinion of Fata people on the future of their region.

The JUI-F leader said a political representative should be the chief executive of Fata instead of a bureaucrat. “The people of Fata are the most patriotic people in the country,” he said.

Other participants also favoured the merger of Fata with KP and urged the government to implement government reforms for the region on urgent basis. They appreciated the FRC for working on governance reforms in Fata.

FRC is a non-profit research based organisation that draws leading experts from their relevant fields to join their expertise in promoting the cause of peace through advocacy, capacity building and objective research on the issues confronting Pakistan and Afghanistan, with a special focus on Fata.

Published in Dawn November 19th, 2016


Why Achakzai is against it? I though he was in support of merging even Balochistan pakhtun areas in to KPK.

It is indeed very interesting however recently achakzai political tone has been different. He wants the afghan refugees to stay and have a census to showcase pashtun majority in Baluchistan which is of course not cool with the nationalist parties.

Perhaps he may feel that if FATA is a separate province then he will have a better chance of becoming a CM by playing racism and ethnic card as the political landscape of kpk is very difficult. The same thoughts flow into the mind of fazlu.

Both of these politicians can be bought and are allied with the govt. I say keep them in line and go ahead with the merger as soon as soon as possible. It would also make a good point for N.

LANDI KOTAL: The JUI-F Fata chapter has warned its activists and sympathisers will migrate to other parts of the country if the tribal region is merged with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

Addressing a ‘peace conference’ in Jamrud, JUI-F Fata chief Mufti Abdul Shakoor Betani, general secretary Mufti Ejaz, MNA Jamaluddin and Kukikhel tribe elder Malak Faizullah Jan said having the status of a separate province for Fata was the constitutional right of the local residents and that the JUI-F won’t allow anyone to take a decision on it against the aspirations of tribesmen.

They said JUI-F chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman had rightly represented the Fata people’s aspirations by demanding the holding of a referendum on the future status of the region.

“We will prefer migrating from Fata to acceding to the KP-Fata merger,” MNA Jamaluddin said.

The lawmaker said KP faced financial mismanagement and therefore, it couldn’t take the additional burden of financing the militancy-hit tribal areas.

He said the federal government should ensure the honourable return of the remaining displaced placed Fata families and peace in the region.

JUI-F leader says people sitting in Islamabad trying to impose own will on tribesmen
“Without peace and return of displaced families, no policy of the federal government will succeed in Fata as the local population has suffered a lot due to the decades long insurgency in the region,” said Mufti Abdul Shakoor Betani.

Referring to the demand for Hazara province, he asked why Fata should be merged with KP as some areas of the province demanded ‘secession’.

He said the people sitting in Islamabad were not fully aware of Fata customs and traditions and therefore, they were trying to impose own will on the people of the tribal region.

“If the federal government is so sincere with the people of Fata, it should immediately announce the complete repeal of the Frontier Crimes Regulation,” he said.

Similar views were expressed by speakers during a corner meeting of the Khyber Union, a political organisation from Bara, on Saturday.

Former environment minister Hameedullah Jan Afridi told participants that the people of Fata would neither agree to their region’s merger with KP nor would they accept any decision against their aspirations.

He said some element were trying to identify the FCR with centuries old tribal customs and traditions.

“No such comparison could be drawn between the FCR and tribal traditions. The FCR has always usurped the rights of tribal people, while local traditions have flourished in protecting and safeguarding their genuine rights,” he said.

Mr. Afridi said the people of Fata were united against the FCR but at the same time, they would not allow anyone to usurp their rights in the name of their region’s merger with KP.

Khyber Union patron-in-chief Bazaar Gul Afridi said the people of Fata favoured reforms in the century-old administrative system for the sake of speedy development and judicious governance instead of the prevailing corrupt political administrative system headed by an all-powerful political agent.

He said economic backwardness of Fata won’t end with its merger with KP as the province itself was relying heavily on the federal government for its financial needs.

