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Police declare Musharraf innocent in Abdul Rashid Ghazi murder case


Jan 19, 2013
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ISLAMABAD: Geo News has received the copy of the challan against former president, General (retd) Pervez Musharraf in the murder case of Abdul Rashid Ghazi.

After their investigation, police declared Musharraf innocent as there was no evidence or eyewitness presented against the former president.

Earlier on Wednesday a local court reserved its verdict in the bail application of Musharraf in the case. The court will announce its verdict on November 1.

During proceedings, Musharraf lawyer argued that his client had not issued any orders for the Lal Masjid operation.

Of holy lies and Lal Masjid

By Ejaz Haider

Published: October 29, 2013
The writer is Editor, National Security Affairs at Capital TV and a visiting fellow at SDPI

The ongoing Lal Masjid case, leaving aside everything else, is an example, if one were still needed, of what’s wrong with us.

Two sets of people want ‘justice’ for the Lal Masjid ‘victims’: those who want to bludgeon former Gen...eral-President Pervez Musharraf, and the lying right wing that has made a habit of decrying everything this state stands for and then using the very institutions of this state, in this case the judiciary, to clamour for legal-constitutional rights and make space for their exclusionary agenda. Such in our beloved land are the ironies of public and private life.

Now General Musharraf is not the flavour of the month. He hasn’t been since he left office. Since his return, he has been made to run from pillar to post, his nose rubbed in the dust. Perhaps he required a lesson in humility. He is being held responsible for much that has gone wrong. At least in that, bitter political rivals boo and curse him from the same side of the fence.

I am no fan of Musharraf’s. In fact, when he took over, opposed as I am to military takeovers, despite the genius of Mian Nawaz Sharif on display from 1997 to that fateful day in 1999, I wrote against the coup. It was a difficult choice: it never is easy to choose between two bad options. I didn’t have too many takers, just like I didn’t when I wrote about the excesses of the lawyers and where their movement was headed.

So, I can chalk a long list of bad decisions by Musharraf. And I did. Interestingly, the Lal Masjid operation didn’t find a place in that. Here’s why.

The clerics of a mosque, in the heart of the capital, decided to challenge the state. Their shenanigans in the run-up to the operation are fully documented. I could give a blow by blow account of what happened, as also the clerical family that built its power through state patronage and ended up challenging the very state that has created many monsters but most of that too is known.

What does need stressing is that everything they said or did showed a supra-state mindset. They used religion as a cover to demand concessions from the state which no state can concede. They did this even though it was a known fact since 2004 that they had issued a fatwa at the behest of Ayman alZawahiri against the military personnel fighting al Qaeda.

“On the advice of al Qaeda, Maulana Abdul Aziz issued a religious decree in 2004 which declared the South Waziristan operation un-Islamic. The decree prohibited the burial of the soldiers in Muslim graveyards. Funeral prayers for those who had died in the action against Muslim militants in South Waziristan were forbidden. The decree was circulated throughout the country and 500 clerics signed it … All the combined guns of the militants could not have been as useful in belittling the Pakistan Army as that religious decree.” (Inside Al-Qaeda and the Taliban, Syed Saleem Shahzad, p.42)

This, again, is just the tip of the iceberg. Shahzad, on pages 41-47 and then 159-162, writes in detail about the close nexus between Lal Masjid and al Qaeda (AQ) and how the two brothers were part of the AQ action plan. Incidentally, this is not the only account. There were several police, Intelligence Bureau and ISI/Military Intelligence (MI) assessments of what the two brothers were up to. In fact, Musharraf wanted to take action against the brothers much earlier but was stopped from doing so by the MI which was already worried because of large-scale desertions in the army following the 2004 fatwa.

In a nutshell, the Lal Masjid clerics were pushing the AQ agenda and were deeply involved in activities that were unlawful, unconstitutional and anti-state. Not just that, and this is what no one seems to point to, they were using the seminarians under their charge, both boys and girls, in a game devised by AQ. Perhaps now, when they call for justice for those who died in the operation, the honourable court would take the trouble of asking them two questions: one, who rebelled against the state and created the circumstances that led to a military operation; two, who exploited the misdirected zeal of unsuspecting students and put them in harm’s way? These questions should have been part of the eight-point terms of reference of the inquiry commission the Supreme Court bench had set up.

No one should go unheard; but neither should lies be allowed to govern our lives.

Meanwhile, instead of taking a clear position on the issue at a time when Lal Masjid clerics are garnering support for their toxic cause, the GHQ stays quiet and chooses to file its reply through the Judge Advocate General’s Branch. And please spare me the argument that that is the proper channel and the army is only going by its traditional regard for democratic norms. We know, as the army does, that it sends out clear signals to whoever it wants to message when it deems its core interests to be under threat.

So, does the army not consider the issue of Lal Masjid to be its core interest despite knowing about the mosque’s links with al Qaeda, and the fact that it lost men in that operation?

Some of the officers are still serving; others have retired from very senior positions. I don’t need to name them. But since the Inter-Services Public Relations directorate will get to read this, here’s my suggestion to the army: the sacrifices of those men, officers and soldiers, demand that the facts on Lal Masjid be made known officially, from the mosque’s nexus with al Qaeda and Pakistani militant groups to the entire plan which the brothers were working on. The army owes this to the men it lost as well as to this beleaguered nation. This should be in addition to the letter submitted to the court through the JAG Branch.

Finally, let me debunk the bunkum that has found its way into some press stories. The army never used any chemical weapons in the operation. Pakistan is a signatory to the Chemical Weapons Convention and does not possess chemical weapons. Do not confuse smoke grenades with chemical weapons. In fact, don’t talk about things your genius cannot even begin to comprehend, thank you.

Published in The Express Tribune, October 30th, 2013
I have posted before that it is utterly stupid and illogical for anyone to hold Head of the State responsible for the people killed in action against the uniformed forces of the State.

It defies logic that authority of the State is challenged with guns as it was by the Lal Masjid thugs and by Akbar Bugti’s militia and expect Head of the State to do nothing?

This shows hypocrisy of the Court that agree to prosecute Musharraf in the first place and extreme bias of the media that the politicians that Musharraf was even denied bail when Mailk Ishaq of LeJ who admitted killing Shias faced no such difficulty.

Pray tell me, Isn’t it a criminal offence to carry arms without licence? Has any sanctimonious TV anchor or politician tried to prosecute Lal Masjid mullah for having fire arms inside the mosque?

Sad to say that we speak with ‘forked tongue’ and have double standards. No one is trying Musharraf for the crime he is really guilty of – violating article 6 of the constitution on Oct 12, 199 when Musharraf threw out an elected Prime Minister. Instead our very biased and vindictive CJ only wants Musharraf to tried for imposing Nov 3, 2007 Martial Law.

Because Mr Iftikhar Chaudhry himself validated this criminal act as a judge of the Supreme Court and thus was party to it which makes him equally culpable.
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attention friends!
plz put news like this, in APML newsdesk thread!
that thread should, be running?
as long as, PM is standing for pakistan, & is bieng fakly procecuted!

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