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Polish FM: Ties with US worthless

Hasbara Buster

Aug 17, 2010
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Polish FM: Ties with US worthless


Polish Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski

A Polish magazine has reported that it is in possession of recordings of a conversation in which the country’s Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski says Poland’s strong alliance with the US “isn't worth anything”.

Mocking his country’s ties with US, Sikorski has even gone further describing the alliance with Washington as “even harmful (for Warsaw) because it creates a false sense of security.”

According to the Associated Press, the Polish magazine Wprost has published a short transcript of the conversation in which a person identified as Sikorski tells former finance minister, Jacek Rostowski, that people of Poland naively believe the US strengthen their security.

Sikorski, using vulgar language, argues that such beliefs are nonsense adding that the Polish-US alliance alienates the Russians and Germans.

There has been no official confirmation that it is Polish foreign minister Radek Sikorski who speaks in the conversation.

Reacting to the report, the government spokeswoman Malgorzata Kidawa-Blonska has said the government will make a comment after the recording is published in full.

Wprost said it will publish the sound files of the recording Monday or Tuesday.

Sikorski has been an outspoken critic of Russia’s role in the developments in Ukraine this year. In June 2014, he called for the creation of a permanent US base on Poland’s territory.

Referring to the Crimean Peninsula rejoining Russia he told The New York Times that “For the first time since the Second World War, one European country has taken a province by force from another European country ... America, we hope, has ways of reassuring us that we haven't even thought about. There are major bases in Britain, in Spain, in Portugal, in Greece, in Italy. Why not here?”

Poland has confirmed that it will nominate Mr. Sikorski to replace Catherine Ashton as EU foreign policy chief.

PressTV - Polish FM: Ties with US worthless
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