Another KU activist Murad Saqi said the federal government should announce a comprehensive development package for Fata and ensure the immediate return of all displaced families before declaring the tribal region a province.

Published in Dawn November 20th, 2016


I will be blunt. I don't get the threat. You will migrate to other parts of the country. Big deal. Or did they mean to other countries and again big deal.

Jeez it's not like we are handing the area to India that they are going so extreme. Its a simple merger.

This is all political bullshit. They are scared that a merger will wipe away their political influence and its the same story with those tribal elders. All of them want simply power and they will harm pakistan just for that. JUI-F has lost all credibility especially after their blatant support for terrorism and TTP. They will bow down to those that they bad mouth if they would just offer some semblance of power to diesel.

PESHAWAR - In order to discuss plight of tribesmen and Fata’s merger with Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (KP), Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) will hold a grand ‘tribal jirga’ inviting politico-religious leadership and tribal elders on December 4.

Talking to The Nation on Saturday, JI Fata chief Haji Sardar Khan said that the scheduled tribal jirga would be held at Shahi Bagh in Peshawar. The jirga, he informed, had been convened to highlight tribal people’s difficulties, discuss the issue of Fata’s merger with the KP and abolishment of the black law FCR.

The JI, he said, was backing that tribal areas should be made part of the KP province immediately. The JI central Ameer Senator Sirajul Haq would head the tribal jirga, for which, all arrangements are fully underway.

Besides the political and religious parties leadership, tribal elders, elected tribal legislatures, lawyers, students, Ulemas, youth, retired bureaucrats and representatives from civil society would be formally invited to the event, he explained.

In the jirga, the participants would also shed light on proposed reforms package for tribal areas, development projects and problems being faced by tribal people since long, he said. Time had come to change Fata’s present status by bringing it into the mainstream politics, he said.

Tribesmen have been opposing the FCR, a black law from day one and this is the best opportunity in hand with the government to get tribesmen free from this inhuman law forthwith, he concluded.


The question is can the govt take such a bold step and remove FCR and merge fata with kpk. Don't think N has it in them.

@Well.wisher @Fawad Masīd @Spring Onion @pakistani342 @WAJsal
LANDI KOTAL: The JUI-F Fata chapter has warned its activists and sympathisers will migrate to other parts of the country if the tribal region is merged with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

Addressing a ‘peace conference’ in Jamrud, JUI-F Fata chief Mufti Abdul Shakoor Betani, general secretary Mufti Ejaz, MNA Jamaluddin and Kukikhel tribe elder Malak Faizullah Jan said having the status of a separate province for Fata was the constitutional right of the local residents and that the JUI-F won’t allow anyone to take a decision on it against the aspirations of tribesmen.

They said JUI-F chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman had rightly represented the Fata people’s aspirations by demanding the holding of a referendum on the future status of the region.

“We will prefer migrating from Fata to acceding to the KP-Fata merger,” MNA Jamaluddin said.

The lawmaker said KP faced financial mismanagement and therefore, it couldn’t take the additional burden of financing the militancy-hit tribal areas.

He said the federal government should ensure the honourable return of the remaining displaced placed Fata families and peace in the region.

JUI-F leader says people sitting in Islamabad trying to impose own will on tribesmen
“Without peace and return of displaced families, no policy of the federal government will succeed in Fata as the local population has suffered a lot due to the decades long insurgency in the region,” said Mufti Abdul Shakoor Betani.

Referring to the demand for Hazara province, he asked why Fata should be merged with KP as some areas of the province demanded ‘secession’.

He said the people sitting in Islamabad were not fully aware of Fata customs and traditions and therefore, they were trying to impose own will on the people of the tribal region.

“If the federal government is so sincere with the people of Fata, it should immediately announce the complete repeal of the Frontier Crimes Regulation,” he said.

Similar views were expressed by speakers during a corner meeting of the Khyber Union, a political organisation from Bara, on Saturday.

Former environment minister Hameedullah Jan Afridi told participants that the people of Fata would neither agree to their region’s merger with KP nor would they accept any decision against their aspirations.

