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PLA researcher says US aims to encircle China


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PLA researcher says US aims to encircle China

PLA researcher says US aims to encircle China

PLA researcher says US aims to encircle China - Arab News

Published: Nov 28, 2011 12:10 Updated: Nov 28, 2011 12:10

BEIJING: The United States clearly wants to encircle China, a prominent Chinese military commentator said on Monday in some of the bluntest criticism of President Barack Obama’s recent diplomatic push into the Asia-Pacific region.

People’s Liberation Army Major General Luo Yuan, well known for his hawkish views, made the warning in a commentary about Obama’s visit to Asia that was published on the website of the People’s Daily (ÈËÃñÍø), the top paper of China’s ruling Communist Party.

Earlier this month, Obama told Asia-Pacific leaders that the United States was “here to stay,” announced plans to set up a de facto military base in northern Australia and chided China for refusing to discuss its South China Sea disputes at regional forums.

“The United States is making much of its ‘return to Asia,’ has been positioning pieces and forces on China’s periphery, and the intent is very clear — this is aimed at China, to contain China,” Luo wrote in the commentary, which quickly spread across the Chinese Internet.

“The United States has committed a fatal strategic error. It has misjudged its foes, it has placed its strategic focus in the wrong location, and its strategic means are wrong,” wrote Luo.

The comments do not represent official policy — Beijing has reacted to Obama’s diplomatic push with calls for cooperation. But they do illustrate the undercurrents of nationalist ire with Washington that Beijing’s policy-makers face.

Luo was among several PLA officer-pundits who lambasted US policy earlier last year, before both governments moved to ease tensions over Taiwan, Tibet and other disputes.

Analysts have said that although the PLA is firmly under the thumb of China’s Communist Party, officer-analysts have been given some leeway to strike a tougher tone in their comments.

Later in 2010, however, Chinese President Hu Jintao made clear that he could ill-afford a new round of tensions that might sour ties with Washington ahead of 2012, when he retires from power and the US is focused on its presidential race.

Hu admonished the military for letting officers speak on sensitive disputes, a scholar familiar with official discussions who spoke on condition of anonymity told Reuters earlier.

But Luo, at least, appears emboldened to speak out again.

He said the United States should keep focused on its “war on terror” against Islamist militants.

“China has not provoked US interests, so what are you doing running to Asia to encircle China?” wrote Luo.

“If you shift your strategic focus to the Asia-Pacific, who will protect your own backyard. Don’t you worry about a second September 11 incident?” he asked, referring to the devastating 2001 attacks on New York and Washington D.C.

© 2010 Arab News
Since bin laden died am just loving it.... America's full focus on china. China tried to do same with india.... Even the bangladesh and nepal and shrilanka military cope was done by china.... It was chinese brain behind it.... But everything failed.... infact shri lankan president phoned india and asked for military help.... Bangladesh goverment has good relation with india. But what about china? Australia and vietnaam were friend of china.... They both with america and india now.... Myanmar is next. Really china got just pakistan and north korea. North korean master is brainless and even threaten china once.... While pakistan is the only bait china got. Honestly pakistan will be used as cover by china. Feels sad about pakistani peoples.... China has no where to run.... Blame it on communist leader who thought threatning countries around it will benefit it.... But it backfire.... India loving it truely.... Can't believe so much fool chinese goverment will be.... They just lost its thinking power as soon as america ended bin laden.... China in spotlight of america. Enjoy.
Mr Luo yuan thinks america is brainless.... He thinks america didnt know who told pakistan to take care of Bin laden.... He thinks america dont know that china wants america to be busy in war on terror.... America knew everything once it ended china's hero bin laden (i have seen bin laden dolls famous in china. As if china declared bin laden a war hero). China can't hide anymore.... NATO'S airstrike on pakistan was not about pakistan.... It was a hint to china....
they are supporting Chinese economy by getting so much imports,on the other side encircling!
A serious game
All said and done the world's focus has gone to China now. Chinese are playing for time probably waiting for the US to collapse to teach others a lesson and to build themselves up, they reckon its not the time to be foolhardy but a lot many defenses will be up against china when the time comes. Chinese might be feeling quite lonely at the moment.
All said and done the world's focus has gone to China now. Chinese are playing for time probably waiting for the US to collapse to teach others a lesson and to build themselves up, they reckon its not the time to be foolhardy but a lot many defenses will be up against china when the time comes. Chinese might be feeling quite lonely at the moment.

