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PKK Terrorists, Laws and Netherlands/The EU.

Apr 22, 2013
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11 Ağustos’ta yerel saatle 22.10’da Türkiye’nin Amsterdam Başkonsolosluğu’na düzenlenen molotofkokteylli saldırının faili,

PKK/KCK üyesi olduğu belirlenen Polater, kapatılan Adana 8. Ağır Ceza Mahkemesi tarafından “silahlı terör örgütüne üye olma” suçundan 2012 yılından itibaren kırmızı bülten ile aranıyor.

Türkiye’nin talebi üzerine 16 Temmuz 2012’de Bulgaristan’da yakalanan Polater, Hollanda tarafından 2004’te verilen mültecilik statüsü nedeniyle iade edilmedi.

mültecilerin hukuki statüsünü düzenleyen BM sözleşmesi doğrultusunda iltica talebinde bulunan bir kişiye kendi ülkesinde terör kapsamında suç işlemesi durumunda mültecilik statüsünün verilmemesi gerekiyor. Geçen yıl Interpol Genel Kurulunda da bu kapsamda bir karar alınmıştı.
The source: https://www.sozcu.com.tr/2018/dunya...sluguna-yapilan-saldiri-aydinlatildi-2576783/

A PKK terrorist with an Interpol red notice due to a PKK-membersip verdict in Turkey did attack a Turk embassy in Amsterdam with deadly molotov cocktail is released due to refugee-privilege given by Netherlands, which is against UN refugee laws(no refugee privilege to a terror criminal) and also Interpol resolution.
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A PKK terrorist with an Interpol red notice due to a PKK-membersip verdict in Turkey did attack a Turk embassy in Amsterdam with deadly molotov cocktail is released due to refugee-privilege given by Netherlands, which is against UN refugee laws(no refugee privilege to a terror criminal) and also Interpol resolution.
Even if there is no support to them there is definately a tolerance against pkk in many European countries.
The dutch citizen themselves are giving interview about how police raided a pkk training camp in heart of NL, how is something like this even possible without the goverment noticing anything?
Most funny part is dutch police didnt raid the camp because they were training terrorists but because of violance inside the camp.

Italy launches operation against YPG/PKK terrorist
Counter-terror teams in western Italy searched a suspected Italian YPG/PKK member’s house and seized his passport, local media reported Saturday.

Italian news agency ANSA said the police on Sardinia Island searched the houses of three Italian nationals within the framework of an operation against “war activities abroad”.

They were living on the island's central city of Nuoro and southern city of Cagliari.
the source: https://www.aa.com.tr/en/europe/italy-launches-operation-against-ypg-pkk-terrorist/1255490
A Kurd family living here told me that they have to support pkk even uf they do not want because they have relatives in Turkey who are known by pkk members so pkk threatens them if they are nit given support.
A Kurd family living here told me that they have to support pkk even uf they do not want because they have relatives in Turkey who are known by pkk members so pkk threatens them if they are nit given support.

Bullshit, nearly every Kurd in Europe is a PKK supporter.
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