He said some element were trying to identify the FCR with centuries old tribal customs and traditions.

“No such comparison could be drawn between the FCR and tribal traditions. The FCR has always usurped the rights of tribal people, while local traditions have flourished in protecting and safeguarding their genuine rights,” he said.

Mr. Afridi said the people of Fata were united against the FCR but at the same time, they would not allow anyone to usurp their rights in the name of their region’s merger with KP.

Khyber Union patron-in-chief Bazaar Gul Afridi said the people of Fata favoured reforms in the century-old administrative system for the sake of speedy development and judicious governance instead of the prevailing corrupt political administrative system headed by an all-powerful political agent.

He said economic backwardness of Fata won’t end with its merger with KP as the province itself was relying heavily on the federal government for its financial needs.

Another KU activist Murad Saqi said the federal government should announce a comprehensive development package for Fata and ensure the immediate return of all displaced families before declaring the tribal region a province.

Published in Dawn November 20th, 2016


I will be blunt. I don't get the threat. You will migrate to other parts of the country. Big deal. Or did they mean to other countries and again big deal.

Jeez it's not like we are handing the area to India that they are going so extreme. Its a simple merger.

This is all political bullshit. They are scared that a merger will wipe away their political influence and its the same story with those tribal elders. All of them want simply power and they will harm pakistan just for that. JUI-F has lost all credibility especially after their blatant support for terrorism and TTP. They will bow down to those that they bad mouth if they would just offer some semblance of power to diesel.

PESHAWAR - In order to discuss plight of tribesmen and Fata’s merger with Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (KP), Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) will hold a grand ‘tribal jirga’ inviting politico-religious leadership and tribal elders on December 4.

Talking to The Nation on Saturday, JI Fata chief Haji Sardar Khan said that the scheduled tribal jirga would be held at Shahi Bagh in Peshawar. The jirga, he informed, had been convened to highlight tribal people’s difficulties, discuss the issue of Fata’s merger with the KP and abolishment of the black law FCR.

The JI, he said, was backing that tribal areas should be made part of the KP province immediately. The JI central Ameer Senator Sirajul Haq would head the tribal jirga, for which, all arrangements are fully underway.

Besides the political and religious parties leadership, tribal elders, elected tribal legislatures, lawyers, students, Ulemas, youth, retired bureaucrats and representatives from civil society would be formally invited to the event, he explained.

In the jirga, the participants would also shed light on proposed reforms package for tribal areas, development projects and problems being faced by tribal people since long, he said. Time had come to change Fata’s present status by bringing it into the mainstream politics, he said.

Tribesmen have been opposing the FCR, a black law from day one and this is the best opportunity in hand with the government to get tribesmen free from this inhuman law forthwith, he concluded.


The question is can the govt take such a bold step and remove FCR and merge fata with kpk. Don't think N has it in them.

@Well.wisher @Fawad Masīd @Spring Onion @pakistani342 @WAJsal
Funny thing is they are a part of government, why not threaten to breakaway from the government. This corrupt diesel and an insult to Mullahnah's and his party are only doing politics. He like others know PTI will win in those areas too once it's become a part of KPK. They would love to continue the same status FATA has. No love for the country or no will to resolve national issues.
He said economic backwardness of Fata won’t end with its merger with KP as the province itself was relying heavily on the federal government for its financial needs.
this is the only bold part,rest of the article and whatever this diesel is saying is just a political stunt to mislead and increase his vote bank in areas like FATA....end of FCR + bringing reforms + new provincial status will only uplift this area !! but at the same time there will be nationalists from the already Dead ANP to play Pakhtun card for dividing Pakhtuns, if govt want to merge it with KPK or want to give it a new province status then do it !! Not sure what will happen but Govt should take a decision and stand by it without further delays !!
Reforms: Session of consultation held with FATA parliamentarians

November 21, 2016

Fata Research Centre organized a Consultative session with Fata parliamentarians on the "Future of Governance Reforms in tribal areas".