Correct; we do not need to win, we only need to not lose too soon (economic collapsed and political dissolution). Our waiting game is against the US right now, so it would be foolish for India to be caught in the crossfire.
@Fairandunbiased what u think of american navy with indian navy? Is it stronger then your mighty china? (cheap junk nation). Ever heard about indian ocean? 90percent china's supply goes through it.... India holds china's future and chinise communist leader knows it.... Better put that in your head too.... indian ocean is very important. You say india dont wanna caught in fire.... Heck we came inside south china sea. Still waiting for china to take action. THEY WONT. heard me? Why they won't? Well because they would get reply in 'INDIAN OCEAN'....

Indian navy? You mean Russian navy with Indian people on it.

Indian ocean? You mean the body of water that a country whose capital is 200 km away from the Chinese border borders, and tries to monopolize?

The only thing we need to do is to bomb India's water towers, hospitals, power stations, schools, water treatment plants, bridges and other vital civil infrastructure to bring Mumbai and New Delhi to a halt. Then people will start eating each other as they start suffering from no water, no power, no medicine, no education, no leadership, and no way for government to bring in aid. Once everyone is on the street we can just bomb Mumbai and New Delhi with biochemical weapons and kill the entire population of those cities.

If India replies with nukes, then we will wipe India off the map with our 200 times larger arsenal.

And the best part is, no one will make a move against us because we can veto any actions in the UN and claim that our actions are simply protecting freedom of navigation in the East African Ocean.
@Fairandunbiased what u think of american navy with indian navy? Is it stronger then your mighty china? (cheap junk nation).

American navy is worlds best but what can we make of the Indian navy? Well, like navy, like country is all that I can say:lol:
India is a junk nation that is lagging behind China in almost every field and your endless yapping will not distort its course.
Better stick around to dismantle somemore e-junks that is coming your way from China via America, friend.

Ever heard about indian ocean? 90percent china's supply goes through it.... India holds china's future and chinise communist leader knows it.... Better put that in your head too.... indian ocean is very important.

The Indian leadership and its wiser heads understands what it means to interfere, so their decisions and actions always stops short of a direct conflict. Perhaps they know what will be coming their way should they take on China. Fact is your country isn't ready and does not have the capability to support itself for a long costly war hence your country is a buyer nation, not one that produces its own military hardwares. More specifically, it does not want to see its economy go backwards and start again from scratch.

You say india dont wanna caught in fire.... Heck we came inside south china sea. Still waiting for china to take action. THEY WONT. heard me? Why they won't? Well because they would get reply in 'INDIAN OCEAN'....

Wrong, we won't because it's not the wisest of things to do. India can only tag along with others but is too weak to confront China alone. What will India do if China shows up with its navy? attack it? and what will India do if China's ships trespasses the Indian ocean? attack it? We will just explore and exploit the Indian Ocean whilst engaging in some meaningless talks for the time being. We are in no hurry but our economy is still growing and so is our military and so too is our friend Pakistan. Sometimes we don't want to go that way, but India just loves getting frustrated about its neighbours for no reasons so we have no other options but to help them on it ;)
They not only get the privilege of having our toxic waste shoved down their throat, they also are forced to be shipbreakers and dying every day to falls, toxic chemicals and fires just to salvage some scrap metal from ships made in China.
America's New Cold War With China

By declaring that he will dispatch 2,500 Marines to Australia, President Obama has crossed a line, beginning a new Cold War with China, one based on military encirclement on sea and land, costing unknown trillions in defense dollars, and shoring up cheap labor markets in a free trade zone excluding China. An increased emphasis on China's systemic human rights violations will provide a liberal rationale for the new global competition.

