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PML-N & PPP to form a Govt: Will they last long?


Jan 28, 2008
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United States
just seen the news confernce of ZARDARI AND NAWAZ,

both were ready , to walk togather but the question is that how long thier relation will last?

both have, only one point agenda which is getting rid of musharf.

what they will ,do if they make musharf gone from pakistani political picture

all views and opinion welcomed.
It is difficult to guess for how long a government between the two can last. I think both should try to restore the constitution as it stood before the coup of 1999.The powers of the president be curtailed,the judiciary strengthened and the election commission be armed with more powers.Once these tasks are accomplished fresh elections should be held so that the peoples party can secure more seats in the centre and provinces.This is essential if the democratic system is to take root in Pakistan.
Conflicting ideologies and practices means that they will not last long.

How often does a party of Business men and rich industrialists rub shoulders with the party of the poor man.

Please make your posts in a right style. It doesn't look good. If you need help, please contact me.

dear, weby sir,

thanks a lot , yes i realy need your help.
AFTER joint press confrnce in ISLAMABAD MR , ZARDARI & NAWAZ SHARIF stated that PPP & PML(Q) will keep intact and will join hands to form govt in center and in PUNJAB.

thats , was the latest, but lets look at the facts happening now is realy MR ZARDARI is intersted to form govt with NAWAZ.
BASICLY NAWAZ SHARIF is just trying to use ppp as a weapon against mushy .co . after wining the elections and bieng 2nd on wining stand NAWAZ was trying to get MUSHARAF out of power. and it is only 1 point agenda for him and deep down inside NAWAZ knows that any govt cant last more than 6 months.

the demand to restore CJP and 60 ousted justices wasnt a paractical one, it was a trap which was thrown on the head of ppp , which is the party who is going to rule the pakistan after 10 days time .

it is clear that nawaz is going to come out inocent , and can show people who voted in favour of PMLn that it , is PPP which cant co-opreate and cant solve the prblems of gen people of pakistan.

actully nawaz is GETING READY for the next elections, but before that he wanted the failure of ppp and ouster of MUSHARF.

so from Nawaz point of view , its clear that he is willing for more confrontation with MUSHARAF for that he is trying to use ppp and its emotions against MUSHARAF led establishment.

for the mr, ZARDARIs point he and ppp main target is to get power any way becacause for ppp it is very importatant to get power quickly , ppp had been out of power scince long time now and thier thurst of money is high.

for ZARDARI it is the golden chance to get direct power , which wasnt possible in the life of shaheed BENAZIR BHUTTO. he can go for this term and get the declining position of his finances. for ZARDARI he knows the sampathy he enjoying right now isnt going to last very long and HAWKS inside the party can go out of hands.

that was the very reason why mr , ZARDARI & NAWAZSHARIF were seen sitting togather, there is realy no idealogy and no basic comitment between these two most croupt leaders of pakistan.

i guss, if MUSHARAF consider a new start and stop calling support from USA.kick out his unexpirenced political advisors and give right support to his supporters , he can bounce back very soon with very good new image or in other words MUSHARF can capitalize his holding of a very fair GENRAL ELECTIONS.:smokin:
'Q' trying to pit PPP against 'N': Nawaz

SANGLA HILL (Online) - PML-N Quaid Nawaz Sharif has said that days of dictatorship are over and Pakistanis must see present situation and upcoming bright future instead of looking at the past.
Nawaz Sharif stressed that Pakistanis must keep vigil on enemy elements whose were trying to break the coalition between PML-N and PPP. He said this during his meeting with Ch Barjees Tahir, newly elected MNA from NA-135 Sangla Hill. He alleged that Parvez Elahi was provoking PPP against PML-N and warned him that revolution has emerged and time for ending of dictatorship is here.
He further said now no miscreants and devils could succeed in their conspiracies, adding, PML-N and PPP’s coalition is purely for sake of country solidarity and integrity and it would remain continued. On that occasion, Barjees Tahir demanded to Nawaz for re-shifting of Sangla Hill from District Nankana to Sheikhupura. Nawaz also assured that this problem would be on top priority after govt formation.

The Nation
ITS called politics, its a right of a political party to do actions which are best to get peoples supprt , i guss its normal and its legal in pakistan?
NAWAZ have to consider his own role durring past 20 years, he will find much more issues and situations and his actions which caused him in the face of dictator MUSHARF. NAWAZ was fully responsible of seting MUSHARAF IN POWER.
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