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Polish PM cancels visit to Israel over Netanyahu comments on Poles and Holocaust


Sep 24, 2018
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On Thursday, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, centre, stood beside Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, to his right, at a conference on Peace and Security in the Middle East in Warsaw,


Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki cancelled his plans to attend a meeting of central European leaders in Israel starting Monday amid new tensions over how Polish behaviour during the Holocaust is remembered and characterized.

Morawiecki informed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s of his decision by phone Sunday, Michal Dworczyk, who heads the prime minister’s chancellery, said. Poland’s foreign minister, Jacek Czaputowicz, plans to attend instead, he said.

It “is a signal that the historical truth is a fundamental issue for Poland, and the defence of the good name of Poland is and always will be decisive,” Deputy Foreign Minister Szymon Szynkowski vel Sek explained.

Netanyahu said during a Middle East conference hosted by the United States and Poland that “Poles co-operated with the Nazis” – wording suggesting that some Poles participated in killing Jews during the German occupation of Poland.

He was initially quoted by the Jerusalem Post as saying “the Poles,” which could be taken as blaming the entire Polish nation.

Both Netanyahu’s office and the newspaper said he was misquoted due to an editing error. The Polish government summoned the Israeli ambassador on Friday and later said it was not satisfied with the explanation of the Israeli leader being quoted incorrectly.

Netanyahu was supposed to meet with the leaders of the four central European countries known as the Visegrad Group – Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia – during the two-day meeting in Israel.

Tomasz Lis, the editor of the Polish edition of Newsweek and a critic of the government, said Morawiecki obviously bowed out because with a general election later this year, the government “has to think about the far-right and anti-Semitic electorate”

Warsaw and Jerusalem had a major spat last year over a new Polish law that makes it illegal to blame the Polish nation for collaboration in the Holocaust.

Poland’s nationalist government has sought to focus on cases of heroism by Poles during Germany’s Second World War occupation of the country. The law was seen by many as an attempt to quash research and discussion of any Poles who participated in decimating Poland’s Jewish population.

Germany occupied Poland in 1939, annexing part of it. Unlike other countries occupied by Germany, Poland did not have collaborationist government at the time. The prewar Polish government and military fled into exile, and an underground resistance army fought the Nazis inside the country.

Because of that history, Poles find references to Polish “collaboration” to be unfair and hurtful.

However, individual Poles did take part in killing Jews during and after the war. Many Holocaust survivors and their relatives carry painful memories of persecution at Polish hands. In Israel, there has been anger at what many there perceive to be Polish attempts today to whitewash that history.

The dispute last sparked an explosion of anti-Semitic hate speech in Poland, and there were signs of another spike in recent days.
Well the Holocaust was an evil act against humanity.

And then they cry about anti-antisemitism in Muslim countries.

When in reality Jews are treated well in Morocco, Iran, and Yemen.
Czech Republic also withdraws from the cancelled summit. Leaving Hungary and Slovakia for bilateral talks.

Poland is one of the countries who suffered the most in ww2 by the hands of the Nazis. You must be a special kind of idiot for making that comment.

This only feeds true anti-semitic movements and it also makes the apathy grow from the general public.
Poles responsible for the Holocaust,that's a new one.Just because few collaborators took part in it,let's forget about those other 3-4 million Poles who died because they didn't support fascism.
Wow.. Now they are as cold as the Poles...
they are looking for victims, so they can pay money each year ahahah.
Make Poland a part of Germany and Russia again
It’s good thing that Poland stand against them specially when they say the polish concentration camps but in reality Poland was under the german Russian occupation and these camps belonged to the Germans only
But they did took part in killing Jews. In many small towns of Poland Jews were robbed and killed before Germans came. The same thing in Western Ukraine was made by Ukrainian Nazi.
But they did took part in killing Jews. In many small towns of Poland Jews were robbed and killed before Germans came. The same thing in Western Ukraine was made by Ukrainian Nazi.

Polish Anti Semitism is something they dont want to confront. Not to mention Poland before ww2 was working with Germany to rip territory from its neighbours.

Ironically Poland is a "victim" who did nothing wrong. Their invasion of Russia in the 1600s even caused a famine. Somehow the Poles are like we dindu nuffin.
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