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PM directs CMs for measures to check price-hike, hoarding


Apr 2, 2008
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PM directs CMs for measures to check price-hike, hoarding
October 05, 2010
By Muhammad Saleh Zaafir

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani in a rare move has asked all four provincial governments, administration of Gilgit-Baltistan and prime minister of Azad Kashmir to urgently put in place new measures to control price hike and hoarding of essential commodities by the unscrupulous elements, ensuring that the essential items of daily use are available to the common man easily at affordable price.:coffee:

“The provincial governments are best placed to take appropriate steps to control price especially after production losses in the post flood period. I would also urge you to take further steps to improve security of life and property of the common man.”

Highly placed sources told ‘The News’ here on Monday that the prime minister who has initiated taking steps to bring about tangible improvement for a conspicuous change has written officially to the chief ministers of the five governments for the first time with specific suggestions. It has been hinted that the prime minister is summoning a chief ministers’ conference and a special meeting of the Council of Common Interests (CCI) during this month with the purpose of addressing the common man’s issues. Instructions are being issued to relevant authorities shortly in this regard.

Prime Minister Gilani in his urgent letter has reminded the chief ministers that the year 2008 marked the historic transition to a democratic dispensation after years of dictatorial rule in the country. People of Pakistan voted the present political leadership into power to once again set the country on the path of welfare and progress.

He has written, “I am glad that despite inheriting several serious challenges, in a period of two years and a half the structural issues have been addressed and foundations of the country have been strengthened. Announcement of consensus 7th NFC Award and the restoration of the original Constitution of 1973 through the 18th Amendment are the true dividends of democracy. The political leadership has shown unprecedented common understanding unity and maturity. It stands together in protecting and promoting democracy and addressing the problems of the common man today.”:lol:

“The structural issues having been addressed it is time to take up the challenge of addressing the common man’s problems in an upfront and bold manner. Inflation, price hikes, security of life and property, better health and education are issues that deserve even more serious attention. Together we are committed to address these to win public trust and make democracy stronger,” the PM added.:no:

“Let me assure you that in days and months to come the federal government will do whatever it can to address the challenges facing the country. War against terrorism will go on macro-economic stability will be maintained and economic growth restored to ensure food security and control inflation. The challenge of rehabilitation and re-construction of flood-hit areas will be met by mobilizing resources domestically and externally. The federal government has announced freezing its expenditure at the level of the last year to support post-flood reconstruction. I would expect the provincial governments to announce a freeze on provincial expenditures leading to availability of additional financial resources for re-construction,” the prime minister said.:disagree:

Addressing the chief ministers he said, “Let me remind you that authority and responsibility go together. After the 7th NFC Award historic fiscal devolution has taken place. Provinces now stand fiscally empowered to define their priorities and design programmes for the welfare of the common man. :cool:

The 18th Amendment has empowered the provinces politically and administratively. The governments must use these additional resources and powers optimally and judiciously for the welfare of the common man. The provincial governments must urgently design policies and build the requisite administrative capacities to utilize these resources for the betterment of the people:lol:

Gilani has assured the provincial government in his concluding observation that he would like to assure them that the federal government is fully aware of its responsibilities and stands committed to resolving problems of the common man. The letter has been written to all five chief ministers and prime minister of Azad Kashmir.
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