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PN Decomissions


Oct 3, 2005
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Credit to crazyinsane105.
Pakistan Retires 35 Year Old Boats

January 7, 2006: Pakistan has decommissioned its four French Daphne class coastal submarines. These 870 ton boats are 35 years old, and are showing their age. But they served well in the 1971 war with India, sinking an Indian frigate and damaged another. This was the first submarine kill since World War II, and the only one so far, since 1945, by a diesel-electric boat. A British nuclear sub sank an Argentinean cruiser during the 1982 war. The Daphne class boats have a crew of 54 and carry 12 torpedoes in 12 tubes (no reloads.) The Pakistani boats were later fitted to fire Harpoon anti-ship missiles from their torpedo tubes, but never got a modern electronics update. They are being replaced by French Agosta class. These are 1,500 ton boats, which carry 16 torpedoes, modern electronic gear and a crew of 41. The submarine service has long been the elite of the Pakistani navy, and these subs are the most dangerous systems India would have to face at sea in any future war.

Source: http://www.strategypage.com/htmw/htsub/art...s/20060107.aspx
Originally posted by WebMaster@Jan 8 2006, 04:00 AM
Pakistan Retires 35 Year Old Boats

January 7, 2006: Pakistan has decommissioned its four French Daphne class coastal submarines. These 870 ton boats are 35 years old, and are showing their age. But they served well in the 1971 war with India, sinking an Indian frigate and damaged another. This was the first submarine kill since World War II, and the only one so far, since 1945, by a diesel-electric boat. A British nuclear sub sank an Argentinean cruiser during the 1982 war. The Daphne class boats have a crew of 54 and carry 12 torpedoes in 12 tubes (no reloads.) The Pakistani boats were later fitted to fire Harpoon anti-ship missiles from their torpedo tubes, but never got a modern electronics update. They are being replaced by French Agosta class. These are 1,500 ton boats, which carry 16 torpedoes, modern electronic gear and a crew of 41. The submarine service has long been the elite of the Pakistani navy, and these subs are the most dangerous systems India would have to face at sea in any future war.

[post=5204]Quoted post[/post]​

The article says the Danphe&#39;s are being replaced by Augosta-90B&#39;s.

Again I would like to ask.

How many more Augosta-90B&#39;s are being built/acquired?

Originally posted by miroslav@Jan 8 2006, 10:47 AM
The article says the Danphe&#39;s are being replaced by Augosta-90B&#39;s.

Again I would like to ask.

How many more Augosta-90B&#39;s are being built/acquired?

[post=5221]Quoted post[/post]​

Pakistan, ordered three Agosta-90B diesel submarines from France in 1994, and the first of these was launched at Cherbourg on 13 August 1998 for completion late in 1999. The third boat, begun at Karachi in January 1997, is not to be completed until 2006 and is to incorporate the untried MESMA air-independent propulsion system.

I believe three more are being built but its not officially spoken.
Originally posted by miroslav@Jan 9 2006, 06:07 PM
Whats so secret in that???

[post=]Quoted post[/post]​

Well is in it obvious???

Pakistan wants to hide stuff, and keep it secretive for a big surprise.

Though its not always possible to keep things secretive when now days the satellites have made everything possible.

But i guess, its ok not to give out information to public. It gives better chances to acquire more funds, and keep the enemy&#39;s public into patriotic Jazz.
Well, its good that they finally retired it. Otherwise there could be a problem. The articles that have been posted are indeed interesting, and knowledgeable.

Thanks for the share. As for what subs will be replacing them, is interesting to know. Though i have heard that Pakistan wants to go with German submarines, but its not confirmed. Just like how there was a news that Pakistan is interested in Type-23 but it was bought by Chilli later on.
Dont start shouting or crying foul when the PN will find some unknown submarine down the waters.

What do you mean? You just made me curious and confused. :undecided:
Originally posted by miroslav@Jan 17 2006, 01:27 PM
I was reffering to one of the member&#39;s comment that PN wants to keep its project (Augosta-90B) Secret.

That was against my question of how many more Augosta-90B PN is gonna induct???

So my point is if PN is hvaing some secret programmes so does the IN.

ATV means Advance Technology Vessel The desi nuke sub of India which is the most secret naval programme ever.


[post=]Quoted post[/post]​

The ATV is a 11 year old project wich is still not complete and is not going to be complete by atleast 2020.Pakistan is already working on Technology to integrate Nuclear fuels and a reactor into a sub, in reality we (pakistan) dont need a to consentrate on sub. design since we have already made 3 Augosta&#39;s and 4 mini-subs.Whereby India for the last 11 years has been trying to just get the sub design instead of consantrating on the more important issue (develope nuclear fuel and mini reactor).
India is in a crap situation by leasing and ordering submarines rather than building up one with cooperation with another country, so in the end it gets the capablity to build up advance submarines. Whereas Pakistan is trying to maintaine a good submarine fleet while getting the technology of building them at home.

In the recent talks French DCN is competing for another submarine type for Pakistan. At the same time Germany is competing too.

Here it is:
DCN launches design work for Pakistan submarine
French naval shipbuilding, combat systems and engineering group DCN is reported to have commenced initial design activity on a new conventional submarine type to be ...


Any guess who is going to win?
Originally posted by blahblah@Jan 22 2006, 01:18 PM
Yeah one can undertand that it took 11 years to acquire/build those 3 Augosta&#39;s.

It took less than 4 years for India to build 2 HDW 209 subs at home.

Also let me assure you that the ATV is gonna get operational before 2010.

By 2020 atleast 6 are expected.

[post=]Quoted post[/post]​

Hmmm... Dont forget that those delays were because, of terrorist targeting the Agosta project workers. Also dont forget that those terrorist were sponsored by the Indian govt. and RAW&#33;

Dude the ATV is still in its designing stage. There were eve some reports on Indian websites and media that the ATV project has been abanded&#33;

Lets compare pakistan&#39;s future sub. fleet against India&#39;s future Sub. fleet

we&#39;ll have
-6 Augosta-90B/C
-3Augosta-70&#39;s (probaly upgraded to Augosta-90B standard)
-5 other advanced subs
-1 nuclear sub. by 2013 (indigonously made)

Against India&#39;s
-10 Kilo&#39;s AKA Black Holes
-6 Scorpene&#39;s
-2-3 Akula&#39;s
Originally posted by blahblah@Jan 24 2006, 07:10 PM

Only 2 Augosta-70B

That also commissioned in 1978-79 that means by 2008/09 those subs will be 30 years old and by 2010 their Decommissioning process will start.

Also never heared about 70B to 90B upgrade.

Any link or source from DCN site???
[post=]Quoted post[/post]​

There is indeed no upgrade from Agosta 70 to Agosta 90B, there is a huge difference between both submarines.

I think what he meant was that some of the technology can be fitted with Agosta 70, but i think there is no use of it, as they are too old now, and will retire soon. :idiot:

That is why Pakistan is looking for more submarines.
Originally posted by Yahya@Jan 25 2006, 12:09 AM
...electronics upgrade...as a stopgap untill we get the newsubmarines....
[post=5627]Quoted post[/post]​

Dont you think that, during a stop gap having a really old submarine is more dangerous than beneficial?

Whats their purpose?

They are dangerous than filling a stop gap. You think they will be used for training? No&#33; PN will rather look at advanced subs for training.
Song class submarine are very good too i hope after 3 U 214 we buy 3 Song subs in exercises with americans chinese subs do surprise americans with stleath capability of chinese sub
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