The event was attended by the representatives of all major political parties of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and FATA including Afrasiab Khattak (ANP), Farahatullah Babar (PPP), Al-haj Shah Jee Gul Afridi, Sajid Turi, Mukhtar Bacha (NP), Sahibzada Haroon Rasheed (JI), Jamal-ud-Din (JUI-F), Akhunzada Chattan (PPP), Shehryar Afridi (PTI), Barrister Salman Afridi (PTI), Ajmal Wazir (PML-Q) along with the representatives from different research institutes. All the participants except Jamal-ud-Din of JUI-F welcomed the merger of FATA into Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and appreciated the endeavours of FRC in exploring public opinion and perception regarding FATA reforms.

While speaking on the occasion, Farahatullah Babar said that the merger of FATA into KP is the most feasible option; however, he criticised various aspects of Prime Minister's commission report on mainstreaming FATA including the provision of Riwaj Act and the distribution of development funds, allocated for FATA, through a bureaucratic office.

Afrasiab also favored the merger of FATA into KP on the basis of geographic and ethnic bonds. However, he said that merger should be materialized through the Parliament. He added that a census should be conducted prior to merger in order to ensure the proper representation of FATA in the provincial assembly.

"A special share in provincial cabinet should be allocated for FATA for at least 20 years to appease the people of FATA," stated Mr. Khattak. He also stressed upon the urgency of an empowered local government system in any future governance structure to be implemented in FATA.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2016


Majority of tribesmen want Fata-KP merger
November 21, 2016

PESHAWAR - Federal Minister for States and Frontier Regions (Safron) Abdul Qadir Baloch said on Sunday that local government elections in Fata would be held next year.

“To hold referendum on Fata’s future status, there is no room in the Constitution” he said this while talking to media after offering Fateha for the departed soul of Awami National Party’s leader Haji Adeel, who breathed his last the other day after protracted illness.

“We lost a senior politician, a gentleman and a true democratic person. Death of Haji Adeel has created a vacuum,” he said said.

Fata Reforms Committee’s report had already been submitted to the prime minister. Any decision about status of tribal areas would be made as per the aspirations of tribal people, he explained.

In view of the recommendations, I would say that majority of the tribal people want Fata’s merger with Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (KP), he said. Senators and MNAs from tribal areas also back that tribal areas should be integrated with KP, he added.

He, however, said that a few political parties wanted referendum on Fata’s future status. Any decision about Fata would not be taken until taking all stakeholders on board, the Safron minister said. But, in the same breath, he informed that there is no room in the Constitution to hold referendum on this very important matter.

“On Fata, we will not take a step which may cause further division,” Baloch added.

“We are working on a 10-year Fata development programme, besides, about three per cent would also be given to Fata in the NFC award,” he added.

“Under which, Fata will get Rs110 billion annually,” he said adding that a body would be formed for utilising these huge funds on Fata’s development. Comparatively, Fata is 10 years back in development sphere from the rest of provinces, he said. To meet this gap, we first want its uplift on priority basis and later, gradually it would be merged with KP, the minister said.

I would say that we have best option other than to merge Fata with KP and majority of tribal people also have the same demand, he said. The process would be completed phase-wise, so, in the first phase, we want to hold local government elections in the tribal belt, he added.

Baloch said that local government polls would be held in Fata next year. He said that about three per cent of that Rs110 billion would be given to local government representatives. Moreover, the federal government was also taking step for the repatriation of internally displaced persons, he concluded.

This news was published in The Nation newspaper. Read complete newspaper of 21-Nov-2016 here.

