Guerilla warfare is related to Che Guevara tactics. Sure the Afghan Talibans engaged in hit and run tactics, but they mainly gained strength because the Americans really did not enjoy their soldiers dying in the occupation. It was a distant land they feel no connection with. Also, trillions of dollars were spent on that war, accumulating US debt.
It was more likely attrition because the Americans spent a lot of money and resources on Afghanistan.
Even if you guys engage in guerilla tactics against the potential occupiers, it's not 100 percent fool-proof. Guerilla soldiers are not treated according to Geneva Conventions so that can cause GENOCIDE possibilities. You must remember that India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi has already a lot of experience in genocides.
Do the math. In case your lands fall to the occupiers, you will be taking a lot of casualties because the mercenaries will be like butchers. And they will have advanced technology at their disposal. 5th generation warfare even without nuclear weapons leads to immediate victory.
So unless and until your forces are developing 5th generation warfare, and stealth technology capabilities, you will be toast.
I get it that China is a useful ally for Pakistan. Maybe they will help you. But only if you take the threats seriously.
All the BRAVADO will disappoint you in the end.