Just as some might wonder what the North Atlantic Treaty Organization is doing in Afghanistan, one might wonder what the United States Navy is doing in the China Sea. Call it imperialism, globalization or great power politics; the new strategy is a replica of the eighty-year Cold War against the Soviet Union. That conflict resulted in the implosion of the Soviet Union and much rhetoric about America becoming the "sole superpower," but has done little to advance the US wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan; end the American isolation in Latin America; or prevent the rise of China as the emerging economic power. Along the way, millions of people died, were wounded or displaced in a series of hot wars with the Cold War as backdrop and rationale. By analogy, the new Cold War is based on the historic Soviet model of squeezing China's budget through military encirclement, while hoping for internal uprisings by Chinese workers and intellectuals against austerity and repression.

The new Cold War may be intended to be more economic, political and diplomatic than military. But bloody wars might erupt between North and South Korea, China and Taiwan, or through proxy wars involving Pakistan and India. The US network of emerging military alliances could obligate the US to enter such conflicts.

America's leading foreign policy guru, Henry Kissinger, who has visited China more than seventy times, signals in his book, On China, the strategic challenge of China to the American global agenda, recommending a cautious path of coexistence with the new superpower. On the right, of course, are those with longstanding demands to "roll back" China, abetted by many seeking to impose trade sanctions. Hillary Clinton, in a November Foreign Policy article, called for a "more broadly-distributed military presence" combined with "forward-deployed diplomacy," and warned -- above all -- against a post-Iraq, post-Afghanistan domestic desire to "come home." (Ironically, "America, come home," was the cry of George McGovern's 1972 presidential campaign, which both Clintons supported.)

At precisely the moment that our country is convulsed with historic protests against grinding poverty, foreclosures and unemployment, the US foreign policy elite seems more intent on occupying military bases abroad than answering Occupy Wall Street at home.

Viewed historically, this is a classic example of choosing the path of overseas expansion -- the "Open Door" foreign policy described by William Appleman Williams in The Tragedy of American Diplomacy -- to channel attention and resources away from solving problems at home.

Obama's new Cold War approach includes an emphasis on continued bilateral cooperation with China while adopting a more aggressive and confrontational policy. Obama asserts that the United States is a "Pacific nation," which intends to play "a larger and long-term role in shaping this region and its future."

Could anyone imagine the Chinese government sending carriers and submarines to the California coast and announcing their intention to play a larger long-term role in shaping the western coasts of the Americas?

Instead of denouncing "coming home" as a new "isolationism", the question should be whether America is being committed to an over-extension of resources that should be invested in jobs at home.

If Obama rules out any defense cutbacks in the Asian Pacific region, where will the funding for our cities come from? If China chooses to respond aggressively, for example over Taiwan, will the US respond in kind, or be forced into backing down? Why should the US emphasize hard power against a nation that cannot be defeated militarily? Why not a nonviolent "soft power" strategy, through a relentless defense of human rights, civil liberties, Internet access and the elimination of sweatshop labor conditions based on collusion between Chinese authorities and global Western corporations? Why not a primary emphasis on nonviolent cooperation with China on energy efficiency and green jobs?

In Machiavellian terms, is the new American deployment a cover for the pending withdrawal of American combat forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, or the real rationale for the Long War?

The neo-conservative thinker Robert Kaplan writes,

"stabilizing Afghanistan is about much more than just the anti-terrorist war against al-Qaeda and the Taliban; it is about securing the future prosperity of the whole of southern Eurasia, as well as easing India and Pakistan towards peaceful coexistence through the sharing of energy resources." (Kaplan, Robert. Monsoon: The Indian Ocean and the Future of American Power, 2010, p. 14)

That expansionist goal of Afghan policy has never been officially articulated.

As Kaplan notes, US navy ships already have bombed Iraq and Afghanistan from the Indian Ocean, while the Air Force tries to secure Iraq and Afghanistan from bases in the Persian Gulf and the Indian Ocean. "Any American strike against Iran -- and its aftershocks regarding the flow of oil -- will have an Indian Ocean address," he adds.

The US Marines "Vision and Strategy" paper (June 2008) predicts that the Indian Ocean will be a central theater of conflict and competition in next decade, while the 2007 US naval strategy called for a "sustained forward presence" in the same region.