You know its the same headline and its the same content but the date is different. Heck its the same politicians. What the hell is the problem here.
Legislators demand early merger of FATA with KP
* Sartaj says FATA reforms will be presented to cabinet for approval once consultation with all the stakeholders is complete

By Ijaz Kakakhel


ISLAMABAD: Advisor to the Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz on Monday claimed that FATA Reform would be present to cabinet for approval once the parliamentarians completed a draft after consultation with the stakeholder for the second time. Winding up the discussion over the FATA Reforms, the Advisor said the government was committed for the development and welfare of the people of FATA. He said the committee on FATA Reforms, during its visit to every tribal agency, consulted all the stakeholders including tribal elders and members of civil society.

He said majority of the people supported FATA's integration into Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa. However, there was a suggestion to reduce the transition period for complete merger of the tribal areas from five years and the committee would further discuss the matter. Aziz said rehabilitation of Temporarily Dislocated Persons (TDPs) and reconstruction of infrastructure, houses and shops had been recommended before the merger of FATA. He said initiating a major program of socio-economic development and capacity building of FC was pre-requisites for the integration.

He said Tribal Areas Riwaj Act would be introduced while mainstreaming of the FATA enabling residents of the area to opt any system of their choice for the settlements of disputes and issues. Efforts were also made to complete all arrangements before generation election in 2018.

Earlier, taking part in the debate, Shahabuddin said reforms should expeditiously be approved for the betterment of the people of tribal areas. He regretted that some people for their personal gains opposed the FATA reforms. He demanded the government to make arrangements for earlier holding local bodies' election in tribal areas.

JI Legislator Sahibzada Tariqullah said FATA should be merged into a Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa before the general elections of 2018. He said status of Provincially Administered Tribal Areas should also be made clear after FATA's merger into KP. Muhammad Jamaluddin said FATA should be given provincial status instead of merging it into KP. Shah Jee Gul Afridi said tribal areas merger into Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa would certainly bring progress, development prosperity to the area.

He said FATA should be given representation in KP Assembly as a result of next general elections. The FATA was not included in mainstream, which had created bad image of FATA across the country as well as internationally in relation to militancy. If the government unable to provide education, health and other basic facilities of life then the people of those areas would produce militants instead of good Pakistanis.

Sartaj proposes 2018 election in FATA as well
By Webmaster -
November 22, 2016

Islamabad—Advisor to the Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz on Monday said people from Federally Administered Tribal Areas should be provided opportunity to elect representatives for provincial assembly in the general election 2018.
Winding up discussion on FATA reforms, the Advisor said, the members have more or less agreed to merger of tribal agencies into Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province but there is the issue of time span, or limit of transition period.
‘Therefore, if FATA are not given representation in provincial assembly in the election 2018, the matter will be delayed for another five years,’ he stated.
He said the FATA issue has been lingering over decades and now people, Mishrans and politicians from FATA have agreed with majority to merger of tribal areas into KP. ‘We faced numerous technical, legal and constitutional problems in finalizing this report. But, it is appreciable that majority of people have agreed with this report.’
The Advisor also mentioned to problems like internally displaced persons (IDPs) settlement, reconstruction and infrastructure development to bring FATA at par with other areas of KP province.
For the purpose, he proposed to enhance present allocations for FATA from Rs 20 billion to three percent of divisible pool that makes Rs 90 billion. ‘With this allocation, uplift work can be continued till the merger is made.’
He also proposed local government system in FATA, recruiting 20,000 more levies, linking FATA areas with high court and Supreme Court and building infrastructure.
The Advisor also informed the House that a provision of Riwaj Law had also been introduced in reforms as those people who want to resolve their disputes through Jirga instead of courts system, can also avail from this provision.
He said work has been started on putting in place local government system in FATA as he informed that recommendations of the committee and those presented by the members would be presented before the Cabinet for approval within two weeks, or so and then before the Parliament for legislation.
Sartaj Aziz said it is priority of the government to bring FATA people at par with settled areas and provide them better education, health and development facilities.—APP


Now we are getting somewhere. He hit the nail on the head here that FATA should have the capacity to chose members of the provincial assembly in the 2018 general elections. They should get their say in the provincial assembly as well as national assembly.

Hopefully they make it happen. It would also shut up Mr. Meri bhi shadi kara do aka diesel

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