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Police arrest 1000 in Pakistan for flying kites

Beside just the death or injury factor, there is a huge wastage of money done on just the basant day. What kind of things are done and where and how the money is wasted, well the ones who know the inner stories happening on basant know well what i am talking about.

Basant should be banned, and strict measures should be taken to the maximum.

And for those who give the example of deaths happening in traffic accidents and say should traffic be stopped, well there are many other silly examples which can be quoted to counter argue this stupid statement, but to put it simple, we as human beings have to do the maximum possible steps to make sure the chances of deaths or injuries due to something which we can control should be eliminated or reduced to the minimum. Many times motorists break the signal lights and cause accidents or many times people crossing the signal light even when it is green get into accidents due to other people or when signal lights can't prevent a traffic jam, so does that means we remove traffic signal lights as accidents or jams happen, no, those lights still stay there and reduce the chances of fatal accidents & the mayhem caused due to disorderly behavior shown by the motorists.

I see you avoided making any comments to this- would you be stating the same above if somewhere in the Quran it said fly a kite one day a year.

why why why our indian brothers feel pain even we arrest half of pakistan why you guys so so nagitive ? why every anti pakistan thread here start by you.are you don't see any positive news abut pakistan ever.i will say shamefull action.

man we can't allow ppl kill our citizens just for there fun.and one advise to my indian brothers HATE WILL BURN YOU COMPLEATE BE NETURAL AND THINK POSITIVE POST POSITIVE YOU GUYS FEEL VERY GOOD LIKE ME.
why why why our indian brothers feel pain even we arrest half of pakistan why you guys so so nagitive ? why every anti pakistan thread here start by you.are you don't see any positive news abut pakistan ever.i will say shamefull action.

man we can't allow ppl kill our citizens just for there fun.and one advise to my indian brothers HATE WILL BURN YOU COMPLEATE BE NETURAL AND THINK POSITIVE POST POSITIVE YOU GUYS FEEL VERY GOOD LIKE ME.

Arresting never eradicated any problems but education and controlling it in a wise manner did ?

Are you next going to ban drivers on road pakistani drivers probably kill more Pakistanis than kites?

I have yet to hear an answer to this- would you be banning kites if the Quran said please fly kites once a year eventhough as per you its so dangerous?
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@imran There is nothing anti - pakistani about it. may be you feel because an Indian is saying it .... but the logic which we are trying to discuss remains the same. we need to follow the stringent rules. like when we say it is banned to drink and drive but still people do that. in the same way such threads and string which cause problems are banned. now it is failure on law enforcement agencies if they are not able to stop the manufacture of such strings.

but i dont think banning something which has been the part of legacy of pakistan since long is justified.
Basant is fun and has been celebrated in Pakistan since 1947. The Government's safety concerns are entirely justified, but it must strive to provide people with a safe environment within which such enjoyable activities can be undertaken. For example, dedicating certain public parks and perhaps venues on the outskirts of a city like Lahore (e.g. Jallo Park, the area near the upcoming Sports City, Area around Ilaqa Nawab Sahib and so on.) and making first aid available would be a great way to start...

I do think the (over)enthusiasts who have opted to professionalize Basant by betting and using metal string and other oddities have done everyone a dis-service. It is because of their over-board zealousness and carelessness that the celebration of Basant has had to be toned down by the authorities.
I have yet to hear an answer to this- would you be banning kites if the Quran said please fly kites once a year eventhough as per you its so dangerous?


(a particular colored herring)
I see you avoided making any comments to this- would you be stating the same above if somewhere in the Quran it said fly a kite one day a year.


First of all I don't think there is anything in there to link it to Quran, there are hundreds of different other things which should be banned before coming to kites if Quran has to be seen into this context. Plus, i myself don't see anything which is there in simple kite flying to be going against kite flying. But if betting, gambling kind of activities get involved in it, then off course it goes against the Islamic teachings.

And i did not mention kite flying, i mentioned Basant both different things, and two very major reasons are the death and injury toll happening on this one or two day event and the other is the huge sum of money wasted on many illegal, unethical and unmoral activities in the name of celebrating this event.
I agree with most of what techlahore has posted, so I wont repeat it.
Even in India SC has given a ruling to ban the use of metal & glass in strings an year back....
However completely banning it is not justified on any grounds. I've grown up in western U.P. & kite-flying has a unique cultural aspect to it. Infact I'm filled with nostalgia whenever I see kites flying.
Banning is not the way to deal with something as inter-wined with culture & heritage. There ought to be resentment. Regularization is way forward..

