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PMC a icon of incompetence and corruption , a havoc for Pak students

Village life

Oct 8, 2016
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Pakistan medical commission the successor of PMDC is the federal body to control the medical studies and it's affiliated institutions in Pakistan and abroad. The council is in highlights since its formation and is being widely criticized for it's dubious and beyond Jurisdictional acts and for bypassing its own laws. The conduction of MDCAT is a highly controversial and dubious, many students are saying that they are being deprived of their basic right of study on the name of this test. It is worrying and astonishing to see that medical council have made three lists of foreign universities from which Pakistani students can get medical education and the colleges included in all these list do not ask any entry test but if you want to study in Pakistan in a govt or private institution you have to pass MDCAT and on completion of medical course you have to pass NLE again clearly double standards of PMC, but if you study from a third world country you have to pass only NLE . This means a Pakistani student can study abroad but is deprived of it's right to study in Pakistan due to this situation last year nearly 800 seats of BDS remained vacant in private medical and dental colleges isn't it strange ? It seems PMC is working for foreign third grade institutions and arranging students and forrx for them.Many students are heading towards Central Asian countries and some are going to China Ukraine Iran Bangladesh etc where they get admissions easily without any tests but they are taking precious forex with them thanks to PMC. More ever the misery doesn't stop here it's is made impossible for poor s to study medical in Pakistan by heavy unnecessary expenses i. e testing fee 6000, to prepare for test expenses for tuition center range from 60k to 100k just to pass the MDCAT which majority can not afford. The conduction of MDCAT is it self very dubious because online testing system is many times hacked and stoped no immediate answer key is given to students as it was done in previous govt.
There are rumors specially in Sindh that if you want to pass MDCAT give 20 to 25 lakhs to some tuition centers they can arrange for you 170 to 175 marks which will insure your place in a public medical college depriving the deserving one it's right to become a doctor , how cruel is it! Only deprived can understand, it's a open secret now that agents of PMC are now everywhere to make money for its bosses and fellows, it's a nexus of mafias which will be revealed in any other govt but not in PTI, s
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Uncles leading the way, who themselves took multiple attempts at passing their medical exams, and more so, when doing specialization.

How can they tolerate and witness the current generation of students / doctors to pass the exam on their first attempt?

NLE is purely WRONG
This is the level of our student nowadays. Every one is looking for easy passage and no one wants to put any effort in to studies. With standard of our unis dropping like rock governing body is doing the right thing by conducting these exams.

A final exams by both PMC and PEC should be compulsory before certifying them for their respective fields.
Hands off to the students who think that taking test is injustice ...
Hats off to those who blindly work for someone without knowing the truth , no one is asking to abandoned the test but do it transparently , jus do it as PMDC was doing , how come a test be transparent when you conduct it in two months for 175 k students , the toppers are failing and third graders are passing , name a single foreign university in Central Asian , china Russia Iran which conducts such test , the original work of PMC is to make medical institutions up to the grade not the conduction of intermediate level tests,
Hats off to those who blindly work for someone without knowing the truth , no one is asking to abandoned the test but do it transparently , jus do it as PMDC was doing , how come a test be transparent when you conduct it in two months for 175 k students , the toppers are failing and third graders are passing , name a single foreign university in Central Asian , china Russia Iran which conducts such test , the original work of PMC is to make medical institutions up to the grade not the conduction of intermediate level tests,
If u have capability then pass the test rather than winning about it ...

I am from a profession known to be one of the test exams in Pakistan to pass and thats one of the reason that my qualification is the most credible one.

Work hard and accept the challenge
If u have capability then pass the test rather than winning about it ...

I am from a profession known to be one of the test exams in Pakistan to pass and thats one of the reason that my qualification is the most credible one.

