This is copied from what some poster wrote on a thread in Reddit:
This is my reply from a week ago:
When PMLN was elected in 2013 Pakistan's total liquid reserves were $11.5-12.0 Billion and Pakistan had a CAD of $2.5 Billion, Pakistan's total exports(services + commodities) in 2013 were $31.5 Billion.
When PMLN left in 2018 Pakistan's total liquid reserves were $14.4 Billion and Pakistan had a CAD OF $18 BILLION despite record low import prices, Pakistan's total exports in 2018 were $30.1 Billion.
PMLN decreased Pakistan's total exports by $1.4 Billion in 5 years of hard work.
My point is that PPP in 2013 left Pakistan in a better place than PMLN left Pakistan in 2018.
PMLN didn't progress Pakistan's economy even a little in it's 5 year reign between 2013-2018.
PTI has done well considering it's circumstances.
I've sourced all my numbers from The State Bank of Pakistan's official database.
Total exports are going to hit $38-40 Billion this year(under PTI) which is an increase of $10 Billion compared to 2018, Total exports are going to be $46-50 Billion next year if the current momentum stays and the imported machinery starts being put to use.
Total reserves are $18.5 Billion(Pakistan just repayed $2.9 billion in debt).
Pakistan has recorded CAD of $12bn so far this fiscal year which is entirely due to record high fuel and commodity prices.
Pakistan's current account deficit (CAD) fell sharply by 78% to $0.5 billion in February 2022 from $2.53bn in January 2022.
If the current trend holds Pakistan will have a CAD of maximum $16 Billion this year.
If you exclude fuel imports from our total imports you will see that we actually have a surplus in our non-fuel trade. Which goes to show that the current CAD is artificial and short term.
The rupee will regain some value when the situation in Ukraine calms down.
PMLN 2013 policies made sure that Pakistan had a CAD of $18 Billion when prices were record low, just imagine how bad Pakistan's economy's condition would be if PMLN applied those policies in 2018. We would be done for.
Compare PTIs covid policies with india's, covid left indias economy half dead despite it having a good base whereas Pakistan went through covid fairly well compared to our neighbours.
PTI isn't perfect but they're way better than the alternatives.