"Herein lies the entire arc of Islam, from the eastern fringe of the Sahara Desert to the Indonesia archipelago," Kaplan goes on, the epicenter of al-Qaeda, terrorism and anarchy. Here lie, he says, are the principle oil shipping lanes and "choke points of world commerce." "Forty percent of seaborne crude oil passes through the Strait of Hormuz at one end of the ocean, and 50 percent of the world's merchant fleet capacity is hosted at the Strait of Malacca." He concludes, "The Indian Ocean rimland from the Middle East to the Pacific accounts for 70 percent of the traffic of petroleum products for the entire world."(Kaplan, p. 7)

Without public debate, without Congressional consent, without any cost projections, Americans are being herded into the dawn of a new era.

Tom Hayden: America's New Cold War With China
Well I guess America wouldn't go down without a fight after all. Get ready for the next 5 to 10 years, China. lol xDD
PLA researcher says US aims to encircle China

PLA researcher says US aims to encircle China

PLA researcher says US aims to encircle China - Arab News

Published: Nov 28, 2011 12:10 Updated: Nov 28, 2011 12:10

BEIJING: The United States clearly wants to encircle China, a prominent Chinese military commentator said on Monday in some of the bluntest criticism of President Barack Obama’s recent diplomatic push into the Asia-Pacific region.

People’s Liberation Army Major General Luo Yuan, well known for his hawkish views, made the warning in a commentary about Obama’s visit to Asia that was published on the website of the People’s Daily (ÈËÃñÍø), the top paper of China’s ruling Communist Party.

Earlier this month, Obama told Asia-Pacific leaders that the United States was “here to stay,” announced plans to set up a de facto military base in northern Australia and chided China for refusing to discuss its South China Sea disputes at regional forums.

“The United States is making much of its ‘return to Asia,’ has been positioning pieces and forces on China’s periphery, and the intent is very clear — this is aimed at China, to contain China,” Luo wrote in the commentary, which quickly spread across the Chinese Internet.

“The United States has committed a fatal strategic error. It has misjudged its foes, it has placed its strategic focus in the wrong location, and its strategic means are wrong,” wrote Luo.

The comments do not represent official policy — Beijing has reacted to Obama’s diplomatic push with calls for cooperation. But they do illustrate the undercurrents of nationalist ire with Washington that Beijing’s policy-makers face.

Luo was among several PLA officer-pundits who lambasted US policy earlier last year, before both governments moved to ease tensions over Taiwan, Tibet and other disputes.

Analysts have said that although the PLA is firmly under the thumb of China’s Communist Party, officer-analysts have been given some leeway to strike a tougher tone in their comments.

Later in 2010, however, Chinese President Hu Jintao made clear that he could ill-afford a new round of tensions that might sour ties with Washington ahead of 2012, when he retires from power and the US is focused on its presidential race.

Hu admonished the military for letting officers speak on sensitive disputes, a scholar familiar with official discussions who spoke on condition of anonymity told Reuters earlier.

But Luo, at least, appears emboldened to speak out again.

He said the United States should keep focused on its “war on terror” against Islamist militants.

“China has not provoked US interests, so what are you doing running to Asia to encircle China?” wrote Luo.

“If you shift your strategic focus to the Asia-Pacific, who will protect your own backyard. Don’t you worry about a second September 11 incident?” he asked, referring to the devastating 2001 attacks on New York and Washington D.C.

© 2010 Arab News

Discovery which will change the world :victory:
America was thinking about to exploit our resources and cheap labors at first.

Now they simply get stuck in their own little game, pretty funny eh?

Because China ain't stupid either to let you milking us till dry, once you provide us a single opportunity and we will checkmate you.
@fairandunbiased threatning india by nukes? How low can u get?.... Surely u have enough nukes for india and so does 'WE'. what about world? India need nukes for just two neighbours while china need nukes to bomb WORLD as whole world against china. By the way which country gave china old junk aircraft carrier for 20 million dollars?.... Indian navy far superior than chinise navy. Your army has adge against indian army but your navy and airforce lags far behind.... Chinese navy is a joke who gets mugged by vietnaam navy when they ramed your ship.... And your airforce got beaten in war exercise against turkey. Yes same turkey who is no match against powerful indian airforce. Turkey beaten chinese airforce like it playing with a toy.
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