Work hard and accept the challenge
O uncle o chcha no one is afraid of tests it all about corruption and leaking out questions for money , you blind followers of IK ko Mrna bhi hy k nahi,? why don't you do tests on paper and give carbon copy to student instead of doing it on a hacked and compromised online system , Aga Khan uni is doing tests like this , all previous govt did this , you know what's happening in test centers those who have paid 20 to 25 lakhs are given a rellay of easy questions , like dicot mono cot seeds , difference between organic and inorganic etc , just open the you tube and listen to crying toppers , tum jahanum mian jalo gy inshallah IK or Bajwa k Sath , Sara system tabhah kr k rakha dia hy , mavali tolay NY,
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O uncle o chcha no one is afraid of tests it all about corruption and leaking out questions for money , you blind followers of IK ko Mrna bhi hy k nahi,? why don't you do tests on paper and give carbon copy to student instead of doing it on a hacked and compromised online system , Aga Khan uni is doing tests like this , all previous govt did this , you know what's happening in test centers those who have paid 20 to 25 lakhs are given a rellay of easy questions , like dicot mono cot seeds , difference between organic and inorganic etc , just open the you tube and listen to crying toppers , tum jahanum mian jalo gy inshallah IK or Bajwa k Sath , Sara system tabhah kr k rakha dia hy , mavali tolay NY,
Those who have 25 lac need not to go through tests and can take admission in foreign colleges ... So stop lying ...

Dont quote for your BS winning ...
Those who have 25 lac need not to go through tests and can take admission in private colleges ... So stop lying ...

Dont quote for your BS winning ...
You are one of most unaware person of The entire pDf ,just remember your this reply it's enough to guess your level of knowledge , people like you are responsible for downfall of PDF, and especially when the think tank analyst, I think to think you need brain and you are a brainless creature ,just look your first reply to this thread where you have said hands off instead of hats off, now coming to your this stupid disclaimer of people have money should go to private collage ! I simply say read the PMC regulations ,to get admissions in Pvt college one have to pass PMC MDCT with minimum 65 percent marks and then to pass that colleges separate entry test then after completing MBBS one have to pass PMC NLE,
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When PMDC was there we were not satisfied, now PMC is there again we are not satisfied. After Covid19, the government showed some leniency for the promotion of students to next grade. Now they think it is their right.
For a long, the population of Pakistan was living with the same institutes. There are plenty of educational experts/advisers in Pakistan none has the ability to point out such flaws?
Hands off to the students who think that taking test is injustice ...
Sir, as a premed who's going to give the PMC MDCAT in the morning (wish me luck), I can testify that their testing system is BS. They have given each student a specific date between 30th Aug and 30th Sept, where the student shall go and give the entrance exam online. 30 different papers for 30 different days. How can they hope to keep the paper on the same difficulty level? Why do some students get a month more for prep than others?

Secondly, manyyyy questions in these tests are out of syllabus or straight up wrong(many friends of mine have already given the test so we know). The system crashes mid paper, internet connections turn off, yet they tell us to keep going and to keep answering. The result comes 1 hour later on our gmails where 90% students fail.

Thirdly, the answer keys are most certainly wrong. That is the only possible reason why board toppers are failing and others are passing. My class fellows who hold world distinctions in A-level CAIEs have failed this exam, even tho the questions are matric-level. Extremely basic questions, it makes no sense why mostly everyone is failing. PMC provided all us applicants with a practice test before this, it had 60% answer keys wrong to questions as basic as which blood group is a universal donor(they had answer marked as AB). That's just one out of 70 wrong marked mcqs in a paper of 210 mcqs. Who's to say the real paper isn't like that?

And to make matters worse, we don't get a copy of our papers after the test or the correct answers, we just get a number on a screen mailed to us. Where's the credibility? Someone who's got 90%+ in board exams fails their mcat which has matric level mcqs, with less than 65% marks in it, deserves to atleast know what he/she did wrong, right? If PMC believes they're correct, they can just show the papers and prove it. Which they won't and they've said so explicitly.

What we do want is a single paper, on a single day, centralized for everyone, on paper. In past years, they let students take the question paper home and they kept the answer sheet themselves, so within a day, it became public knowledge whether any question was wrong or out of syllabus and the students received grace marks for those. That's not too much to ask, I hope.
I've scored 87% equivalency in my Alevels, if Allah wills then my paper in the morning shall make my way into a govt medical college.
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You are one of most unaware person of The entire pDf ,just remember your this reply it's enough to guess your level of knowledge , people like you are responsible for downfall of PDF, and especially when the think tank analyst, I think to think you need brain and you are a brainless creature ,just look your first reply to this thread where you have said hands off instead of hats off, now coming to your this stupid disclaimer of people have money should go to private collage ! I simply say read the PMC regulations ,to get admissions in Pvt college one have to pass PMC MDCT with minimum 65 percent marks and then to pass that colleges separate entry test then after completing MBBS one have to pass PMC NLE,
Sir, as a premed who's going to give the PMC MDCAT in the morning (wish me luck), I can testify that their testing system is BS. They have given each student a specific date between 30th Aug and 30th Sept, where the student shall go and give the entrance exam online. 30 different papers for 30 different days. How can they hope to keep the paper on the same difficulty level? Why do some students get a month more for prep than others?

