It is not just true that people are unable to choose a candidate from many contestants. It has been proved many times in the past elections since 1946 that they can do.
As for development works of the country, it continues as the bureaucrats has been getting training since 1947/ 1971.
One man or one party dictatorship is no recipe for any country. Look what North Korea is without democracy.
In a democracy, people make mistakes by electing wrong people to the Parliament. But, then in the next election the wrong MPs or the PM can be ousted.
As for development works
@Bilal9 wrote, building infrastructures by loans provided by foreign donors is not a real development. I will cite Pakistan, SL and most countries in Latin America.
However, I would say the two Mayors of Dhaka are doing real development works. Most money is from the govt coffer and loans from the local Banks. I hope, there is no Chinese loan there.
Simply speaking, there is no alternative to democracy. However, most of the political parties have so far failed to print/ circulate manifestoes about how each part would do if in power.
The sitting BAL party should print its menifesto that can be emulated by other parties with their own agenda.