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PMLN MPA Shumaila Anjum Rana Credit Card fraud


Nov 28, 2006
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Watch Video (PMLN MPA Shumaila Anjum Rana Credit Card Case.)

LAHORE: A Punjab woman MPA went on shopping spree using a stolen credit card.

Punjab Government spokesman has said that action will be taken against the MPA in case it is proved she had committed the crime.

According to sources, a woman named Zaira Malik has filed an application in a police station against Punjab MPA Shumaila Anjum Rana. Zaira Malik said payment of Rs80,000 was made from her credit card for the shopping.

Please note that this is 4th scandal surfaced against PMLN in six months.

1.haj pervaiz examination scandal
2.Ch Ghafoor MPA(CCTV footage of clearing pessanger from the airport with out custom,attacking woman MPA in punjab assembly)
3.Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) MPA and former special assistant to the chief minister, Munawar Gill rape case.
4.Shumail rana stolen credit card case from health club
What a fool...CCTV's are installed all jewlery shops!

wht can be done, thier chief is also , been doing this long time, wht happen to him ! nothing ? & as a result?:lol:
he is the head of the 2nd largest political party in pakistani political system?:tsk:
musharaf long critics , never found any kind of low level fraud , because , musharaf rightly chosen a educated assembly members at all level! who were educated to the level that , they had the info about intalled CCTV's at most of the shopping places in the major cities in pakistan:tup::azn:
I give credit to PML-N for sacking another member due to corruption.

Hopefully one day NS will be thrown out too -)
I agree man.PML-N has some good members to.Shabaz Sharif is a good administrator but NS is a ******** clown.
Did Shumaila rana Resign from her post of MNA??? she should do that than prove her innocency ?? wat do u think???
What is happening with Pakistan women?
They seem to be under some sort of bad spirit these days!
Things which have happened with women in last 1.5 years had never happened in entire history of Pakistan.
I think women should be care ful with their votes in next elections.
Caught red handed.....what a shame...she put the allegation on her nokarani....and Jewelery store hand over this video to Geo/ARY
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I agree man.PML-N has some good members to.Shabaz Sharif is a good administrator but NS is a ******** clown.

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Campaigning near a polling place is a tricky endeavor that should be thoroughly researched before you try. While everyone has the right of free speech, one also has the right to cast a vote without harassment. All fifty states have some form of law in place regarding this issue, so check yours thoroughly before moving on.

We must follow and respect law while implementing campaign. Place campaign yard signs in prominent locations, making sure they are not within the restricted distance from the closes polling place; this is typically 100 feet. If they are too close, you will be guilty of electioneering. Insert the yard signs to maximize viewing potential from vehicles as well as foot traffic. Check to see if larger signs can be installed at high traffic corners, as some states do make provisions for this. Verify that your signs are placed exactly as described in the laws and ordinances of the area. Contact an election official if you are unsure.
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Locate your group at least 100 feet from a polling place. Allow your clothing to do the campaigning for you. Make sure no one engages any potential voters in conversation. Be sure all walkways, paths and driveways are open and not restricted in any way by anyone in the group.Any signs you place illegally will make you guilty of electioneering.

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Lets hope she is removed if she is guilty because that is what Shahbaz Sharif has said.
i was block the card of zara malik :chilli: :welcome:Shumaila Anjum Rana:bunny: i jus block the card once she attempted to do diz ....:victory:
All politicans are ****.......all r corrupt.

Y not give a chance to Imran Khan


EX-MPA Shumaila Rana gets PML-N ticket - AGAIN
Shumaila Rana was compelled to resign due to her alleged involvement in credit card scandal case in 2009.

According to the details, Shumaila Rana has resubmitted nomination papers in Punjab assembly on her vacant seat.

PML-N&#8217;s Seema Mohiuddin Jeelani has also filed her nomination papers on vacant seat of Nuzrat Sadiq while Maimoona Hashmi submitted papers on vacant position of Shaheen Shakeel to the returning officer in Lahore.
mah I was wondering why she was coming on tv talking the dead issue... hence got ticket !!
All the political parties give tickets on basis of power and money so most time they turns blind eye on them
Its us people to blame because we dont justify our vote

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