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Police officer Sharif Tanoli becomes immortal !

MQM have the history of killing police men who caught their gang war members .. its shameful .. MQM and atlaf hussian should be primary suspects
We commend the bravery of those who are willing to sacrifice their lives for the safety of nations. After reading the story, It is safe to say that SHO Shafiq Tanoli serves as an inspiration to those who refuse to bow down to terrorism.

Ali Khan
@mafiya @Jazzbot @Leader @FaujHistorian @Imran Khan

immortal police


No one ever said there is no corruption in Karachi police or Karachi police is angel. We all admit the poor state of police, not just in Karachi alone but in whole country. But its MQM who always try to do worse kind of propaganda against any law enforcement force that acts against it whether its police, rangers or even army.

You cherry pick a few random incidents of police corruptions from here and there and try to portray as if entire police department or Rangers are evil and only angel in Karachi is MQM. This Mustakil Qaumi Musibat gang is utter disgrace for this nation.

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