Ulema laud ban on kite flying, Basant

Monday, February 22, 2010

Ulema belonging to all schools of thought have thanked Chief Minister Punjab Mian Shahbaz Sharif and District Coordination Officer (DCO) Imdadullah Bosal for imposing ban on kite flying and Basant, terming these festivals un-Islamic and a tradition of Hindus.

These remarks were made by a delegation of Ulema, led by Chairman District Peace Committee Maulana Izhar Hussain Bokhari, which recently held a meeting with the DCO here, attended by Maulana Akram Hamdani, Maulana Abdul Jalil Naqvi, Zahoor Elahi Qadri, Hafiz Iqbal Ahmed Rizvi and other Ulema.

Ulema laud ban on kite flying, Basant

Lawmakers slammed for ignoring water distribution issue

* Syed Hassan Murtaza says irrigation minister one of the first
to walk out after adjournment of PA proceedings

Staff Report

LAHORE: A Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) parliamentarian on Tuesday criticised “non-serious” MPAs evading discussion on issues related to the inter-provincial distribution of water, and said courts should take notice of issues left undebated by parliamentarians in the Punjab Assembly.

MPA Syed Hassan Murtaza made these comments during the PA session.
Meanwhile, Murtaza said he was unable to understand why the Punjab government had imposed a ban on Basant, which was part of Punjab’s heritage. He said some people had condemned Basant for being a “Hindu festival”, while others had termed it a “life threatening” activity.

He questioned that when the government could impose a ban on “pillion riding” numerous times in a year, then why could not it ban people from riding motorbikes for one day in order to let the public celebrate Basant?

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

Basant, Valentine's Day aliens' festivals
By: Jam Sajjad Hussain | Published: February 14, 2010

LAHORE - It is very strange we are showing enthusiasm to the festivals of the aliens at a time when the nation is besieged with manifold crises.

The first one festival is the Basant, which has Hindu origin, and the second is Valentine’s Day falling on February 14 (today) having origin to the Latin Priest Valentine, who in his frivolous pursuits set an example of illegal love affairs, which is denounced in Islam.

Citizens expressed these views during a survey conducted by The Nation here on Saturday. We should condemn Valentine’s Day, as it is a shameful and sinful act, which leads to western culture that is the hub of illegal relations among youth, a 19-year-old student Tayyaba Yasmeen, of Govt College for Women commented. We should forbid students and Muslims to celebrate Valentine’s Day, she said, adding that the day is attributed to young, unmarried people and students, who celebrate the day by holding hands or having illicit relations, which they are not supposed to be doing in Islamic society like in Pakistan.

Government College University athlete Hafiz Mohammad Safdar said the celebration of romance and love was a Western tradition and therefore should not be supported in Muslims countries especially in Pakistan. He said Muslim culture is a pure of vulgarity, adding that Valentine’s Day is not in accordance with Islamic and Eastern culture.

Asma Hamza, 22-year-old student of Punjab University said every Pakistan should seek forgiveness from Allah for our sins than celebrating evils acts like Valentine’s Day. “One flower giver should think if someone else send flowers to his sister then what will be his feelings,” she questioned.

It is worth mentioning one legend revealed that Valentine was a priest during the third century in Rome. When Emperor Claudius II decided that single men are better soldiers than those with wives and families, he outlawed marriage for young men.

Valentine, realising the injustice of the decree, defied Claudius and continued to perform marriages for young lovers in secret. Claudius awarded death sentence to Valentine as he continued his act even in prison.

It is generally believed that Valentine fell in love with a young girl - who may have been his jailor’s daughter - who visited him during his imprisonment. It is believed that before his death he wrote her a letter, which he signed ‘From your Valentine’, an expression that is still used today.

Ibtisam flays Valentine's Day

Jammat Ahle Hadith Pakistan Nazim Ibtisam Elahi Zaheer has said the celebrations of the festivals like Valentine’s Day and Basant were aimed at demolishing the Muslim civilization. In a communique, he said Islam is flexible religion, but it is strictly against vulgarity and illegal liberalism. “Youth should avoid indulging from immoral activities on this occasion,” Zaheer further said. He also urged the Governor Punjab Salman Taseer to initiate a special security plan for the protection of the lives of Lahorities instead of issuing ridiculous statements regarding Basant.

Meanwhile, Young Muslim International also condemned Valentine’s Day saying it was a devil festival, which promotes impropriety among Muslim Society.

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