Secondly, manyyyy questions in these tests are out of syllabus or straight up wrong(many friends of mine have already given the test so we know). The system crashes mid paper, internet connections turn off, yet they tell us to keep going and to keep answering. The result comes 1 hour later on our gmails where 90% students fail.

Thirdly, the answer keys are most certainly wrong. That is the only possible reason why board toppers are failing and others are passing. My class fellows who hold world distinctions in A-level CAIEs have failed this exam, even tho the questions are matric-level. Extremely basic questions, it makes no sense why mostly everyone is failing. PMC provided all us applicants with a practice test before this, it had 60% answer keys wrong to questions as basic as which blood group is a universal donor(they had answer marked as AB). That's just one out of 70 wrong marked mcqs in a paper of 210 mcqs. Who's to say the real paper isn't like that?

And to make matters worse, we don't get a copy of our papers after the test or the correct answers, we just get a number on a screen mailed to us. Where's the credibility? Someone who's got 90%+ in board exams fails their mcat which has matric level mcqs, with less than 65% marks in it, deserves to atleast know what he/she did wrong, right? If PMC believes they're correct, they can just show the papers and prove it. Which they won't and they've said so explicitly.

What we do want is a single paper, on a single day, centralized for everyone, on paper. In past years, they let students take the question paper home and they kept the answer sheet themselves, so within a day, it became public knowledge whether any question was wrong or out of syllabus and the students received grace marks for those. That's not too much to ask, I hope.
I've scored 87% equivalency in my Alevels, if Allah wills then my paper in the morning shall make my way into a govt medical college.
Best of luck my friend.

The issues u r mentioning r your fears. I am a fellow chartered accountant and the situation u r mentioning (except for wrong answers and multiple papers) is quite common in CA.

People claiming paper to be out of questions. People having top positions falling. Me myself was a group of 4 top students of my region in luding one topper of karachi board started CA at the same time and out 4 of us i had the lowest marks. However by the passage of time i was the one who completed it the earliest of all. Furthermore in our CA exams alot of toppers of karachi board and joined failed and left.

So passing one exam doesnot means u can pass others as well. Every exams has different standard and different requirements.

Babar is the best but if he failed to perform on 2 pitch whereas a bowler score better than him in batting than does it means bowler or the stadium management was cheating or the process is flawed ? No it means u failled to perform on the particular day in particular game.

With respect to wrong questions, papers are made by humans so if someone is doing mistakes then it can be improved. But it doesnot means the system is wrong.

U r too young to get afraid of these tests. Keeping pushing yourself against all the odds believing in yourself
The issues u r mentioning r your fears. I am a fellow chartered accountant and the situation u r mentioning (except for wrong answers and multiple papers) is quite common in CA.

People claiming paper to be out of questions. People having top positions falling. Me myself was a group of 4 top students of my region in luding one topper of karachi board started CA at the same time and out 4 of us i had the lowest marks. However by the passage of time i was the one who completed it the earliest of all. Furthermore in our CA exams alot of toppers of karachi board and joined failed and left.
This is untrue, there are legitimate cases being filed against PMC on it as well, it has been very much documented by other institutions. This isn't a 'fear by students' how can technical issues and errors on their part be of the students fault.
This is untrue, there are legitimate cases being filed against PMC on it as well, it has been very much documented by other institutions. This isn't a 'fear by students' how can technical issues and errors on their part be of the students fault.
This so called think tank analyst is a biased and clueless person he sees everything from a political party prospective, have zero knowledge what's happening around he is here to defend all the nonsenses and corruption done by this so called tabdeeli clowns, he is here to give negative rating to some simple logical things , even if someone points his own miskes he gives negative rating , what a waste of time interacting with him,

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