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PM Modi has brought a paradigm shift in defence; 'Make in India' an imperative: BrahMos' Sudhir Mish


Sep 12, 2015
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PM Modi has brought a paradigm shift in defence; 'Make in India' an imperative: BrahMos' Sudhir Mishra

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PM Narendra Modi has brought a paradigm shift in India's defence sphere, says Sudhir Kumar Mishra, MD & CEO, of BrahMos Aerospace. In a wide-ranging interview with Economictimes.com's Smriti Jain and Ruchi Bambha, Mishra talks about the importance of integrating the BrahMos missile on Sukhoi-30 MKI fighter aircraft and the future of India-Russia defence ties. Mishra also emphasizes that any country that can manufacture aircraft, submarines and tanks is a superpower. Edited Excerpts:

What is your take on the government's 'Make in India' push?

India missed the industrial and automobile revolution. Automobile revolution was very important because it would have given way to engineering know-how. In the 1980s we realised that the way to move to forward is to get into the service sector. The then Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi knew the power of information technology (IT) and the need to promote it.

IT is less capital intensive and thus pursuing it was a very good move. In the meantime, China was witnessing an industrial manufacturing revolution. Both the countries became successful in their chosen fields. However, after 10-15 years, we realised that we have reached a level of incompetence.

The present government realized that we bypassed something which was important for India to become strong in the field of manufacturing. It is a compulsion for us to go for 'Make in India'. Manufacturing is essential for a nation's build up and sustenance. We cannot become a well-to-do nation without it.

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50% defence budget unused, all contracts looking increasingly weird- he's brought 'paradigm shift' alright!
What steps should be taken to aggressively push the 'Make in India' initiative for defence?

Unlike the past, under 'Make in India', we do not pay the transfer-of-technology (TOT) fee or licence fee. Foreign companies are asked to find a strategic partner in India or setup their own subsidiary and carry out the manufacturing activity here. When these companies want to export arms, they should source items from India, and then only the 'Make in India' policy will become successful. The strategic partner (Indian), who has absorbed the technology, would be able to use that technology in some other product and independently sell it all over the world.

For 'Make in India' to be a success, it has to firstly meet the defence requirement of our country. In the second phase, the government will have to come out with an exports policy, so that the strategic partner (Indian), which has absorbed the technology, will start designing a product from day one, with exports in mind.

My suggestion is that under 'Make in India' policy, we should also have 'Make by India', as it would be economically sustainable and will be a financially viable proposition.

PM Modi has brought a paradigm shift in India's defence sphere. India will now extensively manufacture ships and helicopters. It is said that any country which can manufacture aircraft, submarines and tanks is a superpower.

PM Narendra Modi recently concluded his visit to Russia. Where do you see India-Russia defence ties headed?

Russia is our first strategic partner. Historically, Russia has proved that it is India's friend. India has received Russia's help in setting up a wide range of infrastructural projects. Based on this historical perspective, I feel that the future is going to be as eventful as the past.

There are talks that India will buy the S-400 missile system, which is one of the best systems in the world. Russians have always given us their best product. S-400 will be able to serve India for at least 30 years.

Also, Russia will set up their Kamov manufacturing plant in India. That would be a complete game changer, because Russians do not believe in such ventures where they source defence equipment from abroad.

BrahMos missile will be test-fired from Sukhoi 30MKI fighter aircraft very soon. Tell us the significance of this integration...

The launch of BrahMos missile from Su-30MKI comprises several phases. BrahMos is a very heavy missile and such class of missiles has never been integrated with Su-30MKI. Structural modifications have been carried out in the aircraft to integrate BrahMos on to it. This task was completed on the first Su-30MKI aircraft by HAL Nashik, and the modification of the second aircraft is under progress.

After that, certain theoretical studies were carried out; such as Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis, which tests whether an aircraft launcher and missile are able to fly in the air without any hindrance. Also, a wind-tunnel test has been conducted at NAL Bangalore. Apart from this, launcher design development and certification have been done. Currently the qualification testing of the launcher is in progress at BATL Trivandrum - a subsidiary unit of BrahMos Aerospace. This is one of the heaviest launchers one can design and develop in the whole world.

Around three-to-four varieties of missile will be flown on Su-30MKI to testify the integration. Dummy and technology missile tests will be carried out along with a pure drop test of the missile. Finally, in the fourth stage, the actual test of the missile would be against land and ship targets. We should be able to reach to that stage in the second part of 2016.

I want to highlight that this missile is the heaviest-ever flown on Su-30. The day the missile flies from the aircraft and hits the target; the whole aeronautics community would be saluting BrahMos Aerospace for achieving a very, very difficult milestone in missile and aeronautical technology.

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How many trials of the missile are likely on the Sukhoi 30-MKI, before it is inducted by the IAF? Has IAF placed any requirement of the number of BrahMos missiles it wants?

The missile has already been inducted in the Indian Army, Indian Navy and Indian Air Force (land version). The land version of the missile has been tested more than 50 times. We are 100% confident that there is no problem with the missile. Therefore, we will conduct only one flight test each against land target and ship targets. The Indian Air Force has placed an order, but I cannot share the number with you.

The underwater trial of BrahMos missile has been carried out successfully. However, Indian Navy does not have a submarine from which you can test fire the BrahMos...

BrahMos has been successfully flight tested from a pontoon. As a system, pontoon behaves very similar to a submarine. It has been demonstrated that the missile can be launched from sub-water. We are in touch with many submarine manufacturers in Russia (Rubin Design Bureau), Germany (HDW) and Spain (Navantia). These submarine manufacturers have confirmed that it is possible to integrate BrahMos with their submarines. BrahMos is one of the credible weapons in the inventory of Indian Navy, so we are very confident that the test will happen in the future.

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What is the update on the Mark II version of the BrahMos? What are the production and trial timelines and how does it improve on the existing missile system?

BrahMos Mark II or Hypersonic BrahMos will be able to fly much faster than the existing one. The speed of the existing BrahMos missile is 2.8 to 3 Mach. In order to make a pure hypersonic missile, one has to make a scramjet engine. Our study suggests that the present engine can be improved if we redesign some components and do proper thermal management, after which the missile can travel at a speed of 5 Mach.

At 5 Mach speed, the engine cannot be called pure hypersonic. In fact it is just beginning of the hypersonic regime. There are some problems in making a pure hypersonic engine. As of now, we are conducting research completely in the theoretical region. To test a pure hypersonic engine, we will have to make electronics which can withstand very high temperature. We have to make it shock proof so that it can withstand speed of 8-9 Mach. My estimate is that we will be standing at the door of hypersonic engine in about three to four years, and pure hypersonic in about seven to eight years.

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50% defence budget unused, all contracts looking increasingly weird- he's brought 'paradigm shift' alright!

Can you add your comment after my last post and delete the one in between my posts - Thanks
50% defence budget unused, all contracts looking increasingly weird- he's brought 'paradigm shift' alright!
50% is an exageration my friend and this is simply an inherited trend we have seen occuring for the past decade or so. A new GoI was never going to be able to address this in <2 years. The babus' regressive mindset is far too entrenched.

The Indian Air Force has placed an order, but I cannot share the number with you.
As if this journalist actually asked for specific numbers! Thankfully Mr Mishra adhered to the Offical secrets act.
Has IAF placed any requirement of the number of BrahMos missiles it wants?

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